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bill maher


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He's the left wing's answer to Bill O'Reily and Rush Limbaugh. Pompous, pointed, over the top. But at least he 1) was a commedian before he went politico and 2) has much better writers than the right wing folks.

Edited by Kid Cid
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I used to really enjoy his show on HBO. Insightful, funny, unpredictable, and usually nonpartisan. However, for the last 2 or 3 years the entire show is pretty much devoted to seeing how many ways Maher and his guests can call Bush a d-i-c-k, or a moron, or a closet homo.


It was funny the first couple of shows, but it's become WAY old. I don't even watch the show anymore since they just sit around stroking each other about how screwed up everything is under Bush. If he does actually have a panelist or guest on who tries to interject some sanity or reason to the proceedings, he or she gets cut off and its back to the "what a loser Bush is" schtick.

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I used to really enjoy his show on HBO. Insightful, funny, unpredictable, and usually nonpartisan. However, for the last 2 or 3 years the entire show is pretty much devoted to seeing how many ways Maher and his guests can call Bush a d-i-c-k, or a moron, or a closet homo.


It was funny the first couple of shows, but it's become WAY old. I don't even watch the show anymore since they just sit around stroking each other about how screwed up everything is under Bush. If he does actually have a panelist or guest on who tries to interject some sanity or reason to the proceedings, he or she gets cut off and its back to the "what a loser Bush is" schtick.



This sums alot of it up for me as well

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I enjoy the show sometimes...It really depends on whose on his panel that week. When it's all dems, the show becomes boring. When there's a repub or two on, it can sometimes be interesting/funny.



agreed - I enjoy his show- he has some interesting guests on his panel- and you can say what you want about Maher and his politics but the dude is pretty damn sharp and funny IMO.

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I used to really enjoy his show on HBO. Insightful, funny, unpredictable, and usually nonpartisan. However, for the last 2 or 3 years the entire show is pretty much devoted to seeing how many ways Maher and his guests can call Bush a d-i-c-k, or a moron, or a closet homo.


It was funny the first couple of shows, but it's become WAY old. I don't even watch the show anymore since they just sit around stroking each other about how screwed up everything is under Bush. If he does actually have a panelist or guest on who tries to interject some sanity or reason to the proceedings, he or she gets cut off and its back to the "what a loser Bush is" schtick.


I like new rules.


I agree with untateve, the show is only as good as Maher's weekly panel.


Bigrocks is right about the Bush bashing. I'm no fan of Dubya, but even I'm getting tired of hearing Maher trash him each week.

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The most politically correct person out there, and is a traitor.


I believe it was called "Politically Incorrect", wasn't it? And he's not so much a traitor as much as he did not use particularly good judgment with his choice of words less than two weeks after 9/11.


And for what it's worth, I still think about what he said (the whole "courage" thing) to get him fired by Disney. I also believe it was an interesting comment/topic that never got fully discussed as much as it should have been due to the timing of it all.

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My favorite liberal blowhard TV host is Keith Olbermann. I find him smarter than Maher and funnier than John Stewart. Plus he has cred with me because of his sports background. He's got his sports history down cold like the Schwab and was part of Sportscenter when it was at its best, with Kilborn and Patrick.

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My favorite liberal blowhard TV host is Keith Olbermann. I find him smarter than Maher and funnier than John Stewart. Plus he has cred with me because of his sports background. He's got his sports history down cold like the Schwab and was part of Sportscenter when it was at its best, with Kilborn and Patrick.


the 3 of them in their prime was the best crew I've seen yet..

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