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Fighting with the Spouse / Significant other


Fighting / Disagreements  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. When fighting/having a disagreement with my spouse / S.O it usually goes like this

    • Settled maturely with civil discussion like 2 adults
    • Gets heated and tempers flare , cursing and insults arent uncommon
    • We arent very good at handling things like adults and the arguments end up childish & unproductive
    • I battle only on the cardboard, puddy style
  2. 2. What time frame does your fight get settled in ?

    • The day it happens- Dont go to bed angry
    • It can linger for days or longer. After a fight a silent treatment ensues
    • It ends when puddy pops and locks

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I am always right and my wife is wise and acknowledges this. Typically, arguments end when I focus my overwhelmingly blue eyes upon her. Much like all others, she is helpless when enthralled by the power my overwhelmingly blue eyes.


In real life, we don't argue all that much. I don't usually give in when I believe I'm right but neither does she. However, we generally hash things out pretty well with minimal bloodshed.

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Almost never have arguments. On the extremely rare occasions that we do, I let her win because in the long run it usually doesn't matter two hoots anyway.

This. Best advice my mom ever gave me, "If it won't matter in 10 years, it's not worth fighting about."

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This. Best advice my mom ever gave me, "If it won't matter in 10 years, it's not worth fighting about."

Probably 99% of arguments are escalated by my wife and I'm the one saying okay, whatever, I'm really sorry, but she's on to that...I have to demonstrate that I understand her position. If she suspects I'm just trying to placate her, it drives her nuts.

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My wife is a wonderful person, but she would win the Olympic gold medal in the grudge holding event. If an argument begins, I admit my stupidity and wrongness very quickly unless I am committed to the suffering that will ensuel ong after I forgot what the issue was in the first place.

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Probably 99% of arguments are escalated by my wife and I'm the one saying okay, whatever, I'm really sorry, but she's on to that...I have to demonstrate that I understand her position. If she suspects I'm just trying to placate her, it drives her nuts.

I don't capitulate, she'd know that wasn't sincere. I simply don't argue with her. She hated it for a long time, but now she appreciates it. Conflicts that once lasted days are down to a few hours (usually.) She can't say, "I'm sorry." It's genetic. Instead, she ups the ante in the bedroom - I'm good with that. :wacko:

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When I argue it tends to be because something else is bothering me and I'm running low on patience, empathy, and I'm not being a good listener. When she argues it tends to be because she's trying to talk to me when something else is bothering me and I'm running low on patience, empathy, and I'm not being a good listener.

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For me, I have about a 30 second window in which I have to make a decision. Is this a legitimate beef where I need to check my chit and realize she is right or this a hormonal rage brought on by the moon and that I need to acknowledge that whatever she is saying is important on the planet Zebulon. If I can make the correct diagnosis, things can usually be resolved in a mature, adult fashion after a couple of minutes. If I miss, it is a couple of hours of grief but it is always resolved one way or another before we hit the rack. Even if that means talks until 3 or 4 in the morning.


If I am right though, it is always best to wait until after the point of conflagration, perhaps even several days before allowing her to glimpse the knowledge that her position was not the correct one. She is incapable of acknowledging that she might be wrong during an argument, I have to give her the clues to let he come that conclusion herself.

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For me, I have about a 30 second window in which I have to make a decision. Is this a legitimate beef where I need to check my chit and realize she is right or this a hormonal rage brought on by the moon and that I need to acknowledge that whatever she is saying is important on the planet Zebulon. If I can make the correct diagnosis, things can usually be resolved in a mature, adult fashion after a couple of minutes. If I miss, it is a couple of hours of grief but it is always resolved one way or another before we hit the rack. Even if that means talks until 3 or 4 in the morning.


If I am right though, it is always best to wait until after the point of conflagration, perhaps even several days before allowing her to glimpse the knowledge that her position was not the correct one. She is incapable of acknowledging that she might be wrong during an argument, I have to give her the clues to let he come that conclusion herself.



+1000000 I can always tell when it is 1 week before the rag :wacko:

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I'm not sure if I'm in an argument or not this morning. It kind of feels like it, but without any explicit argument having really happened yet. It's brewing under the surface for both of us, just waiting to explode.


It's like cloudy weather. Is there a storm coming or is this just a weak front going through? This is when you must make a preemptive move. Get prepared. Put your raincoat on. Buy an umbrella. Get her an unexpected gift. Do the dishes without being asked. Watch her shows one evening.

Act suprised when the first raindrops start to fall. Accept the responsibility of taking care of her so she doesn't get wet.


These will normally take the wind out of her sails before she can build up a good head of steam.


And if you're fortunate, you will survive to enjoy another day of peaceful bliss with the most important person in your world.




On the other hand, make-up sex is pretty dang exciting!

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After almost 10 years of marriage, and as a person who generally tries to stay in control and not get angry, I have found that the best way to deal with heated disagreements is to engage them, enthusiastically, and try not to manage the outcome. I find that trying to be levelheaded only makes her more angry. I pull no punches and I give as good as I get. I don't think about the outcome and say what I have to say. It's contradictory, and it completely goes against my instincts, but what can I say? It works. Having it out usually results in the quickest resolution.


Your results may vary.

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I am in a whopper right now with the Mrs. Ive been in the doghouse for about 3 days . We dont fight a great deal but when we do they get pretty heated. I have come to the realization that we are not good productive fighters. Arguments are inevitable in a relationship . When we do fight it becomes very immature and counter productive . I am no angel but I have to say that I usually keep the cool head in the beginning and try and get things solved or discussed. She will act childish and cut off all rational discussion. I will try a few more times. She wont open the door and discuss the actual issue . This makes me :wacko: and I start :tup: and then we dont talk for 3 days.


What says the huddle ? Are you guys good at fighting or do you suck like us ?


We suck like you Whomper. It's not pretty in our house when the sh!t hits the fan.

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Well :tup::wacko: Almost every woman I have ever lived with, I have told I am not easy to live with. This hasn't stopped any of them from taking the hugh plunge, as mostly they think they can change me. :bow: I also told all that I have been wrong once and that was when I thought I was wrong. That goes over like a fart in church :rofl:


My current SO of many years is more like my sister in a lot of ways, so we bicker instead of really fighting. When we do fight it isn't great as both of us are stubborn Germans, though I learned to say I'm sorry for being a turd more often, which usally defuses things quickly. Remember I warned them, so I defer to that and give in. Less feelings hurt, more lovin'. Though we never go to sleep mad, she can remeber chit foooooever and bring it up randomly, which she knows makes me want to :rofl::lol:


Man after writing this, if it weren't for the quim, would we even talk to them? :yay:

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