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Hate to go all cliaz on you, but I'm starting yet another thread today. I'm sure many, if not all, of you will surely appreciate this... I haven't had a sip of booze in 3 whole weeks :D I had surgery 2 weeks ago, and have had some "other" things going on, so just haven't felt up to goin' out with the boys, or even having a beer or glass of wine with dinner or to "wind down".


I don't recall a time where I've gone this long without a beer or cocktail. Does that make me a boozer? :D


Nah, just an average dude that enjoys a cold beer with buddies or a glass of vino with the girl. For the past few years, Wednesday nights have been guys' night out... so goin' back to that tonight. I'll probably only do this every OTHER week now, as I honestly feel better that I've felt in a long time... plus it's easier on the pocketbook.


So, celebrate the start of summer... longest day of the year... pop the top, have a beer. What are you doing/drinking/eating/etc.? Happy Hump Day!


Here goes my first sip of tasty Sparkz Plus: LINK


That was good. :D

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Almost the same boat here. My inlaws don't drink and I only had 4 beers total in the last four weeks. However, I stopped by Costco tonight and bought a case of Sam Adams and I have already made a dent in it. (It is taking the pain away from the Cardinals being down 9-3 after two innings after they gave up 20 runs last night).

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:D I haven't had a beer in over 2 years.... :D ......ya know... kids spot things and give ya sh!t.. so i took on this double life where i don't drink..... Except for the Captain in the coke or OJ.. :D ...Alcoholic sign up sheet starts here..... :D .....roll call.... :D

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The longest I can remember going was 40 days during 'lent' of '05. Didn't make that mistake again this year.

Oh and had 2 Bud Lights with my horseshoe friends tonight. :D


:D all around...


I'm on to a 22 oz'er of Kirin Ichiban (on sale for 2 bucks at the local grocer). Dee-licious.

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:D all around...


I'm on to a 22 oz'er of Kirin Ichiban (on sale for 2 bucks at the local grocer). Dee-licious.




ahhh beautiful :D Kirin Ichi - one of my favrotie beers, good stuff


Yeah, funny how you kinda feel healthy while on the wagon....bored but healthy

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Went two weeks this year when I did the South Beach diet. Cut my weight from 189.5 to 176. Also cut the drinking back to three nights a week as opposed to six/seven.


Oh yeah, forgot about those 2 weeks of the SBD. I did that last year.


Man, I am a total lightweight right now. Maybe I need to try this more often. Cheap date tonight. :D

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Quick someone get ChuckB a scone.



How about an asz kicking instead?


Chuck, if you stop by my house Sat. Night I may have a glass of White Zin waiting for ya although my wife has been on the Lambrusco kick lately.

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I haven't had a beer in over a year. I would get sick everytime I drank..not like hangover sick. I would be sick for 3-4 days after drinking. I love the taste of beer...always have. I would drink 1-2 beers every night until it got to the point I couldn't even do that without getting sick. Found out I had celiac desease and had to quit. There's nothing I miss more than drinking an ice cold bottle of Bud Light while sitting on our deck cooking out. So tip one back for me Darin. :D

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I haven't had a beer in over a year. I would get sick everytime I drank..not like hangover sick. I would be sick for 3-4 days after drinking. I love the taste of beer...always have. I would drink 1-2 beers every night until it got to the point I couldn't even do that without getting sick. Found out I had celiac desease and had to quit. There's nothing I miss more than drinking an ice cold bottle of Bud Light while sitting on our deck cooking out. So tip one back for me Darin. :D


I tipped plenty back. I felt OK yesterday morning, too. :D

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