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No topic on Bill Clinton's rescue

yo mama

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Can't believe no one has linked to this story yet:


Long story short, Bill Clinton went to N. Korea and negotiated the pardon and release of the two American journalists who were recently captured near the China/N. Korea border. Pretty stupid undertaking by those two ladies, but regardless of what you think of Bill Clinton as a man, husband, or former president I think we should all agree that he did a good thing today. :wacko: Maybe Bill can go to Iran next and negotiate the release of those three dumbass hikers.

Edited by yo mama
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Let the sheep believe.


The people will never know the truth.


Bill negotiated a hostage release. ahem


wasn't that suppose to be his wifes job.


she busy fighting off planes in Bosnia.


Lets go to the rock.


You have chosen to lose.


The sheep have no light.

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part of me kind of hates to see us give those nutjobs anything, but beyond that gut level negative reaction, sending an ex-prez is a pretty good idea. let's them feel important, and on our end it avoids granting them the company of any sort of "official" delegation. in any case, glad we finally got them out of there.

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We gave up: a photo-op. No "neat ideas" to funnel weapons one place and spend the money funding crap elsewhere. Plus, a rare first hand view of just how healthy that wack job is, which is probably pretty handy intelligence to have at the moment.


Good for Bill, best thing he's done in over 15 years.

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We gave up: a photo-op. No "neat ideas" to funnel weapons one place and spend the money funding crap elsewhere. Plus, a rare first hand view of just how healthy that wack job is, which is probably pretty handy intelligence to have at the moment.


Good for Bill, best thing he's done in over 15 years.

From what I hear Bill is also required to be an ongoing consultant for the North Korean government's intern recruitment program.

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Can't believe no one has linked to this story yet:


Long story short, Bill Clinton went to N. Korea and negotiated the pardon and release of the two American journalists who were recently captured near the China/N. Korea border. Pretty stupid undertaking by those two ladies, but regardless of what you think of Bill Clinton as a man, husband, or former president I think we should all agree that he did a good thing today. :wacko: Maybe Bill can go to Iran next and negotiate the release of those three dumbass hikers.

Nice job on the facts...and I thought you7 knew it all. At least that is what you lead us to believe.


The journalists' release followed weeks of quiet negotiations between the State Department and the North Korean mission to the United Nations, said Daniel Sneider, associate director of research at Stanford University's Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center.


Clinton "didn't go to negotiate this, he went to reap the fruits of the negotiation," Sneider said.

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I got no problem with him going over there. I question how much he had to do with the release of these women, but I applaud him for any part he may have had. I've heard some on the far right (I'm really not that far right, just very vocal) complain about this, but assuming we didn't secretly give them something, I have no problem with it at all and think it was probably a good thing.

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sending an ex-prez is a pretty good idea. let's them feel important, and on our end it avoids granting them the company of any sort of "official" delegation.


I agree.

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what the hell is al gore doing at that news conference?


Al Gore owns the hippie channel "current" that these oriental reporters worked at. Al Gore implored Bill Clinton to help. Bill Clinton arranged for them to be released if he would do a photo-op with Kim to give him street cred to the North Korean citizens. Simple.

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