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Cruise Ship Tragedy


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People make mistakes. Except some of you I'm sure.


Terrible tragedy - and I'm sure the Captain will pay dearly for it.


Agreed. I think justice will be found in this one. There are too many survivor stories and too many facts that he can skirt around this.


ETA Sounds like two mistakes:


1) By the reports I read, the course was set in the navigation system before it even left port. So if it was changed, thats bad. If it wasnt changed, wasnt someone checking the radar/sonar and all those other nautical gadgets? (See my terminology? I know so much about sailing :wacko:


2) The topic of conversation. His lack of character in recovering as best he could to minimize the tradgedy.

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There are "mistakes" like simple human error...say, a mathematical error in calculating a route, or running out of pineapple, which are expected and unavoidable. Then there is gross negligence, ignoring procedure, cowardice, dereliction of duty, and disobeying direct orders. The former won't usually get anyone killed, the latter in inexcusable.

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I think that goal was accomplished without the Coast Guard having to do much. It will be interesting to see what Italy does. Considering they kept an American woman incarcerated for a long time without iron clad evidence, this guy should be in real big trouble.


I agree, I was pissed when they arrested Snookie for driving into a cop car. They had no proof she was drunk so I don't know why they detained her for hours.

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I agree, I was pissed when they arrested Snookie for driving into a cop car. They had no proof she was drunk so I don't know why they detained her for hours.


Exactly. Besides, she was just distraught that Bill was kidnapped by werewolves.

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Shame on you people for making unfounded accusations against an innocent captain.


I tripped and fell into the lifeboat



I am sure that was just a translation error. He really "dropped something" and then was "tripping in the lifeboat"?

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There are "mistakes" like simple human error...say, a mathematical error in calculating a route, or running out of pineapple, which are expected and unavoidable. Then there is gross negligence, ignoring procedure, cowardice, dereliction of duty, and disobeying direct orders. The former won't usually get anyone killed, the latter in inexcusable.


Understood. If you are going to only fry the captain, then you better fry others as well.


Ignoring procedure - like running through an evacuation drill within 24 hours of being at sea. OK, if it didn't happen, he's ultimately responsible for it, but he's not the guy that makes sure that happens. If there's a checklist, and someone checked it off, and it didn't happen, then how is it his fault. Not saying that happened or not, but there are far more people to blame here than one person.


I'm not defending him, but this was a complete mess, not a one man job. It's easy to pin it all on him.

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There are "mistakes" like simple human error...say, a mathematical error in calculating a route, or running out of pineapple, which are expected and unavoidable. Then there is gross negligence, ignoring procedure, cowardice, dereliction of duty, and disobeying direct orders. The former won't usually get anyone killed, the latter in inexcusable.


agreed ... + 1

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I'm printing a pic of that have submerged cruiseliner for use anytime my wife suggests we take a cruise. Maybe this tragedy can serve a purpose - for me. :wacko:

Cruising is ridiculously safe. You're far more likely to die from driving your car to work than you are on a cruise ship. It's like people being afraid to fly. Somehow people think that if they aren't behind the wheel than there is some higher risk that they are going to die. It's plain illogical.

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Cruising is ridiculously safe. You're far more likely to die from driving your car to work than you are on a cruise ship. It's like people being afraid to fly. Somehow people think that if they aren't behind the wheel than there is some higher risk that they are going to die. It's plain illogical.

No - I disagree that its not about being behind the wheel. I think its that three seconds after a plane lifts off the ground, my chance of surviving a crash are pretty nil. Ive been in auto accidents and walked away.

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