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Anyone ever do a TV lift?

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I'm probably going to be selling my 55" Mitsubishi TV and get a plasma/LCD so the accent wall in my great room isn't covered by the TV, entertainment rack, etc. So I've been looking around and the TV lift cabinets look pretty f'n sweet! Have any of my Huddle brethren done this?



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My dad has one that folds down out of the ceiling and will rotate 360 degrees. It is actually on his back porch so we can watch football games while smoking meat, or doing other activities in the back yard. He also has some real nice patio furniture that my kids like to sit on and watch TV. It is just metal frame, that you frame into the ceiling or soffit much like you would an attic ladder. The bottom of it, you can screw off drywall or soffit panels to.

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not to be negative, but it seems to defeat the point of them being so thin.


Fortunately, neither my wife or I care, but if we did, i think i'd put a nice wood frame around it and use it to display photos/art while not being watched.


Well, here is my logic...if I get a thin tv, no matter what, it needs to be placed at the center of my accent wall. Now, do I want an entertainment type center that has the tv standing on the top, with entertainment stuff on the bottom, etc.? I currently have that big console tv with an entertainment rack next to it, and two storage stands for DVDs. So, if I get a cabinet that looks like furniture that actually has the capacity to store my entertainment components as well as DVDs, I've just centrally located everything and the tv is hidden. The tv being thin is what allows me to goes this route and make the cabinet look more like...well, furniture.

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I think Jerry Jones is looking into this too.


Joking aside, you may want to look into the new LED panels. Crazy thin and may not seem to take as much room up as the LCD's and Plasmas.

Yep, thanks...I'll be looking in to all the thin screen options!

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Yep, thanks...I'll be looking in to all the thin screen options!


The only TV lift I ever saw was one some people had in the foot of their bed (pretty cool) - past that I think a wall mount is the way to go. Component hiding is always tricky, but you can sepearte them and run the HDMI's through the wall.


Here's waht I have: http://www.target.com/Plasma-TV-Stand-Blac...tand&page=1


They have a wider one, and both sizes in cherry.

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Umm..for my money I'd go with a projection unit over a lift every time. Mount a screen in the ceiling that drops down. The whole rig probably costs about the same, you get a larger screen area and just as good PQ. FYI, I haven't priced any of this out, it's just a guestimate.


Oh and we haven't really had this discussion, but entertainment centers are generally a bad idea. They cut down on the life of your equipment because they don't allow for proper air flow causing equipment to run hotter than it should.

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Another thing to think about if you are worried about your equipment being out of sight. Get a flat panel and mount it to the wall hiding the cables. Run the cables to a bookshelf or closet that is properly ventilated. Buy a universal remote that has a radio signal that can see through cabinet doors and walls. This will control all of your equipment while having everything out of sight except the tv. It also makes things easier on the wife or kids when they want to watch movies or play games. One button turns on every componant and setting you want it to.

Edited by Cameltosis
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I'm probably going to be selling my 55" Mitsubishi TV and get a plasma/LCD so the accent wall in my great room isn't covered by the TV, entertainment rack, etc. So I've been looking around and the TV lift cabinets look pretty f'n sweet! Have any of my Huddle brethren done this?




meh, seems a little tacky for my tastes.


I think you should stick with these lifts :wacko:

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We did consider a lift when we went to our LCD but in the end I just could not quite figure out where all the other junk like cable box, DVD, Playstation, Wii, or whatever other junk I am not remembering would go. :wacko:


I am sure there are some neat ideas for all that stuff but I just don't know any so a big stand with plenty of storage area is where my TV sits.

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We did consider a lift when we went to our LCD but in the end I just could not quite figure out where all the other junk like cable box, DVD, Playstation, Wii, or whatever other junk I am not remembering would go. :D


That's what I was thinking. #1, where do you put your Directv box, DVD player, etc. And if there is a place for it inside the lift, how the hell do you control it. Does the remote work through the furniture? Even if it did that, how would you load a DVD into the player the it facing towards the front of the lift? :D


Detlef got a hard on for the soundtrack. Therefore I'm going to start calling him either Logan or Sandman. :wacko:

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That's what I was thinking. #1, where do you put your Directv box, DVD player, etc. And if there is a place for it inside the lift, how the hell do you control it. Does the remote work through the furniture? Even if it did that, how would you load a DVD into the player the it facing towards the front of the lift? :D


Detlef got a hard on for the soundtrack. Therefore I'm going to start calling him either Logan or Sandman. :wacko:

They can put IR sensors in there so it can "see" your remote.


Maybe I'm getting a little caught up in the coolness factor but hey!...either way I'm going to have something sitting there so I might as well have it be novel!

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