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Cunning Runt

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Wife got up at 5:00 for work, and I decided to get up with her before the kids so I could do the same as you.


I sat quietly sipping my coffee, TV on, planning my morning with the kids fall baseball, girls cheerleading, then home for some football and a cookout....and can't help but wonder how many families of those lost wish they had their loved ones near to do the same.


Always remember :wacko:

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I'm going out of my way to avoid watching the remembrances...It's my Dad's birthday and instead of focusing on the attacks every year, I try for the positive in my Dad being around


I'm fine with however people decide to spend this day. I watch the remembrances and the footage so I never forget how I felt that day.

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I'm going out of my way to avoid watching the remembrances...It's my Dad's birthday and instead of focusing on the attacks every year, I try for the positive in my Dad being around

Don't blame you in the slightest. Heck of a birthday to have (ie tied in with 9/11) but as you said, the positive of your dad being around is what really matters.


That said:



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We're having my daughter's 1st birthday party today. Her B-day isn't actually until the 27th, but given that we're officially moving from CA next weekend, this is our last chance to get together with some friends from the Bay area. Mixed emotions, for sure... I wish I had time today, to sit and watch more of the coverage, but I just don't. Have to get food prepared for about 40 people, then probably spend a few hours this evening, continuing to go through our garage (in preparation for the move). Then, I fly out of Oakland, back to North Dakota, tomorrow morning at 6 AM. Work Tuesday/Wednesday, then back here Thursday to move. :wacko:


Like I said, mixed emotions, on a date that I'll simply never forget... Where I was when I heard, my initial thoughts when my boss told me that she had heard a plane had hit the WTC (that it was probably some one-passenger plane that hit the tower by accident), going home for lunch when I heard it was much worse, and just sitting and watching in shock/horror as the events unfolded. I'll also never forget that feeling of absolute helplessness and vulnerability, unlike anything I had ever felt before. On a day when we'll be celebrating our daughter, it will most definitely still be in the back of my mind. That just makes me appreciate the time I spend with her that much more. :rofl:


I can certainly understand some not wanting to watch the coverage on TV. For me, whether it's on TV, the radio, or in a magazine/newspaper, the stories about 9/11 are something that I almost can't stand to watch, but can't turn away either. So sad. :lol:



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I think about this day, and despite the pain it produces, will never forget how it has changed me - and I hope for the better, as I am much more fortunate than every single person more closely affected by those tragic events.


The children of those first responders...that's what hurts the most.

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The events of that day seemed surreal and distant to me, 2000 miles removed from them. They held my attention, in fact I was rivited to the news all day and through the night right into and through the next day, but they did not have as profound an effect on me as they clearly have for some of you.


I have noted that I am one of the few people who knew no one in the towers, knows no one personally who lost anyone there, and who does not even have the connection of having ever been in the towers. The same holds for the pentagon. I have always been amazed at the interconnectivity of this country such that it seems nearly everyone has a personal relationship with this event.

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I think about this day, and despite the pain it produces, will never forget how it has changed me - and I hope for the better, as I am much more fortunate than every single person more closely affected by those tragic events.


The children of those first responders...that's what hurts the most.

I'm with just about everyone here. I will never forget what I felt that day... the sadness, the anger, the needless waste of life, the hatred for sh^tbag religious nuts that consume our world...


That being said, I still cannot bring myself to watch any show pertaining to that day. I don't need the media pushing my emotional buttons to remember what this country experienced and reliving in detail those tragic events. I would rather focus on what we are doing/have done going forward, showing what a strong national fabric we have. I enjoy a remembrance at the sporting events and the time they give to show respect to those who so unnecessarily lost their lives... but the documentaries on all the networks, I just can't watch them.


ETA: I can understand these types of shows for those too young to remember... but for me, personally, they,re just not my thing. I'd rather reside in the here and now.

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