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Well, if two African swallows could carry it on a string between them, it could be a pretty big hammer. But those don't migrate.




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He's talking about a non-migratory bird... Freakin I-talians....




What do you get when you cross an Italian and a goat?


Nothing... There are some things a goat just won't do.

Edited by SEC=UGA
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Men are statistically more likely to come home in a drunken stupor, start cooking bacon, pass out and burn down their homes... Now, should women throw all of their husbands out of their homes for the safety of their children... I think not. Also, in the molestation cases, if you remove Baptist Preachers and Catholic Priests from the equation the rates of men and women molesting children are about equal.


Finally, I like the reference where women commit "10% to 40%..." 30 percentage point margin of error, that's some good statisticing there...



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so you would let your cute little daughter remain in this guy's class? Interesting .... I would not. I guess I must be in the minority. I guess you people like sex offenders to teach their kids. Well, you can have him for your teacher but I will pass. Call me crazy ...


Doubt removed. You're a f'n idiot.

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I am an extremist here, I just wouldn't feel comfortable with a male teaching my kindergarten/elementary-age kids. My opinion here, call it backwards or stupid, I dont care. This fella on trial I referenced in the article just bolsters my opinion. Never meant to hurt feelings or cause discord/ruffle feathers here with this news article, this is just my opinion. Thnx all for your opinions too, I can see both sides and I respect them, just sharing my opinion, albeit controversial. xoxoxoxo Huddlers!! Now on to a lighter subject...regualr season football just about 3 wks aways. Good luck & God bless all!!


not extremist, just stupid.

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Men are statistically more likely to come home in a drunken stupor, start cooking bacon, pass out and burn down their homes... Now, should women throw all of their husbands out of their homes for the safety of their children... I think not.


Note to self: do not share the story about candle wax burns on penis in the tailgate.

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yeesh, this got ugly :wacko:


I will say though....if my wife and I are looking at resumes or whatever of potential babysitters, we pretty much skip right by any man that expresses interest.


on the other hand, one of the teachers at my daughter's preschool is a man. it's a church school and he's married to one of the other teachers. guy is nice as can be and great with the kids. he was often one of the teachers with my daughter this summer, and I never had any qualms leaving her in that situation. would I drop her off alone at the guy's house if we needed a sitter in a pinch? boy, that's actually kind of a tough one. I think many of us have fears in this respect, but I think they are largely irrational fears.


bottom line is I think of course it is ridiculous to assert that men should be blackballed from any job working with kids. but I do think that for all sorts of reasons it's good to create school and child care type environments where there is more than one adult present or there is some sort of monitoring. the older the kids get, the more they themselves can be depended on to report anything that might be amiss. kindergarten is kind of too early for that, and too old for having multiple "teachers" around, so it's kind of a tweener age.

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Doubt removed. You're a f'n idiot.

:tup: Opposites attract?


yeesh, this got ugly :wacko:

Meh, people like scoob and I think Unta was right that people are being pretty kind to her. Mostly guys here so I'm sure plenty get a little defensive when things are inferred about how terrible our gender is. Overall, I'd want references and a lot of information on anybody watching my kid.

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so you would let your cute little daughter remain in this guy's class? Interesting .... I would not. I guess I must be in the minority. I guess you people like sex offenders to teach their kids. Well, you can have him for your teacher but I will pass. Call me crazy ...


Show me where anyone said that? Not necessarily intending to be disrespectful, but that is one of the stupidest posts ever in the history of thehuddle.

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As hooterific as Scooby is...she's taking this too far. But none of you guys would hire a male nanny to watch your kids. And I honestly don't know of any dude that teaches elementary school. So if I saw one it would set my radar off a little. But I wouldn't kill him or yank my kids out of the school. I'm sophisticated like that.

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As hooterific as Scooby is...she's taking this too far. But none of you guys would hire a male nanny to watch your kids. And I honestly don't know of any dude that teaches elementary school. So if I saw one it would set my radar off a little. But I wouldn't kill him or yank my kids out of the school. I'm sophisticated like that.


When I was in my early 20's, I was a Big Brother to two boys. I wasn't actually part of the Big Brother program. I was working at a YMCA and there were a couple of single moms (insert obvious sex joke here) who were looking for a positive male influence in their son's lives. I spent time with the boys weekly for several years. It was an equally rewarding experience.

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When I was in my early 20's, I was a Big Brother to two boys. I wasn't actually part of the Big Brother program. I was working at a YMCA and there were a couple of single moms (insert obvious sex joke here) who were looking for a positive male influence in their son's lives. I spent time with the boys weekly for several years. It was an equally rewarding experience.


That's different and very honorable. I'm saying it would be a little weird if a guy taught in preschool or daycare. Doesn't mean his intentions aren't good...but it would make me think.

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As hooterific as Scooby is...she's taking this too far. But none of you guys would hire a male nanny to watch your kids. And I honestly don't know of any dude that teaches elementary school. So if I saw one it would set my radar off a little. But I wouldn't kill him or yank my kids out of the school. I'm sophisticated like that.

I had a male teacher for 5th grade, and he remains one of the biggest positive influences on my life to this day. The guy is absolutely revered in my hometown community. When he retired, students from their teenage years up to their mid-30's (like me) came to his retirement get-together at the elementary school.


There are bad apples - regardless of gender - in every bushel.

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i have never thought of a male kindegarten teacher as some kind of a suspect thing ... it wouldn't enter my mind. now, of course, if you meet your kid's teacher, man or woman, and they made you uncomfortable for any reason, then by all means you should follow up and take whatever steps are necessary to look out for the best interests of your kids. but to blanket out men teaching K-6 suggests to me some psychological issues that perhaps should be worked through. at a minimum, this is discriminatory, similar to blanketing out teachers based on race.


day care for your pre-K kids is a different ball game in terms of ensuring the care given to your baby/infant is acceptable. this is where i would want the highest level of certfications, recommendations, testimonials, etc. while i want this as well with my elementary school, we typically know more about our school systems in advance (it's why i live where i live) whereas we may not know much one day care vs. another. but, again, if the place passed all the criteria and then there happened to be a man there providing care, this alone would not cause me concern. i've never had my kids in day care, but i would indeed want to meet anyone that would be coming into contact with them and, man or woman, would pull my kids in a minute if they made me uncomfortable in any way.

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Call me crazy ...

Much easier to suggest that you have some reading comprehension difficulties and that sometimes you should respect that oft-beaten down voice in you that might here and there suggest that you should sit this one out.


With this said -

Don't take this as anything bad, Scooby. You have a strong opinion. You posted it. What did you expect to happen. Folk might not agree, but who doesn't like a little discussion.


And for what it is worth.


When I was in tenth grade, I enrolled into a Child Developement Class in highschool to meet chicks. As a result of the class - I also got a sweet ass job as a teachers aid in a local pre-school. It didn't pay well, but it was a blast. I did have occasion to meet some 'overprotective' parents though. I think overprotective is a bad word however as I have found with my daughter that what she, her friends and their parents might see as "over-protective", I kind of look at it as the least protective I am willing to be.


As an aside - this was 20 years ago and the chick I met in that class is currently referred to as the Captain's Wench.

Edited by Duchess Jack
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sigh....thnx all for the warm posts and personal experiences. when I read the article in the Dallas paper--not too far from my house, it struck a nerve...I thought, they have male kindergarten teachers there????? I am sure that 99% of male kindergarten/elementary teachers are great, but I personally do not feel comfortable with my little ones having a male teacher, going to a place where they are dropped off for upwards of 8hrs a day...the reason I am cuckoo about this, my sister was molested from age 5-9 by a teenage boy. He would take her away on his 4 wheeler and have her perform acts on him, he threatened to kill our parents if she did not comply or if she told. This resulted in lifelong problems for her, and ended in her suicide at the ripe age of 25. I blame him becuase she blamed him....as I look at her final note as I type, she writes non-stop about him and how it destoyed her. He destroyed my best friend, I have never found a best friend like her since, she & I were soooo close and this tragedy affects me to this day. I realize that women can do this too, I just am not comfortable with a male teaching my little ones. I would be scared that no matter how much preparation and education I could give my little ones about molesters, they would be too young to defend themselves or could be manipulated into not telling me what happened, just as the case of my sis. This is why I am hyper-sensitive about all this and the momma bear comes out.

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