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define the relationship?!?!?!


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Tell her you love her, then drill her in the ass. Ditch her when you're tired of her and find a hotter younger girl. Repeat.



I've been doing that for awhile now (minus "in the ass" part of the "drill her in the ass")

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I probably should throw this little doozie in the equation as well. I am starting med school in Aug and she is starting her first full time teaching job (after subbing for a full year). Those things do add to the life/relationship altering columns significantly.



Well then marry her, that way at least one of you will have a job. Let her support you. :D

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"You know, honey, I'm a guy, and I don't know exactly what kind of definition you want from me, but here's how I feel. I like you - a lot. So much, in fact, that I don't want to see anybody else, and I don't want you to see anybody else. I can't make any promises about the future, but I can tell you right now that I wouldn't be dating you if I knew I couldn't spend a long time with you. It has been a wonderful three months with you, and I'm really looking forward to the next 3."



I am going to be printing this off.

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Well then marry her, that way at least one of you will have a job. Let her support you. :D



She will be a teacher how does that equate to being able to support anything except for a starving child in africa.

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I would like to help you out here but I require much much more information before I can formulate a proper response. Please post nude pics of her breasts. I would prefer pics taken while she steps out of the shower as she dries herself off. then if we can get some pics of her sporting around the bedroom topless in only a pair of white cotton panties. Only then can I provide you with the answers you so desperately seek...



Well, I'll work on this for you there, spain. No promises though. I can tell you that no man would be dissapointed in any way, shape or form if I were to provide such photos.

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Defining a relationship with a woman is very very simple and in 34 years I finally formulated the answer. The answer is found in the form of a question..Have you farted in front of this woman ? Your comfort level and the true measure of your feelings for this woman lies in your answer.

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She wants to know you won't be with anyone else...


lie and say you won't and you're good


There it is plain and simple. Are you ready to be a one woman man? If so, then just say you won't be with another woman while with her. If not, it's time to move on unless she can deal with you dating other girls.

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Defining a relationship with a woman is very very simple and in 34 years I finally formulated the answer. The answer is found in the form of a question..Have you farted in front of this woman ? Your comfort level and the true measure of your feelings for this woman lies in your answer.


I am the king of comfortville if that's the criteria.

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Tell her that the two of you should go cruising for a girlfriend to share, and that together the three of you would be labeled an exclusive couple.


If she doesn't break up with you, you've won the game of life.

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Tell her that the two of you should go cruising for a girlfriend to share, and that together the three of you would be labeled an exclusive couple.


If she doesn't break up with you, you've won the game of life.




[Peter La Fleur] Absolutely. In some cases, there's two somebodies for one person. I like to call that "the jackpot". [/Peter La Fleur]

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Defining a relationship with a woman is very very simple and in 34 years I finally formulated the answer. The answer is found in the form of a question..Have you farted in front of this woman ? Your comfort level and the true measure of your feelings for this woman lies in your answer.



you are wrong, my friend. the real question: has she farted in front of you?

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you are wrong, my friend. the real question: has she farted in front of you?



The answer is yes on that, I made fun of her for it we laughed, all was merry. For me the answer is no, although, I did take a massive duke in her bathroom last weekend after we went out to eat. She was mildly disturbed but made fun of me for it.

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Good advice on all fronts. I am all about taking it slow, which is probably why I have had 3 separate relationships that lasted 2+ years before ending.


I probably should throw this little doozie in the equation as well. I am starting med school in Aug and she is starting her first full time teaching job (after subbing for a full year). Those things do add to the life/relationship altering columns significantly.


I'd be sure that she is aware that the med school thing is going to take up a lot of your focus, but the lack of attention is not a reflection of your relationship.



I am going to be printing this off.


I'd change the 3 months thing to just say future. You don't really want to set a deadline for the next step in the relationship.

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Ok, I know some of you fellows on here have come accross similiar situations, and I wanted to get some different takes on the matter.


I have been exclusively dating this lovely little lass for nearly 3 months now. We hang out quite a bit, I like her, and she likes me. I would be perfectly wonderfully happy if we just left it at that and kept on rolling. However, she wants to talk about the definition of our relationship. I don't even know what the hell that means nor do I really care about putting labels on things. I wouldn't have a problem calling her my girlfriend, in fact I have refered to her as such to friends without giving it a second though. Why do women have to complicate things with talks about pointless crap? why oh why? :angst:




Have no fear. I am an expert on these matters.


At 23, it sounds to me like she just wants to establish that you are in an exclusive relationship. If you've already done that, then you need to ask her what she means by "defining" the relationship.


If she wants more than to establish an exclusive relationship after 3 months of dating, then you must reasses the situation, particularly since you are going to medical school. If, at 23 years of age, her biological clock is ticking, you must: 1) live in Alabama; and 2) bail.

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Have no fear. I am an expert on these matters.


At 23, it sounds to me like she just wants to establish that you are in an exclusive relationship. If you've already done that, then you need to ask her what she means by "defining" the relationship.


If she wants more than to establish an exclusive relationship after 3 months of dating, then you must reasses the situation, particularly since you are going to medical school. If, at 23 years of age, her biological clock is ticking, you must: 1) live in Alabama; and 2) bail.


I don't know much about you Hankk, but from what I do know, you're the last person who should be giving relationship advice. :D

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In my view, if someone is hinting at a ring or marriage after three months, particularly at such a young age, you need to pull the cord.


Don't bs her or mislead her about the big M. You're only asking for problems.

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I'd be sure that she is aware that the med school thing is going to take up a lot of your focus, but the lack of attention is not a reflection of your relationship.


We have talked about how it will take a lot of my time, and she has made it clear how her teaching for the first time will take a lot of her time as well. So we are cool in the regard that we have all that on the table. However, I have a feeling that the exceution can't possibly go as planned and that worries me a bit.


I'd change the 3 months thing to just say future. You don't really want to set a deadline for the next step in the relationship.



Also, noted. I definately wouldn't want her springing "well its been 3 months, what now" on me because I know I sure as hell won't remember the time as elapsed.

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This is simple. Let her do the talking. If she tries to lead things down a path that you don't like or aren't ready for yet, say so. Otherwise agree and tell her you feel the same.


If you aren't comfortable with what she's puttin out there, tell her that. More to the point, tell her that you are really into her, but that it's important for you to take things at the right pace. If she wants to make this work, then she has to understand that rushing or pressuring will not get the desired results. As a last resort, ask her if she would actually want you agreeing to a relationship status because she pressured you into it. She'll say no, and that she understands. If she says yes, or that your answer isn't good enough, run.

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I don't know much about you Hankk, but from what I do know, you're the last person who should be giving relationship advice. :D




Shouldn't you be out on the corner busking or something.

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