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NFL draft talk official thread

Big John

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Miller is on the board and they take Hillman? Wow, some serious ganga being smoked in the DEN warroom.



Seriously. Worst. Draft. Ever. And that's saying something.

Edited by Jo
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Russell Wilson for the Seahawks. Lots of talk about him being the most NFL ready of the second tier guys, but at 5-11, he's not going to cut it in the eyes of most scouting folk.....I like the pick. Seneca Wallace redux at the worst. Quarterback of the future at the best.

Edited by godtomsatan
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You're right, the Bauzin comparison is weak. I think i just overreacted. I really like Chandler Jones.


I agree, McClellin looks like a player, but I think he'd be better suited for linebacker imho.


Okay, I'm going to calm down and give Phil Emery the benefit of my lingering small doubts here. :tup:



I DVRed the first round, and one thing that struck me was in his highlight reel they play when a player is drafted, mcClellins sacks were 80% off of stunts and twists. In other words, you really didn't see him blow by a tackle or make a power move on a clear one on one matchup. That is a concern for the bears if he is expected to play left end, set an edge and be able to get a rush past NFL tackles in a straight up scheme like the bears.


Just a random thought from yesterday.

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McNutt is going to be an NFL monster.



I heard an interview with him on Sirius NFL maybe a couple weeks ago. The guy was very humble yet sounded hungry. I really liked how he presented himself and was very well spoken. If I remember correctly, he has not been at receiver very long which means his upside should be high once he gets acclimated to the position at the NFL level. Sounded like he was a stud athlete in high school.


Enough nut-hugging. Just saying that the guy sounded like a good dude with lots of upside.

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I heard an interview with him on Sirius NFL maybe a couple weeks ago. The guy was very humble yet sounded hungry. I really liked how he presented himself and was very well spoken. If I remember correctly, he has not been at receiver very long which means his upside should be high once he gets acclimated to the position at the NFL level. Sounded like he was a stud athlete in high school.


Enough McNutt-hugging. Just saying that the guy sounded like a good dude with lots of upside.



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Lots of moving down, who knows . . . but the Rams biggest acquisition was Fisher. I will defer to him, relax and enjoy the improvement process. I have no comment on the draft other than TRich passes my eyeball contest, in a big way. I thank SJax for his continued, professional efforts but after we didn't get TRich, the draft was over for me.

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