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Other Peoples Kids


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The Kids and manners threads got me thinking. Have any of you ever had a problem with other peoples kids ? My wife and I are in a real tough spot because of our friends kid. Our neighbors are a very nice couple that we became friendly with about 5 years ago. The lawnmower guy :D and his wife. They have 2 kids 7 and 5. My girls are 5 and 3. As I said we truly like these people. My wife and his wife had some recent small issues that they worked through but for the most part we have all been friendly. The problem is their son. hes the 5 year old. He is an absolute terror. God forgive me I hate talking about a kid like that but honestly he is nothing short of torture to be around sometimes. He is the most misbehaved kid I have ever come across. He is constantly screaming at the top of his lungs. Every toy is his and he fights with my 3 year old all the time. My 3 year old is not always right when they fight dont get me wrong she, as a lot of kids her age do, is still in that "My toy" stage a little bit but she shares pretty good and gets along great with every other kid we interact with. Whenever we go out to eat with them this kid causes a hugh scene. The other day he came in our pool and totally disrupted our girls and our other neighbors kids good time. He was whacking the kids with a boogie board and screaming. The Father does his best to discipline this kid but he is massively undermined by his wife who is a hugh defender of this kid. Instead of reprimanding him she usually makes up excuses for him. She is a very big part of the problem. He is in my oldest daughters pre K class and he actually kicked a teacher. His Moms response was "There is 2 sides to every story". This has caused my wife and I a lot of problems because we like the parents a lot and they call us to do things together a lot and lately we have been shying away a little bit because we cant take the kid anymore. I think they are starting to suspect our small distancing from them..Do any of you have a kid you come across that is tough to deal with ?

Edited by whomper
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Funny, the three kids next door to me are all terrors...the 12 year old is the neighborhood unpaid friend and the 7 year old boy sounds just like your neighbors 5 year old...they always come around and try to play with Emma but the wife always says no to them...

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Man, Whomp, that's a tough situation because those folks are your neighbors. We have a coouple of couples that we hangh out with that have kids with behavioral problems, but not to that extent, but to the extent I don't want my girl around their bad behavior as she is only 2 1/2. When we are supposed to do something with them, I usually just call my parents to babysit our daughter and make up some excuse as to why she's not there. Unfortunately that won't work for you. Good luck.

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Most of our relatives & friends kids, nieces,nephews,etc., are very polite and are to this day. But 1 cuz's born late in life son, was a terror. Spoiled doesn't begin to decribe his behaviour. Toooo many stories to tell, but he is now a Marine and will be going to Iraq in Sept. I can't wait to see what the changes are in him. Hell, I was layin' odds on him coming back in 2 weeks, but he made it. :D

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When no one's looking you should backhand the kid and then tell everyone he slipped and hit his head.



Yep, and then when the mom comes over to check on her screaming little d*uchebag son, kick her square in the beaver as well.

Edited by Hugh 0ne
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I think I am spoiled because my daughter is so good (doesn't throw fits, shares her toys, is very polite, etc....) but I get very easily annoyed by other people's kids who don't behave. I've even gone so far as to grab the kid by the scruff of the neck (only boys) and get about three inches from his face, explaining very quietly and calmly, that he "will not do that again". They get the hint. My wife and I have distanced ourselves from a few couples who refuse to discipline their kids. It is unfortunate because we used to like hanging out with them but their kids ruin any sort of good time.

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When no one's looking you should backhand the kid and then tell everyone he slipped and hit his head.




Yep, and then when the mom comes over to check on her screaming little d*uchebag son, kick her square in the beaver as well.


:D Very good info here.

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The Kids and manners threads got me thinking. Have any of you ever had a problem with other peoples kids ? My wife and I are in a real tough spot because of our friends kid. Our neighbors are a very nice couple that we became friendly with about 5 years ago. The lawnmower guy :D and his wife. They have 2 kids 7 and 5. My girls are 5 and 3. As I said we truly like these people. My wife and his wife had some recent small issues that they worked through but for the most part we have all been friendly. The problem is their son. hes the 5 year old. He is an absolute terror. God forgive me I hate talking about a kid like that but honestly he is nothing short of torture to be around sometimes. He is the most misbehaved kid I have ever come across. He is constantly screaming at the top of his lungs. Every toy is his and he fights with my 3 year old all the time. My 3 year old is not always right when they fight dont get me wrong she, as a lot of kids her age do, is still in that "My toy" stage a little bit but she shares pretty good and gets along great with every other kid we interact with. Whenever we go out to eat with them this kid causes a hugh scene. The other day he came in our pool and totally disrupted our girls and our other neighbors kids good time. He was whacking the kids with a boogie board and screaming. The Father does his best to discipline this kid but he is massively undermined by his wife who is a hugh defender of this kid. Instead of reprimanding him she usually makes up excuses for him. She is a very big part of the problem. He is in my oldest daughters pre K class and he actually kicked a teacher. His Moms response was "There is 2 sides to every story". This has caused my wife and I a lot of problems because we like the parents a lot and they call us to do things together a lot and lately we have been shying away a little bit because we cant take the kid anymore. I think they are starting to suspect our small distancing from them..Do any of you have a kid you come across that is tough to deal with ?




Whew thats a long paragraph... :D


I grew up with some kids where there mom always took their side... spoiled f'n brats :D




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1. whoop the kid yourself and when he goes screamin to mommy, tell her there are 2 sides to every story!

2. then whoop her ass

3. the main thing i see nowadays is the parents backin the kids....when i was a kid, i was always wrong! i was guilty until proven innocent. that is no longer the case today. and even if i was innocent, i still took some punishment somehow.....shoot 1st ask questions later i guess.

Edited by dmarc117
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Well be tackfully truthful. When she says there are two sides, you calmly respond that his side should be looked at a little closer. When she has an excuse for him simply say that is no excuse in your eyes, but more of a symptom. She doesn't like it then she has to look hard in the mirror herself. It is the respect thing again and when her boy is away from her house he should respect the thoughts and ways of other people or he won't see the outside of said casa.

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Whenever we go out to eat with them this kid causes a hugh scene.


Who the hell goes to dinner with other family's and their kids? :D


I can think of NOTHING I would rather not do, I'd eat a plate of cliaz's schit and wash it down with a hot buttshake from the polkdispenser before I'd voluteer to spend time with another family I don't like that much and their kids.


Thats just fokd up man.

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That is tough Whomp. 5 year olds are tough, believe me I have one. Mine is just an absolute joy when she is alone or even with her 7 year old sister. But when my 5 year old nephew comes over or when we go over there all hell breaks loose. I'd like to blame most of it on my Nephew, because up until recently he was the only child, and my broher-in-law and sister-in-law adopted him (at the time they didn't think they would be able to have kids), so he was really spoiled and pampered. Plus the kid is a stay at home kid so he hasn't had a lot of social mixing. That's not to say my baby can't be a little bitch sometimes because she can. The more often they are together though (in shorter periods) the better they do.


My problem is the little 9 and 10 year old up the street riding their fourwheelers in the circle infront of my house. I can't statd the kids, and I've never really met them. They come flying down the street on their 4 wheelers, as late a 10:00pm. If one of them ever hits one of my kids while they are riding their bikes, I think I may kill the kid and then go kill their dumb ass parents. They also have a dog that they let roam wild that will chew up damn near everything you might leave in your yard. Their front yard looks like a damned motocross track, they don't have any grass for the ruts. And it's a nice home, about 3000 sq ft and only 3 years old, and it has nice finishes, it's not like I'm living next to H8 in the trailer park.

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Who the hell goes to dinner with other family's and their kids? :D


I can think of NOTHING I would rather not do, I'd eat a plate of cliaz's schit and wash it down with a hot buttshake from the polkdispenser before I'd voluteer to spend time with another family I don't like that much and their kids.


Thats just fokd up man.




That was the special the night we went

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That was the special the night we went


:D Yet another true laugh-out-loud whomperism.


Tough call on your situation, whomp. While I don't have kids - yet - my thoughts would be... the fact that you think your neighbor/friends are "getting the hint" about not wanting to spend time with them might just be the subtle innueudo that's needed. Perhaps when you're in a more of an "adult" situation (read: without the kids around), you mention something about your daughters not wanting to play with those kids due to excessive rough-housing, etc. Perhaps they'll finally get the point that the kids need an attitude adjustment.


Or, just call Dr. Phil. :D

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Two situations...


The first was a neighbor we had... I was very friendly with the father, though not the mother - she was a girlie... anyway... their son was out of hand never listened and was always getting in touble... he was like 7 and my daughter five... he was constantly trying to talk my daughter into doing things she couldn't... like going out to play in the street and such... at one point I had to send her to her room and I went in to check on her only to find him convincing her to pass him some of her toys through the window. I then proceded to get my cordless and drill the window shut while smiling at him. They moved a couple years later - at which point I undrilled the window.


Another person moved into our neighborhood a few years later and it was pretty much the same. She would just try to talk our daughter into doing things that we would not let her do. And when we would talk to our daughter... this girl would answer for her. Things like 'no, its alright - my mom always let me do it'. She would more or less tell me that I was wrong - drove me mad. This and this little pain in the ass would call like 20 times a day and stop by multiple times a day to get my daughter to play. My daughter tired of her quickly, but the girl never got the point... so many times she had to say... NO, I will call YOU when I am ready... still did not get the hint.


Anyway... we moved away... and six months later... low and behold, who moves near us. My daughter is/was devistated, because she was now this girls only friend in a new school and now she's hanging all over her and cramping her style. My daughter does not have the heart to do what needs to be done.

Edited by Duchess Jack
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Uh, sounds like me 2 year old :D He's a handful to say the least.


Edit- when i say sounds like my two year old I mean, he screams a lot, he throws huge fits and is very tough to deal with, he is not as bad as the kid in your description sounds. My wife was the same way when she was a kid, and unfortunately he's nothing like I was when I was a kid, my 5 year old is though. I was very quiet, always minded, never trouble, my wife, completely the opposite. Her parents just laugh and says, good luck, payback is a girlie isn't it. :-(

Edited by Hat Trick
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