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Marion Barber III. Ex- Cowboy, found dead


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Ugh, I know people die untimely deaths every day but hearing about this just breaks my heart.  38 years old.  Not sure cause of death but still... Gladney, Demaryius Thomas, now Barber.  Guys just leaving this Earth way too soon.  I don't know if he leaves behind kids or whatever but still.  Just tragic.  Loved watching that guy blow folks up.  God rest his soul.

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Very sad and disturbing, found dead in the shower with the water running, likely for days based on the state of the body. I read his family will respect his wishes and NOT donate his brain for CTE research. 



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  • 1 month later...
28 minutes ago, Big John said:

Official cause of death was heat stroke.  Had heat in his apartment turned up to 91 degrees.


Damn.  Heat stroke at only 91 degrees?  Seems premeditated for sure.  Man, what a shame.  Really liked him.  Something was definitely off.  Bummer.

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They said he liked to work out in sauna conditions so he made his own apartment a sauna. It was up to 89 degrees outside and 91 degrees inside his place. Guess he didn't hydrate. It is a bit odd.

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Very strange story. I was looking for more details when I read DMD's post. I did find this by TMZ, nothing else I read from a national source even mentioned the heat being set so high. This mentions that water was leaking from his apartment, and while he was found dead in the shower in the master bathroom, the water was running in the bathtub in the guest bath. 



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This is a tough one, I really don't know what to say. The whole thing is strange. I would think someone would have known he was uncontactable for a few days? Besides his apt manager. Must have been a keep to himself kind of guy I'd assume. Not sure why you'd be so aggressively trying to work out in sauna like conditions, like what was he training for/trying to accomplish? Would also be a strange way of committing suicide, so not sure that is the answer either. 

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13 hours ago, purplemonster said:

This is a tough one, I really don't know what to say. The whole thing is strange. I would think someone would have known he was uncontactable for a few days? Besides his apt manager. Must have been a keep to himself kind of guy I'd assume. Not sure why you'd be so aggressively trying to work out in sauna like conditions, like what was he training for/trying to accomplish? Would also be a strange way of committing suicide, so not sure that is the answer either. 


I live alone and stories like this always get me thinking. One of my brothers (also single and who I do a lot of things with although he lives 3 hours away) and I talk daily, mostly by text. If we message the other one and don't get a response in a normal timeframe we do get concerned. After one incident where he didn't get back to me for a long time (just didn't notice the msg) I made sure to get contact info for his neighbor who I know will check on him if needed. 

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17 minutes ago, stevegrab said:


I live alone and stories like this always get me thinking. One of my brothers (also single and who I do a lot of things with although he lives 3 hours away) and I talk daily, mostly by text. If we message the other one and don't get a response in a normal timeframe we do get concerned. After one incident where he didn't get back to me for a long time (just didn't notice the msg) I made sure to get contact info for his neighbor who I know will check on him if needed. 


I don't live alone but I do travel a couple nights a month and obviously sleep in a hotel room solo.  I believe Bob Saget passed away alone in a hotel room.


The Barber story really sucks.

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4 hours ago, darin3 said:


I don't live alone but I do travel a couple nights a month and obviously sleep in a hotel room solo.  I believe Bob Saget passed away alone in a hotel room.


The Barber story really sucks.


Yes Sagat was reported to have fallen, hit his head then went to bed and died there. 


The older I get the more I have concerns, and my brother is about 7 years older than me. We've talked about retiring together. 

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1 hour ago, stevegrab said:


Yes Sagat was reported to have fallen, hit his head then went to bed and died there. 


The older I get the more I have concerns, and my brother is about 7 years older than me. We've talked about retiring together. 


This is becoming more and more common.  My aunt, when my uncle passed away, lived alone for a few years but then ended up moving to the Chicago 'burbs and bought a place with her best friend in a 55+ community.  


As for Sagat, maybe I need to go back and Google, but I think there were some drugs involved?

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1 hour ago, darin3 said:


This is becoming more and more common.  My aunt, when my uncle passed away, lived alone for a few years but then ended up moving to the Chicago 'burbs and bought a place with her best friend in a 55+ community.  


As for Sagat, maybe I need to go back and Google, but I think there were some drugs involved?

I don't believe there were drugs involved. I think he fell and hit his head on something and had a brain hemorrhage and died overnight when he went back to bed. Just as a rule of thumb if you have significant head trauma trying to sleep it off is usually a bad idea. 

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3 hours ago, purplemonster said:

I don't believe there were drugs involved. I think he fell and hit his head on something and had a brain hemorrhage and died overnight when he went back to bed. Just as a rule of thumb if you have significant head trauma trying to sleep it off is usually a bad idea. 

Ah OK.  I knew he was a hugh stoner, so maybe I'm just thinking of that.

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10 hours ago, darin3 said:

Ah OK.  I knew he was a hugh stoner, so maybe I'm just thinking of that.


Some people speculated drugs, mostly because he's an entertainer and they're all drug addicts according some groups.


Not sure where you heard/read he was a huge stoner, or how else you knew it. I wasn't a big fan of his but never heard that. I know he has that squeaky clean image while on his big hit TV shows, but was a crude and rude stand up comedian. I did a quick search and read this article talking about his life. It mentions that he once did some whippets with his male co stars on Full House set and did have issues with drunk driving when younger, but appeared to be against drugs in general and not a regular user at all. 



Sorry this is one of my "facts matter" pet peeves, you would only really KNOW he was a stoner if you hung around him and saw him getting stoned. I knew plenty of people at times in my life who I THOUGHT were (or were not) drug users and later was shocked to find out the opposite. 

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10 hours ago, stevegrab said:



Sorry this is one of my "facts matter" pet peeves, you would only really KNOW he was a stoner if you hung around him and saw him getting stoned.


Seriously man?  You are an odd bird.  Not gonna argue about how or why I thought that.  Was I mistaken?  Possibly.  But I have my reasons, none of which I have to go through the mental gymnastics of proving something to some perpetual online Debbie Downer.

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11 hours ago, stevegrab said:

Sorry this is one of my "facts matter" pet peeves, you would only really KNOW he was a stoner if you hung around him and saw him getting stoned. 


Let me guess:

Ceech Martin

Steven Tyler

Johnson Depp

Charlie sheen


Must all be clean as I have never smoked pot or done a line with them, but Bob Saget has publicly acknowledged tying Cocaine, so I'm not sure what category to put him in.


And, I'm sure I write this at least once a year:


What's the ONLY drug that can kill an addict if they stop cold turkey?





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10 hours ago, darin3 said:


Seriously man?  You are an odd bird.  Not gonna argue about how or why I thought that.  Was I mistaken?  Possibly.  But I have my reasons, none of which I have to go through the mental gymnastics of proving something to some perpetual online Debbie Downer.


An odd bird, because I don't like it when people say they know something but don't really have any knowledge about it?  That should bother most people, but apparently you think its OK to claim you know stuff when you don't and slander others spreading your opinion as fact. (I know equates to fact, not opinion.....yes words matter).


PS   Yes some people are well known drug users, including lots entertainers and athletes. Its been in the news, they've stated it themselves, etc. Saget admitting to trying cocaine once doesn't make him a well know 
"huge stoner". 

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4 minutes ago, League_Champion said:

Steve's more of an ecstasy and poppers guy. 

I couldn't care less what consenting adults do in the safety and privacy of their own home.

It continues to amaze me that we have this visceral reaction to "street" drugs but the socially acceptable drugs tend to be more addictive and deadly, then we want to accept.

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