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David Cook

Chief Dick

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been a Cook fan from early in the competition....he was good but you can tell he has benefited from the voice/coaching lessons they get....quite possibly the most talented Idol the show has ever had....actually, i think he is the most talented and even think he is more talented then Daughtry and that is saying something

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What the hell are you guys talking about? I clinked on a link to see someone doing a has been Chris Cornell doing a has been version of Michael Jackson? What the fck?

Without sounding TOO elitist... I'm not sure the "general public" was aware of Cornell's version. In fact, it took tonight's incredibly solid performance by Cook to remind me of it.

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Without sounding TOO elitist... I'm not sure the "general public" was aware of Cornell's version. In fact, it took tonight's incredibly solid performance by Cook to remind me of it.


Ahh .....call me naive cause I didn't even know that this was from a reality show until I pieced it together just now with the bumpage of the American Idol thread. I was a Hugh Soundgarden fan who thinks Cornell's solo career leaves a lot to be desired. I just watched a teeny-bop guy do a cover of a cover I thought was ghey. I'll leave the rest of the banter on American Idol to everyone else cause I'm surely an elitist on this stuff.

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Ahh .....call me naive cause I didn't even know that this was from a reality show until I pieced it together just now with the bumpage of the American Idol thread. I was a Hugh Soundgarden fan who thinks Cornell's solo career leaves a lot to be desired. I just watched a teeny-bop guy do a cover of a cover I thought was ghey. I'll leave the rest of the banter on American Idol to everyone else cause I'm surely an elitist on this stuff.

there will always be a place for the Creeds, New Kids On The Block etc....Cook might not fit the yearnings for an "elitist" but as far as his talent and what he does he is HEAD & SHOULDERS talent wise above all the idols this year and i would go so far as to say since idol's inception. Sure some have had bigger voices and maybe been more pop mainstream....but Cook brings an overall talent that Idol has yet to see....he is what the judges always say they want to see...something unique(ok Billy Jean wasnt unique...but HELLO was VERY unique)....and to top it off he really seems to be growing at a very good pace vocally...kid also seems to be pretty humble which is pretty rare in the music industry...if its just an act then he will have not only a successful career in music but also one in acting.


edit: to be fair these kids cant do their own songs so really we will have to wait to see exactly who Cook is but at least we are able to see that he does have pipes and understands the game and how to play it.

Edited by keggerz
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Ahh .....call me naive cause I didn't even know that this was from a reality show until I pieced it together just now with the bumpage of the American Idol thread. I was a Hugh Soundgarden fan who thinks Cornell's solo career leaves a lot to be desired. I just watched a teeny-bop guy do a cover of a cover I thought was ghey. I'll leave the rest of the banter on American Idol to everyone else cause I'm surely an elitist on this stuff.


Your perspective is interesting to me, b/c you didn't know this was American idol. The performance was a good one, but it seemed even better b/c for the most part, the performances on American idol are not very good. So on a relative basis, i can see why people think it was awesome. If that makes sense...

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Your perspective is interesting to me, b/c you didn't know this was American idol. The performance was a good one, but it seemed even better b/c for the most part, the performances on American idol are not very good. So on a relative basis, i can see why people think it was awesome. If that makes sense...


pretty much. I was watching the last half of the show last night (wife made me :wacko:), and you know, compared to everyone else that night and compared to most everything else I've seen on that show, that was an absolutely kick-ass performance. but that means what, exactly? that he would make an OK frontman for a grunge ripoff band? BFD. :D

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Ahh .....call me naive cause I didn't even know that this was from a reality show until I pieced it together just now with the bumpage of the American Idol thread. I was a Hugh Soundgarden fan who thinks Cornell's solo career leaves a lot to be desired. I just watched a teeny-bop guy do a cover of a cover I thought was ghey. I'll leave the rest of the banter on American Idol to everyone else cause I'm surely an elitist on this stuff.

FWIW I wasn't calling you elitist in my reply...

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Am I the only one who thinks he looks like Phillip Seymour Hoffman?


I thought he looks more like that incredibly un-funny guy who used to read the news on SNL after a cheeseburger binge.


Un-funny SNL loser


Poor Man's Chris Cornell Wannabe


You be the judge. . . :wacko:

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Wow, I thought David Archuletta would walk away with it. He may still do that simply because teenage girls love to text and vote for him, but David Cook has impressed the hell outta me in the past month or so. I look forward to his performances more than any other. Amazing stuff.


I don't vote, but I would've switched my vote from Archuletta to Cook after the "Hello" performance and nothing I've seen yet would've changed my mind.

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