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yep...any supplies definitely need to be kept secret and protected by firearms. i would use a 50 cal to crush the moral of any looters. when they see their komrade cut in half from 2000y, they wont come after my stuff. now i just need to go get all that stuff.

That's easy to say. Now, what will you do if it is a starving family coming to your house just looking for a meal to eat. Could you pull the trigger and take out the dad, the mom, and the kids--or do you just take out the dad and mom and make the kids go away where they will starve to death (or worse)? (Just wondering.)

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That's easy to say. Now, what will you do if it is a starving family coming to your house just looking for a meal to eat. Could you pull the trigger and take out the dad, the mom, and the kids--or do you just take out the dad and mom and make the kids go away where they will starve to death (or worse)? (Just wondering.)


If I was in a position to help, I would. If I wasn't in a position to help, then it is simple, the health and safety of my family come first. A lot of it would depend on timing. The come a looking right after a disaster or major meltdown, they will probably be eating lead. If they come after I've expanded the garden and we have a surplus, then I feed them.

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That's easy to say. Now, what will you do if it is a starving family coming to your house just looking for a meal to eat. Could you pull the trigger and take out the dad, the mom, and the kids--or do you just take out the dad and mom and make the kids go away where they will starve to death (or worse)? (Just wondering.)



they wouldnt get that close

Edited by dmarc117
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As the people who pushed "Have to agree here Saddam's WMDs!!!" and "Have to agree here terrorists want to kill your family in suburban Omaha"... aren't you guys the least bit worried that in a few years when everything is fine, you're going to look like overreacting prancing whining cowards again?


I mean... you already do. But then there's the sad moment when even you realize it.

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As the people who pushed "Have to agree here Saddam's WMDs!!!" and "Have to agree here terrorists want to kill your family in suburban Omaha"... aren't you guys the least bit worried that in a few years when everything is fine, you're going to look like overreacting prancing whining cowards again?


I mean... you already do. But then there's the sad moment when even you realize it.



its soooooo hot outside

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That's easy to say. Now, what will you do if it is a starving family coming to your house just looking for a meal to eat. Could you pull the trigger and take out the dad, the mom, and the kids--or do you just take out the dad and mom and make the kids go away where they will starve to death (or worse)? (Just wondering.)

ding! ding!


As the people who pushed "Have to agree here Saddam's WMDs!!!" and "Have to agree here terrorists want to kill your family in suburban Omaha"... aren't you guys the least bit worried that in a few years when everything is fine, you're going to look like overreacting prancing whining cowards again?


I mean... you already do. But then there's the sad moment when even you realize it.

and another ding.


My wife and I are likely better poised than most considering the amount of land we've devoted to crops and our rain barrels and such. However, I'm not going to pretend that we're in position to withstand a situation where people are wandering the streets with guns looking for a meal. Ultimately, I don't think that's something worth planning for. Thus far, I've made a decent life for myself assuming that people are basically good. That locks are only there to keep honest people honest and that there's little reason to think that bringing a firearm into the situation is going to make things any better. Maybe some a-hole comes along and guns us down for a basket of tomatoes. Not sure if I'd mind that any more than living in a world where I had to gun someone down to prevent them from taking them.


I've enjoyed my life and, as far as I'm concerned, in death, there's neither good or bad. Thus, I could think of worse times to cash my chips in than some version of the old west that includes gangs and crack.


It's worked so far and this isn't the first time in my life where I've been warned of the boogie man or complete economic collapse.


Mostly, of course, I'm pretty sure that this is a bunch of BS.

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I believe in being fast and mobile. Live off the land until you can find a permanent community in need of the other skills I've aquired over a lifetime. That includes hunting, fishing, farming, cooking, beer brewing, wine making, alcohol distillation, electrical engineering, logging (without gasoline), and a host of other things that will only become important when you need them.

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ding! ding!



and another ding.


My wife and I are likely better poised than most considering the amount of land we've devoted to crops and our rain barrels and such. However, I'm not going to pretend that we're in position to withstand a situation where people are wandering the streets with guns looking for a meal. Ultimately, I don't think that's something worth planning for. Thus far, I've made a decent life for myself assuming that people are basically good. That locks are only there to keep honest people honest and that there's little reason to think that bringing a firearm into the situation is going to make things any better. Maybe some a-hole comes along and guns us down for a basket of tomatoes. Not sure if I'd mind that any more than living in a world where I had to gun someone down to prevent them from taking them.


I've enjoyed my life and, as far as I'm concerned, in death, there's neither good or bad. Thus, I could think of worse times to cash my chips in than some version of the old west that includes gangs and crack.


It's worked so far and this isn't the first time in my life where I've been warned of the boogie man or complete economic collapse.


Mostly, of course, I'm pretty sure that this is a bunch of BS.


I'm really with you until the bolded part. Would you clarify a little? If you're saying it's not worth killing someone to keep your basket of tomatoes, I'd probably agree unless it's the only thing you and your family have to eat. If you're saying that if put in a situation where "it's him or me" that you'd be indifferent to the outcome, then you are truly a nihlist and I feel sorry for you det, buddy. If you don't view your life and that of your family as something worth killing to protect, well, man, are you OK?


Oh, and I'm using it as an excuse to buy more ammo and get more time on the range. :wacko:

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As the people who pushed "Have to agree here Saddam's WMDs!!!" and "Have to agree here terrorists want to kill your family in suburban Omaha"... aren't you guys the least bit worried that in a few years when everything is fine, you're going to look like overreacting prancing whining cowards again?


I mean... you already do. But then there's the sad moment when even you realize it.


I'm really not doing anything different than I was two years ago when everyone was high on the hog and we had a capitalist in the oval office. I'm not saying the worst is going to come, but I want to be ready for it if it does. On the food storage front, my church has recommended that all members have 1 years worth of food storage for as long as I remember. With regard to the guns, like I said, I've used this as an excuse to buy more, but it is something I wanted to do for a while, this just gives me cover so I don't have to hear the wife gripe about it. If I was really all that concerned, I wouldn't be buying deer rifles and pistols, I'd be buying ARs, AKs and SKSs. Of course now that I pretty much have all I wanted originally I might buy an AR, but that is just because they are fun. I really don't have all that much ammo, when you consider how much I can shoot in an afternoon of fun. My goal is to get 1,000 rounds of pretty much every caliber I own and start reloading. The desire has very little to do with fear, but with a desire to save money, and I think it would be a hobby I would enjoy. I talk about having generators, and tools to barter, but I own a construction company, with the exception of the generator everything was bought for the company not for emergencies. The generator is a small one, that will run some lights, and keep food from spoiling in the refrigerator and freezer. Living out in the country means when there are major power outages like those caused by storms or ice, you are usually among the last to get your power back. After being with out power for a week during an ice storm about 6 years ago, I bought a generator for the house.

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If I lived in the country & I was truly concerned about any of this then I would scrap the stupid generator, which would only last as long as the gas did, which means you'd have to go out looking/fight for it, & look into means of getting off the power grid.

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Like the gas for the generator, the ammo will also eventually run out. It's a good thing I enjoy long walks on the beach and strangling anything I can't have sex with to death with my bare hands.

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On the food storage front, my church has recommended that all members have 1 years worth of food storage for as long as I remember.

What the f' sort of nutjob church do you attend? Seriously.


I just can't fathom any normal Christian church teaching that you should stock up on food and be willing to shoot other people who don't have any food of their own.


When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.


Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.' Then the righteous will answer him and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?' And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.' Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.' Then they will answer and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?' He will answer them, 'Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.' And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.--(Matt 25:31-46)

Edited by wiegie
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What the f' sort of nutjob church do you attend? Seriously.


I just can't fathom any normal Christian church teaching that you should stock up on food and be willing to shoot other people who don't have any food of their own.


Take your pick.

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What the f' sort of nutjob church do you attend? Seriously.


I just can't fathom any normal Christian church teaching that you should stock up on food and be willing to shoot other people who don't have any food of their own.

You've never been to Texas, have you? :wacko:

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What the f' sort of nutjob church do you attend? Seriously.


I just can't fathom any normal Christian church teaching that you should stock up on food and be willing to shoot other people who don't have any food of their own.



The Church of GFY :wacko:

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I'm really with you until the bolded part. Would you clarify a little? If you're saying it's not worth killing someone to keep your basket of tomatoes, I'd probably agree unless it's the only thing you and your family have to eat. If you're saying that if put in a situation where "it's him or me" that you'd be indifferent to the outcome, then you are truly a nihlist and I feel sorry for you det, buddy. If you don't view your life and that of your family as something worth killing to protect, well, man, are you OK?


Oh, and I'm using it as an excuse to buy more ammo and get more time on the range. :wacko:

Fair enough. I'll explain. I love my life and cherish my time with those who I hold dear. That said, I don't find it depressing or wrong headed to realize that death is a neutral situation. Well, that of course and the fact that it is completely unavoidable. This isn't to say that I want to off myself the minute things get a bit rough. However, what I believe people fail to realize when they discuss the notion of things getting so bad that it will matter how much stuff you have stockpiled is that this won't be like the old days where you might need to use a gun to protect your family from the occasional bad guy.


This will be nothing short of hell. The vast majority of the population will be completely hopeless and desperate because the entire foundation of our society will have completely vanished. People can't be twittering and ordering McCafe through the drive through one second and start living off the land the other. Disease will be rampant. We'll run out of vaccines and medicine long before we do Meth and Crack. Everyone is living right on top of each other and you'll have to take turns staying up all night to protect your crap.


Doesn't sound like anything I'll mind missing out on if I'm among the first to get killed over. I suppose what I'm saying is the same as the guy who says, if we get nuked, I want the thing to land right on top of my head. I don't want to die any more than the next guy but, to me, life is more than breathing and I don't think I could endure a life where I had to make a habit of killing others to survive.


Mostly, again, the whole thing is a joke.

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