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I came to this thread at least a dozen times but I couldn't figure out what I wanted to say--but everytime I came, I said a prayer for you guys.


Please take care, Club.






No person should have this much on his plate.


Been thinking and praying for you every night.

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No person should have this much on his plate.


Been thinking and praying for you every night.


another +1 ...at night i pray together with my children ( a childs prayer is very powerful ) and we are adding you and your family in our nightly prayer


Hang tough

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I just want to wish you and your family all the best. I pray that your child will be born healthy and happy but if not I also pray that you will have the strength and love as a family to make it through any decisions you need to make our outcomes you need to deal with. There is a great group of people here who have expressed their thoughts and support much better than I ever could, but know that my thoughts are with you and I know that you will make it through all of this one step at a time.

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I now can see what tough times you're going through. :D I will be praying for you and your family. You also know that I'm available to answer any question you might have in the future.

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With all the powerful thoughts and prayers being sent your way John I see no outcome other than FANTASTIC! My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours also. Can't wait to see the baby pics posted here next March. :D


Money is highly overrated. Necessary (sorta like a kicker) but overrated. Everytime I pick up a grandchild I am healed. I'm glad for you and your wife's decision. Hang in there bro.

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Club, weve had our differences in the past but it's been over stupid crap likeVioxx and big spam. But that's all it was...crap compared to what's going on in your life now.


Best of luck, keep strong, and persevere.


I'm not religious so I'm sending you non-religious good vibes using my tinfoilhat. :D

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I will remember you in my prayers Club (I promise)... prayers for strength of spirit so that you can be strong for your family when you all feel like you are at your limit... prayers for peace of mind so that you can balance reason and passion when making the hard decisions that you have to make... and prayers for inspiration for those around you, so that the right doors of opportunity can be open to you as you look for a new job.

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I can't seem to find a post, but Club, what do you do for a living? There might be a few people on this board that could probably help you out on the job front.


Thoughts & best wishes still going out to you and your family, Club. Hang in there!

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...seeing this for the first time just now...


John ... that's some tough sledding. Glad to hear you're making progress.


Our first pregnancy was all over the map ... docs asked us if we wanted an expensive Down's Indicator Test (or whatever it is called), and we decided the same as you ... if 'yes', nothing we could do about it. We didn't have the test either. So, on the "do I have the kid or not" front, realize that if the baby has Downs and you change your mind, you can always give the child up for adoption. Family members have given children up for adoption and others have adopted. It's a wonderful circle...and can make lots of people happy when there didn't seem to be good answers.


Regarding the job stuff, is there any chance you could do some stuff on the nights / weekends now in advance of you training for your new gig? You have four months ... in some industries, that's enough to start your own home-based business...don't want to get you too side-tracked, but know that is true. Also, IIRC, Starbucks has benefits available for even part-time employees (not sure about family members, though). There are other employers out there that focus on the "benefits" side of things, rather than on the pay. So, maybe for a time, you could pull some extra hours at a business like this for benefits and pull some regular hours at a business that has good pay (but crappy benefits). Just a thought.


Regarding your house ... if you do some extra stuff over the next 4 months or so for $$, that could / should give you a little extra wiggle room for holding on to your house until you get better prices.


Regarding your insurance ... you may want to talk to the doctors and hospital about putting a cap on the total charges ... You don't want to be paying $450 / month for the next 25 years because you didn't negotiate a cap to the costs.


Good luck and God Speed, John. I will tell Muckette and the Mucklets and we will be praying for you.

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There is nothing I can say that would or wouldn't help you as I am not in your shoes and cannot fathom what you and your wife must face here.


All i can say is trust in faith. It doesn't have to be God, Jesus or any other major dogma just trust in faith. What ever you do just know it will be the right thing.




I don't really know what to say, but I think that Cliaz summed it up nicely. Have faith, stay positive, and do what you and your wife think is right.


You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Club, i don't know what to add that hasn't already been said. You're in my thoughts brother, hang in there. We have friends who have a downs child and the kid was the best in the world for them. Sure it was tough on them in the beginning but they swear it made them better parents and people. Things have a way of working out, just hang in there and know you have a ton of support here as well as family and friends.

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Only thing I want to add is "sharpen the saw". Not knowing you, I do not know how applicable this is, but too me it is something that is so important, it is worth saying, over and over. The only way you and your wife can get through this, is with each other. Sometimes it is easy to put your romantic relationship with your spouse on hold. Children, jobs, finances, relatives can all seem to need each of you more than you need each other, but do not fall into that trap. Set aside time at least once a month, that is just you and your wife. For a weekend, if at all possible. You two are each others greatest source of strength, that is something you have to take time to nurture.

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One of my favorite movies is "Facing the Giants" It is a great movie with football and the coach has his world crumbling around him while he and his wife are dealing with job, baby, etc.. If you haven't seen it, try and rent it, borrow it from a friend, etc. as both you and your wife will enjoy it. It is truly inspiritional and hopefully, will inspire you to tackle your multiple problems head on with the help of God. BTW, get some tissues as you will likely need them.


As far as the other advice, just know that I will be sending prayers your way knowing the bad patch you are going through.... I will be thinking of you buddy.

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