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Friday Night of Poker, leads to the Dog house

Sgt. Ryan

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The night of Poker .........


Local game with 7 buddies, who are tighter than a virgin sheep, except for 2 friends of friends whom Ive never played cards with before. Those 2 bought back in and were each knocked out for the 2nd time by 11:30 PM. The next player out was at 4:30 am, then 2 more around 4:45 am. Finally leaving us with 3. My two opponents stack were double mine at the very least. At midnight we raised the blind, then every 2 hrs afterwards, which we found out was not soon enough. Around 6 AM, we decided we would count the chips at 7 AM, and highest chip won, down to 3rd getting their $50 back. I was still clearly in 3rd until about 6:40, when I finally got someone to go all in. Showing were 3 8s, and 2 7s, and he got cocky saying no way I had the other 8. He had a 7, ace in his hand, and figured he could do no worse than a split. When I turned over that 4th 8, I thought he was going to fasto his pants. Then there were down to 2, with only 20 minutes before the deadline, and this guy clearly had me beat. He folded almost every hand, allowing me to steal the blind, knowing there is not way I could catch him. FInally we got the 3rd place guy to start dealin to us as everytime my opponent would deal, he would take forever, trying to bleed time until 7 am. At the end of the night, I was down chips, and lost, but I walked away with $100, double my buy in. I was happy to double my money, but clearly wanted to finish this other guy off.


Events leading up to the game, and after.........


Here is where everything went wrong. Last week the wife and I were on vacation, staying in town, just hitting the local waterparks with the kids. Friday afternoon while eating lunch I received a call from my buddy asking if I wanted to play. Ive told him no about 7 times in a row, and I could tell he thought I was going to say no again, the way he asked. SO I asked the wife sitting right next to me, can I play tonight, and she said and I quote " Do you want to play tonight". Well of course I did, so I told my buddy Ill be there. Trust me, that doesnt mean OK, that is a trick question I later learned. She didnt say more than 5 words to me the next 4 hours before it was time for me to leave. The last time we played, it was over around 1 AM, but there were only 5 of us playing, and we raised the blind every hr on the hour, which was key to the earlier night.


My wife calls me at 2:30 AM, trying to find out where I am. I tell her we are still playing, and that there are 6 of us left, and Ill be home later. I had no idea what time it was, but I knew we were far from done. At 7:15 AM, I walk in the door, to my surprise my wife is watching TV. I walk over and show her the $100, and she asks me what time it is. I tell her, and well that started the fireworks.




Moral to this story, if your wife asks you if you want to go, when you ask her if you can go, She isnt saying yes you can go, its a trick question by her. Also, if you stay out till 7 AM, without calling home, even if in your mind you think you dont want to wake her, call and wake her. That was basically what she biatched about most, though I think that was BS, just the only thing you could really hammer me on. And finally to her it doesnt matter if you win $100 or not, if she doesnt want you to go.

Edited by Sgt. Ryan
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I'd say at least let her know it could be an all night thing and she understands. Also, if you have told your buddy about seven times in a row that you can't join them for poker and you finally do, it sounds like you don't leave the nest very often. You can't be consumed with the family 24-7 and maintain some vestige of sanity...you need some time away.

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I'd say at least let her know it could be an all night thing and she understands. Also, if you have told your buddy about seven times in a row that you can't join them for poker and you finally do, it sounds like you don't leave the nest very often. You can't be consumed with the family 24-7 and maintain some vestige of sanity...you need some time away.



I wasnt prepared for the game to last all night, clearly. And you are right, I dont leave the nest often, as most of my buddies are divorced or seperated at the moment, for basically doing whatever they want/ed while married. But I will say I play softball 2 nights a week, coach my sons soccer/tball teams another night, with games on Saturday, so even though its only an hour or so each time, I do get some time away. Just nothing like Friday nights poker game. The sad part of this story is I really enjoyed playing cards. Im new to the game, started playing last November, but Ive been on a lil roll lately online, and glad to see that translate into some success at the local game.

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I dont have the stamina to play all night. I play in some local games but the latest they ever go is 1:00 am; and thats with tournament that has about 30 people in it! If I had to go much past that, I couldnt do it. Usually, we finish up by 11:00 pm and get home at a decent hour. Congrats on making money! You always feel good when you money.

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I, personally, would be pissed at myself for playing for 8+ hours and coming home only $50 to the good.

Knowing what I'd be in for when I got home..........$50 wouldn't cut it.

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I, personally, would be pissed at myself for playing for 8+ hours and coming home only $50 to the good.

Knowing what I'd be in for when I got home..........$50 wouldn't cut it.




We raised the blinds at midnight, 2 AM, 4 AM, and finally 6 AM. I see we need to do this every hr minimum.


I have to say, I was having so much fun, I didnt care what time it was getting, as I was prepared to go till noon if I had to to take this buddy down, and take the top prize. But maybe that is because the bragging rights are worth more than the money, and I knew I woudlnt be playing again, any time soon. :D



A sure way to cure the late games is to raise the blinds more often. My local games the blinds usually go up every 20 minutes.

Oh and if I strolled in at 7:00 AM, I'd be in pretty much the same boat.




I was shocked the lil lady wasnt asleep and I could just sneak in the bed. Boy do I have alot to learn. Ill chalk that up to the fact I rarely want to go out without the lil lady, aside from ball games, which she attends every now and then.

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Moral to this story, if your wife asks you if you want to go, when you ask her if you can go, She isnt saying yes you can go, its a trick question by her. Also, if you stay out till 7 AM, without calling home, even if in your mind you think you dont want to wake her, call and wake her.




What are you, a newlywed?? You didn't KNOW this already?? :D

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:D - that is alot of poker for 50 bones- you gotta raise the blinds every 15- 20 min- holy sh1t Private-

Your game sounds like my grandmothers monthly game.


I agree though- final 2 heads up is fun, what a Rosie O'Donnell the other guy was for not playing with ya- lame. Guy goes into 4 corner stall mode- what a joke. That is the funnest part- closing someone out.


Thanks for the wife/marital tips- I had no idea that is the way it works :D

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Poker is evil and a sin against nature. Ask your wife.


Answering a question with a question is a gene all women are born with and when they get older they take classes to refine the art. NEVER use this technique on them or you are cooking your on goose. :D

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We raised the blinds at midnight, 2 AM, 4 AM, and finally 6 AM. I see we need to do this every hr minimum.


I have to say, I was having so much fun, I didnt care what time it was getting, as I was prepared to go till noon if I had to to take this buddy down, and take the top prize. But maybe that is because the bragging rights are worth more than the money, and I knew I woudlnt be playing again, any time soon. :D

I was shocked the lil lady wasnt asleep and I could just sneak in the bed. Boy do I have alot to learn. Ill chalk that up to the fact I rarely want to go out without the lil lady, aside from ball games, which she attends every now and then.





I've played in quite a few games and I've never heard of blinds being raised at such long intervals. Definitely need to start them low but raise every 20 min or so, that's the only way to speed the game up and dispatch the guys who are callin on anything hoping to catch cards.

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now i don't suggest that i know alot about women, but what was her tone and facial expression when she said "well do you really want to go?" i believe you had your answer right there didn't you? was there a raised eyebrow? did her voice go up or sound sarcastic when she asked you? i'm saying there were hints you didn't pick up on, like the hours of silence before you left. LOL. anyway, like everyone else has said, you need to raise blinds alot quicker and not start with a bazillion chips. tell your pu ssy friends to play in a few turbo tourneys if there sphincters are that tight. that will loosen them up some.

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OH I knew she wasnt happy, when she didnt speak for the 4 hours leading up to my departure, but I wasnt going to let that ruin my night.


And I have discussed the raised blinds with several of them, who were complaining it was taking so long. They will try it next Friday, though I doubt Ill be there. :D

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OH I knew she wasnt happy, when she didnt speak for the 4 hours leading up to my departure, but I wasnt going to let that ruin my night.


And I have discussed the raised blinds with several of them, who were complaining it was taking so long. They will try it next Friday, though I doubt Ill be there. :D


:D ........he said "next friday."........... :D:D

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Around 6 AM, we decided we would count the chips at 7 AM, and highest chip won, down to 3rd getting their $50 back.


That almost guaranteed slow play at the end. If you set a quittin' time, the money should be rationed according to chip count.


Maybe they can try it that way and tell you how it went. :D





:D I'm in the same boat as you, though.

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Sarge, you need to whip the wife into shape. My wife gives me the ok to do something that is it. I've trained her to say what is no her mind for better or worse, so if she says it is ok, then it is ok. By the way, I won a custom handmade poker table at a charity event a couple of weeks ago. I should have it in a month or two. You need to plan on coming down and playing.

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Sarge, you need to whip the wife into shape. My wife gives me the ok to do something that is it. I've trained her to say what is no her mind for better or worse, so if she says it is ok, then it is ok. By the way, I won a custom handmade poker table at a charity event a couple of weeks ago. I should have it in a month or two. You need to plan on coming down and playing.




holy crap.....you have solved one of life's greatest mysteries!!!! do tell how you accomplished this!!!

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holy crap.....you have solved one of life's greatest mysteries!!!! do tell how you accomplished this!!!



I just told her I don't speak women, and that if she wants me to hear what she says, she damned well better say what she means. That and the fact that my wife is not one of these prissy little debutants. She was an athlete growing up, so she had more male friends than most women so she tends to think more like a guy than most women. Trust me though, she has trained me in other areas.

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I just told her I don't speak women, and that if she wants me to hear what she says, she damned well better say what she means. That and the fact that my wife is not one of these prissy little debutants. She was an athlete growing up, so she had more male friends than most women so she tends to think more like a guy than most women. Trust me though, she has trained me in other areas.




honey, whats wrong???




(ten minutes later)



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Those 2 hour blind levels are a problem, and the first increase wasn't until midnight? What time did you start?


But for those suggesting 20-minute levels, I think that's going too far. Depends on the size of the field and how many at each table, but if you just assume maybe eight players to a table, I'm not sure a 20-minute level gives you enough time to go once around the table. It becomes like an online ultra-turbo tournament, which is essentially a crapshoot. I'd go with something longer than 20 minutes for sure. I like tournament structures that allow you to wait for a hand, at least a little bit, rather than forcing yourself to commit early on to a so-so hand. The structure I like best is with longer levels early on, and then shorter levels later when the field has been thinned out a little bit.

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