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Vandalism at the Rovers Estate


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It started around Labor Day, a small 99 cent American flag was lifted from a garden near the sidewalk. Then, solar walkway lights started to disappear. OK, replacable stuff, an annoyance but no more than that.


Last week I notice a large stone is missing from a garden border I had built over 10 years ago. It's at the top of the driveway made of a rather expensive decorative stone similar to but thicker than slate. I can no longer locate more to replace any broken or stolen stones. They are unique in texture and color. I managed to modify the wall enough to replace the missing stone, but then another disappeared yesterday. It was stolen between 10am and 3pm. Then I found it, just around the corner smashed into bits in the middle of the street. I built this thing myself, and the stones alone cost over 400 bucks... and are now irreplacable.


Kids. Has to be. They do walk by my house from the middle school. Maybe 20 or 30 of them each day. I thought a bout calling the ploice, but all they will do is sit in front of the house at 2:30, and the kid would of course just walk past the house. Then next week, it will start all over again. Bad plan. I want to catch this lil bassad, and hold his parents responsible for the damages.


So, I will park around the corner at 2:15 (my day off) and lay in wait with a camera across the street. Take some pics when he shows up, and stealthilly follow him home. THEN I will call the police, photos in hand.


Of course I'd rather just beat the crap out of the little creep, but then I'd have to go to jail and court and stuff. Wish me happy hunting. :wacko:

Edited by Rovers
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It's ironic, isn't it, that as the victim in order to get some justice, I have to risk placing myself in a position to get in trouble myself?


In the old days, my old man would have grabbed the kid by the ear, walked him home, and watched the kid's old man ghive him a good beat down. My old man would have been satisfied with that alone. My only recourse is to get financial reimursement because you just know that this kid's parents will refuse to believe little Johnnie could do such a thing.

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It started around Labor Day, a small 99 cent American flag was lifted from a garden near the sidewalk. Then, solar walkway lights started to disappear. OK, replacable stuff, an annoyance but no more than that.


Last week I notice a large stone is missing from a garden border I had built over 10 years ago. It's at the top of the driveway made of a rather expensive decorative stone similar to but thicker than slate. I can no longer locate more to replace any broken or stolen stones. They are unique in texture and color. I managed to modify the wall enough to replace the missing stone, but then another disappeared yesterday. It was stolen between 10am and 3pm. Then I found it, just around the corner smashed into bits in the middle of the street. I built this thing myself, and the stones alone cost over 400 bucks... and are now irreplacable.


Kids. Has to be. They do walk by my house from the middle school. Maybe 20 or 30 of them each day. I thought a bout calling the ploice, but all they will do is sit in front of the house at 2:30, and the kid would of course just walk past the house. Then next week, it will start all over again. Bad plan. I want to catch this lil bassad, and hold his parents responsible for the damages.


So, I will park around the corner at 2:15 (my day off) and lay in wait with a camera across the street. Take some pics when he shows up, and stealthilly follow him home. THEN I will call the police, photos in hand.


Of course I'd rather just beat the crap out of the little creep, but then I'd have to go to jail and court and stuff. Wish me happy hunting. :wacko:

Jeez that sucks. I'm having flashbacks of my stakeout of the crazy cat lady from my old neighborhood. She kept ducking the sheriffs trying to serve her a summons, so I waited in my car until she drove to work, followed her and called the sheriff so they could serve her. I hope your situation turns out to be less of a waste of time than mine was. The system isn't really set up to deal with petty stuff like this adequately, though it can truly drive you batsh!t nuts. You might want to get some of that adhesive they sell for this application, and glue the stones to each other so they can't be easily lifted.

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Buy one of those birdhouses with a camera in it that activates when someone walks by. The video is saved on an SD card. You don't have to be there, but have proof someone messed with stuff on your property.


I guess the down side of it would be if the kid stole the birdhouse. :wacko:

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I am currently dealing with a similar situation... For the past year some chucklehead has been tossing beer cans in my front yard ( I have a pile of cans in the barn that is about 2 feet high), some end up in the lake which really pisses me off. So, I started sitting at the end of my driveway at night waiting for the dude.


He is very precise on his timing and what he does. He comes by the house initially between 9:42 and 9:49. The route that he drives brings him back by the house roughly 7 minutes later.


So, I've recorded him a couple times, have his license plate number, etc...


So I call the cops and explain to them what is going on. I give the person I'm talking with the time, the color, year and make of the car and the license plate number. They said they would send a patrol out. I've been out there again the past two nights... No squad car, though, they were out this morning at 7:30 AM sitting at a stop sign :wacko:


I think i need to call back and give them the info again to make certain they heard me correctly.

Edited by SEC=UGA
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So I call the cops and explain to them what is going on. I give the person I'm talking with the time, the color, year and make of the car and the license plate number. They said they would send a patrol out. I've been out there again the past two nights... No squad car, though, they were out this morning at 7:30 AM sitting at a stop sign :lol:

That's incredibly strange... Growing up in Marietta where (depending on which part), crime was not very rampant, they pretty much taxed all the parents in the area by catching their kids doing stupid stuff. Our PD actually had an "Underage Drinking Task Force", and they were more than happy to respond...Perhaps so many parents have complained that things have changed, but I'd still think they'd be there waiting to nail a DD.


Oh, and as for the OP, paging Cliaz :tup: .... Or maybe not, the border-line if not flat out illegal stuff probably is not a great idea when dealing with minors (though if it's your own property :wacko:) ... I had thought about a deer-camera or something like that, but I'm not sure that a camera that's set to take pics of all the kids that come by, not just the vandalizer is a very good idea either...

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I would hire Chavez to dig a hugh hole about 4 ft by 4ft and 6 ft deep. Id get some fake grass , brady bunch yard style. Id cover the hole with the fake brady bunch grass . I would put a gorgeous decorative rock on the other side of the hole.


Then I would eat. Baked beans and a hugh pot of stuffed cabbage. The next day, check the hole . If said kids are in said hole. Release said baked beans and stuffed cabbage from thine A hole on to said kids

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I would hire Chavez to dig a hugh hole about 4 ft by 4ft and 6 ft deep. Id get some fake grass , brady bunch yard style. Id cover the hole with the fake brady bunch grass . I would put a gorgeous decorative rock on the other side of the hole.


Then I would eat. Baked beans and a hugh pot of stuffed cabbage. The next day, check the hole . If said kids are in said hole. Release said baked beans and stuffed cabbage from thine A hole on to said kids



While this is good, it is rather weak on the CLiaZ scale.

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Well, that sucked. 5 kids, walking down the block, joking loudly about "Do we need any stones today?" They don't steal any, but do pick up the pieces left in the street and start thowing them around, having a great old time. I hear them talking about the stones they have stolen. I take some pics. I should have done nothing, and staked them out again on Monday.


I caught up to them in the corner store and read them the riot act. Then I called the police. Police say they can't do chit.


So, now can I expect an escalation of vandalism? I tell ya... if it happenes again, I'm going to beat down the ringleader and go to jail for it. Willingly. The cops are worthless. I heard those kids admit to it, and two swore it was the others... but none of that is any good for the police. He tells me to get cameras. I can't afford flockin cameras. I can afford to spend a few days in jail though. It's the lawsuit from the parents that scares me off. Maybe I should just follow them home, and go to war on THEIR flockin houses. Tempting.

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I guess beating his a-r-s-e is not an option.


Misdemeanor vs. Felony Assault and Battery

Assault offenses in New York are divided into three degrees, with only assault in the third degree being categorized as a misdemeanor.Any assault offense causing serious bodily injury or worse to a victim, or causing bodily injury to certain protected groups of persons, is a felony assault in New York. Any assault involving the use of a dangerous or deadly weapon automatically becomes a felony offense.


One year, $1000. Looks like if it continues, I have to drop a boatload of $ on a camera system, something I cannot afford. Tomorrow I will go shopping for a cheap video camera that I can set to run for an hour every day from 2:30 to 3:30.


The overpaid underworked cop would not even meet me at the middle school at 2:30 on Monday. He warned me against even touching the kid. Seems more like he sided with the vandals. He went on to talk about the poor home owners near the high school, the kids piss on their lawns. I reminded him that this was not pissing, it was serious property damage, and it was like talking to a wall. When I mentioned I might now how to worry about my vehicle, he scowled. I should have told him I don't make 120,000 a year like you do. I can't afford a surviellance system. His parting comment was "Since you work at Home Depot, why don't you just buy some glue?" Ah yes, to protect and serve. I feel so safe.

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It's like I said, the system is not on your side here. They have their hands full with drugs, wife beaters, burglary, etc. You think the cops don't give a sh*t, wait til you talk to a state's attorney and try to convince them you cause deserves their time. The glue is actually a good idea, frustrate em once, the little f*cks will move on to easier targets.

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