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Are you divorced?


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Ok so most of you know I've been divorced 2x. As a matter of fact, both of my wife's were Asian. Philippina to be exact. I did not plan it that way....all my current ex gf's have been white. Really strange that I married asian girls....but man what a great marriage both of them were :wacko: .... I have 2 awesome children ... son is at UCSB majoring in Engineering and my daughter is going to Oklahoma next year to be a helicopter pilot. Pretty damned happy with that.


Now....my point is this. For those of you that married out of (dare I say) race, what did you learn from it. Did it change you're way of thinking racially? God knows I did for me....and I'M pretty damned proud of who I am now as apposed to the redneck I would have been growing up in Oregon. Specifically, this post is for my son and daughter...both of Philippine decent and I'm daMNED proud of them......I guess I'm just a drunk ranter. Ignore me :tup: its ok.

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:tup: Seahawks21's wife is Filipino. :wacko:



Filipina, unless he married a dude.



My first wife was of mixed heritage, though her predominant heritage was Filipina. Also Irish, Sioux, Black, Brazilian and Portuguese. She was a rare beauty but crazy as a taco house rat.

Edited by Ditkaless Wonders
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The few times I went Asian, there was a cash transaction involved. Also I was horny again an hour later.


Sorry. :wacko:


Never divorced, but had a broken engagement. She would have made a great wife but bored the taco out of me. I made the mistake of shopping for a good dependable model as if it was a table saw, rather than following my heart/gut/wang.


ETA: Wow, just realized the one time I paid for full service, I was celebrating said broken engagement. And I had just gotten a nice tax refund.

Edited by matt770
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Taz, I'm thinking you and I are going to have to have a few sodas at some point. I have started to figure out why all the men over there die so young.


I don't drink soda's..unless it has Jack in it. but yeah....a few drinks is in the mix.


BTW: I was kinda slushed and posted this but the responses have me cracking up. Love this place.

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