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Democratics seek ban on vasectomies for men


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Democratic women seek a state ban on vasectomies for men



This afternoon, the House Judiciary (Non-Civil) Committee will take up HB 954, a measure that would prohibit abortions on women who are more than 20 weeks pregnant. Current law prohibits abortions after the second trimester, or about 24 weeks.


The bill sponsored by Doug McKillip, R-Athens, asserts that 20 weeks is the point at which a fetus can begin to feel pain. The measure also attempts to tighten “life of the mother” exceptions to abortion:


No such condition shall be deemed to exist if it is based on a diagnosis or claim of a mental or emotional condition of the pregnant woman or that the pregnant woman will purposefully engage in conduct which she intends to result in her death or in substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function.


In response, House Democrats have scheduled a 3 p.m. Wednesday hearing at the state Capitol, to propose a bill that would ban Georgia males from seeking vasectomies. From the press release:


“Thousands of children are deprived of birth in this state every year because of the lack of state regulation over vasectomies,” said Rep. Yasmin Neal, author of the bill. “It is patently unfair that men can avoid unwanted fatherhood by presuming that their judgment over such matters is more valid than the judgment of the General Assembly, while women’s ability to decide is constantly up for debate throughout the United States.”


House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams added, “The Republican attack on women’s reproductive rights is unconscionable. What is more deplorable is the hypocrisy of HB 954’s author. If we follow his logic, we believe it is the obligation of this General Assembly to assert an equally invasive state interest in the reproductive habits of men and substitute the will of the government over the will of adult men.”



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That's actually quite neat. Although it isn't meant to be taken seriously and it's a poor pro-abortion argument, it will be interesting to see what the anti-contraception people say about it.

It's actually a fairly dumb analogy since the female equivalent to a vasectomy is a tubal ligation, not an abortion.

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It's actually a fairly dumb analogy since the female equivalent to a vasectomy is a tubal ligation, not an abortion.

1) You're assuming that she's specifically referring to abortions and not reproductive rights in general.

2) But you're right, she should have used a more accurate male equivalent to abortion. Oh, wait....

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It's actually a fairly dumb analogy since the female equivalent to a vasectomy is a tubal ligation, not an abortion.

That's what I said - it's a poor argument in favor of abortion.


However, recently there's been a lot of fuss about contraception and health care. Clearly there is a direct tie in with that.

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It's actually a fairly dumb analogy since the female equivalent to a vasectomy is a tubal ligation, not an abortion.



Actually it's a spot on analogy since it has everything to do with reproductive freedom. Now if they could only couch it in a way that uses the spectre of 'religious freedom' as an excuse to deny people equal protection under the law.

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Man, I hate abortion debates because they're so divisive, but here it goes:


Assuming there's adeuqate proof this is the case that it's at this point the baby feels pain, then I see nothing wrong with putting it up for a vote, but if it's not been adequately proven that's the case, then I completely support the backlash in what may be seen as inching against abortions.


I've always thought that the best compromise we were going to get was only banning around third term (if you can't decide by the time the child carries human features and feels pain, then you put it up for adoption if you decide after that, IMO. You had 6 months to decide what's best for you, now it's the baby's turn; This goes well beyond simply the mother rights by this point.). In that regard, I find this bill hardly outrageous, again assuming there's medical info to back that up that the baby feels pain at this point. Things like this are the closest we're going to get to a compromise that is absolutely needed on this always divisive issue.


The thing that annoys me though, as you see in this thread is when people characterize "life begins at conception" to mean that it begins at sex. That is not true, it can take days(?) to fertilize if it even does, so the counterargument that "well, you're killing babies (sperm) when you spank it", is a huge mischaracterization of the pro-life view. It takes the convergence of a sperm and egg, so conception and sex are in now way the same thing, even when a pregnancy results; So that too is a pretty poor pro-choice argument.


I'll stop there because there is some massive hypocrisy and naivity on the right with regard to contraceptives in particular, but I think the criticism of the idea "life begins at conception" has been greatly mischaracterized, and probably conveniently so, just as "pro-life" and "pro-choice" are loaded divisive terms when no one is "anti-life" or "anti-choice" as the basis for their view. More than any other issue, both sides seem to be completely unable or unwilling to see it from the other side's POV, hence why we need compromises like are in place now.

Edited by delusions of granduer
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The stupid thing is the whole pro choice vs pro life thing. They aren't mutually exclusive. You can be both by suporting individual rights to choose but personally prolife with you own choice. At the same time I do get the argument that the unborn child is a party with rights as well and should maybe be protected as any other member of society.

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About 14 years ago I was dating this woman that was really dumb but cute and I liked taking her on trips and stuff. She would talk about marriage and kids a lot and I told her I'm never, ever getting married. Which was pretty much how I felt at the time but I probably wouldn't say it to a woman I took seriously. She wouldn't drop it so finally I told her I had had a vasectomy. Freaked her out, and we broke up not long after that.

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About 14 years ago I was dating this woman that was really dumb but cute and I liked taking her on trips and stuff. She would talk about marriage and kids a lot and I told her I'm never, ever getting married. Which was pretty much how I felt at the time but I probably wouldn't say it to a woman I took seriously. She wouldn't drop it so finally I told her I had had a vasectomy. Freaked her out, and we broke up not long after that.


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The last straw was after we were together 8 months and I told her about my family's annual Easter tradition at my uncle's place in VA. My parents, cousins and myself would all drive or fly from our various locales and meet up there for my aunt's cooking, late night poker games and church on Sunday. Then we'd watch the Ten Commandments and make little wisecracks throughout the whole movie. "That sounds like so much fun!!!" she said. "Yeah. What are you doing for Easter? Going to your parents' house?" :wacko:


Oh man was she pissed, and just incredulous. It was like I slapped her. She also seemed to resent driving me to and from the airport. :lol:

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