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Just dropped our dog off at the vet


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:wacko: Good news given the situation. So glad to hear he's not in pain. Enjoy every minute with him.



We have been through it often with the rescue. I always feel good knowing that their last memory is being with you and not a cold vet hospital.

Love him, baby him and enjoy your time with him.

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We just picked him up from the vet, and he is where he belongs.........home !!!!!


He is definitely tired, and the vet told us to expect big swings in his energy level.


Here is a pic of Bettis & Aidan right after he came in and laid down to rest................. :wacko:


Here is a pic of him after he got up and started moving around a bit.................. :tup:


I do feel incredibly blessed to get whatever time I get with him. Not everyone is as lucky. Thanks for everyone's prayers and good vibes.

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Uh, there's a kid dry humping a couch in that picture. :wacko:


Good for Bettis. :lol: Enjoy your time, hopefully there's a lot of it left. :rofl:



:tup: Is that Polks house ?


Good news on the pooch Menudo. Cherish the time with him :rofl:

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Wow, Menudo, what an up and down journey this has been for you, Bettis, and your family!


I just wanted to add my thoughts and prayers for continued strength during this time.

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Bettis Update: Well, there is bad news and some possible good news. The bad news is that it was confirmed that he has a tumor in the atrium of his heart. Unfortunately, there isn't really anything they can do to remove it. However, the possible good news is that she said it was caught early, so, it hasn't spread anywhere yet. She said that there are obviously no guarantees, but, Bettis could be with us for anywhere from two weeks to over a year. She said it just depends on how quickly it spreads and how he handles it. She said if it were her dog, she would take him home and enjoy the time we have left with him. She said that he will have moments where he is himself, but, will also have lots of moments where he appears tired and weak. She said he will probably bounce back and fourth for a while. She promised that he is not in pain, and is not suffering at all. She said she is intrigued with how energetic he has been. She said that if he starts suffering, he will let us know, and Erin and I will not hold onto him out of selfishness. When he lets us know it is time to go, we will make the right decision for Bettis. We can go pick him up in an hour. Whether he is with us for 2 weeks or a year, I can't wait to have my dog home where he belongs. I'd like to thank everybody so much for their kind words and support. They mean the world to me.


Like RR said, stay strong and enjoy the time you have left with Bettis. :wacko:

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I was getting a little worried, as he was doing nothing but laying around, but, all of a sudden, he got up and walked to the door. I took him for little walk around the house. He was walking slowly, but, he seemed to be enjoying the fresh air. Then my wife came home with a new toy, a little bed, and his favorite, Jumbones, and his tail starting wagging like the Bettis I know. He went to town on the Jumbone, and he seems to have some more pep now. He even gave me my first unsolicited kiss on the cheek, as if to say thank you for bringing me home.

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I was getting a little worried, as he was doing nothing but laying around, but, all of a sudden, he got up and walked to the door. I took him for little walk around the house. He was walking slowly, but, he seemed to be enjoying the fresh air. Then my wife came home with a new toy, a little bed, and his favorite, Jumbones, and his tail starting wagging like the Bettis I know. He went to town on the Jumbone, and he seems to have some more pep now. He even gave me my first unsolicited kiss on the cheek, as if to say thank you for bringing me home.


:wacko: Someone's going to be spoiled for a while. I'm sure he's happy to be home.

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I was getting a little worried, as he was doing nothing but laying around, but, all of a sudden, he got up and walked to the door. I took him for little walk around the house. He was walking slowly, but, he seemed to be enjoying the fresh air. Then my wife came home with a new toy, a little bed, and his favorite, Jumbones, and his tail starting wagging like the Bettis I know. He went to town on the Jumbone, and he seems to have some more pep now. He even gave me my first unsolicited kiss on the cheek, as if to say thank you for bringing me home.


He knows what's going on. Patience and TLC are all he requires and I'm sure he'll get a ton of that. I always wished I had time to cook a steak, or livers, or whatever to give our past dogs the "meal of their life" right before. It never worked that way for us.


You have some time. Savor it as painful as it might be at times.

We're all w/ you, BRO! I'm tearing up just typing this.

All my best!


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I was getting a little worried, as he was doing nothing but laying around, but, all of a sudden, he got up and walked to the door. I took him for little walk around the house. He was walking slowly, but, he seemed to be enjoying the fresh air. Then my wife came home with a new toy, a little bed, and his favorite, Jumbones, and his tail starting wagging like the Bettis I know. He went to town on the Jumbone, and he seems to have some more pep now. He even gave me my first unsolicited kiss on the cheek, as if to say thank you for bringing me home.



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Bettis Update: I was concerned yesterday. Other than few brief moments of pep, Bettis didn't do much more than sleep. This morning, I was very pleased to see a lot of energy back in him. His tail was wagging, he was playing with his new toy, and really seems to have a lot of pep in his step. We were warned that there would be ups and downs, but, yesterday was 95% down, so, it is great to see him alert and energetic this morning.

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Bettis Update: I was concerned yesterday. Other than few brief moments of pep, Bettis didn't do much more than sleep. This morning, I was very pleased to see a lot of energy back in him. His tail was wagging, he was playing with his new toy, and really seems to have a lot of pep in his step. We were warned that there would be ups and downs, but, yesterday was 95% down, so, it is great to see him alert and energetic this morning.



The vet and those tests and being away from home is taxing on a dog. It doesnt surprise me that he was lethargic yesterday. Sounds like he is happy to be home :wacko:

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Yesterday was a much better day for Bettis. He was really like his old self for a good part of the day. He went for several short walks around the house, which he really seems to enjoy. I bought him a 6 oz, cheeseburger and chips from the Blue Bird last night. The vet said that there were no dietary concerns, so, we could spoil him with food. He definitely loved the cheeseburger. The only hard part is that he sometimes has labored breathing when he is resting/sleeping. Despite the negative of the tumor diagnosis, I feel so blessed to be able to spend these days with him, and spoil him as much as possible, because he more than deserves it. I am going to enjoy every moment I get to spend with him, as I know that many don't get this opportunity.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick update. Other than a tired first day back from the vet, you wouldn't know anything was wrong with him. He is his happy, energetic, normal self. When we took him from the vet, they said we could have him for 2 weeks or a year, it was hard to tell. All I know, is that he is doing fantastic, and I'm enjoying as much time with him as I can !!!

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Just a quick update. Other than a tired first day back from the vet, you wouldn't know anything was wrong with him. He is his happy, energetic, normal self. When we took him from the vet, they said we could have him for 2 weeks or a year, it was hard to tell. All I know, is that he is doing fantastic, and I'm enjoying as much time with him as I can !!!




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