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Best and Worst Candy to get while Trick or Treating?

Atlanta Cracker

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Worst = Raisins


Best = Anything but raisins



Worst- sweetarts.

I always liked getting the occasional bag of Sweetarts on Halloween, as long as it was the bag of normal Sweetarts, not those oddball giant individually wrapped ones that looked like a urinal cake.

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Worst = Raisins


Best = Anything but raisins



Worst: Anything 'gummy'....bears....worms....egads, those things are disgusting.


Best: I'm with AC.....if you got a full sized Snickers, that was gold.


But one particular best was from a lady who didn't have a light on outside, and looking back on it, I'm sure she didn't think anyone would come knocking. But when I did, alone, she gave me this beautiful tin of French lemondrop candies. I thought it was totally cool!

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Say whaaaa??? Almond Joy is delish!


Yes they are. And I can't believe only rifraff mentioned candy corn. That stuff has to be the feces of some small, blighted animal. Blech. But my fave, as others have said, is if you happened to get a full-size snickers. Stick that sucker in the freezer and have it for breakfast the next morning (Mom would only let me get away with that on Halloween and Christmas until I got older. She wouldn't even let me eat a spoonful of cool whip. I had to have jello or pudding or pie or something to put it on. I think my Mom might be the long lost sister of TimC's Dad). Damn that's good!

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What was your favorite and least favorite items to receive?


Best: One house always had full size Snickers bars. That was the bomb.

Poor kids. Seems Halloween went way downhil not too long after we grew out of it. There were none of these lame mini-size candy "bars" then, all you got were full-size bars. And we walked for blocks, without parents. Nobody was freaking about psychos kidnapping us or razor blades etc. Oh well. Anyway:


Best - any candy bar

Worst - anything coconut or licorice. Oh and once some lady gave out toothbrushes. :wacko:

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Best - Any full size candy bar


Worst (that I immediately discarded) - apples


Worst (that was the last thing remaining in my candy stash and usually lasted till mid November) - Candy Corn


Honorable Mention - McDonalds Halloween Gift Certificates. Unlike today, when I was a kid going to McDonalds was a treat. These certificates made it easier to convince the grown-ups to take you there.

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Loved Snickers, Butterfingers, Baby Ruth Bars, and Hershey Bars. M&M's were always welcone. Popcorn balls were all right by me. Sugr Babies were my favorite.




Could not stand Good and Plenty. Nasty taco.


:wacko: i've only seen it at movie theaters, didn't know it was on the open market

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Caramel Twix and Snickers were/are the gold standard. Other big name chocolate bars are up there, including Mounds/Almond Joy. Always loved Sweetharts as a complementary sour for all the sweet chocolate.


Hated the rock hard, cheap bubble gum. Never mind the dentists that handed out tooth brushes and floss. :wacko:

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I always loved (and my kids do too) those houses where the owner wasn't home but left a big bowl of candy out front for the kids.


Just a matter of luck if you got there before the bowl was cleaned out 'cause it would go quick.


And specifically: Twix, Milky Way, 100k Bars, Snickers, and Heath Bars are my favorites.


Don't at all care for sour stuff so that kind of stuff is my least favorite.

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I always loved (and my kids do too) those houses where the owner wasn't home but left a big bowl of candy out front for the kids.


Just a matter of luck if you got there before the bowl was cleaned out 'cause it would go quick.


And specifically: Twix, Milky Way, 100k Bars, Snickers, and Heath Bars are my favorites.


Don't at all care for sour stuff so that kind of stuff is my least favorite.



I like when kids do the right thing in this situation and just take one of 2. My wife leaves a bowl out once she leaves the house with the kids for the day



Unrelated side note: Is this day torture for anyone else aside from us because our dogs go insane every time the bell rings ? I love Halloween and so does my family but that is the one thing that drives us crazy

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