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annoying things


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I will take a push button menu any day of the week compared to my BIGGEST pet peeve... phone menus that force you to say what you want, but then their voice recognition doesn't work and they force you to repeat yourself OVER AND OVER. Makes you sound like an idiot if you're within earshot of other people.


This happened to me recently calling Sears I think about some tires, and sounded something like this: Silence... Yes... Silence... Automotive Department... Silence... :D (sigh) AUTOMOTIVE DEPARTMENT... Silence... :D AH-TO-MO-TIVE DE-PART-MENT!!!... Silence... :wacko:OPERATOR, OPERATOR, OPERATOR GDAMNIT... GET ME A MOTHER F'ING HUMAN BEING TO TALK TO RIGHT F'N NOW!!!


interestingly enough, this may have helped your cause ... see below.


2. Swear like a sailor to skip directly to a human operator.

When that Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system's making you navigate an endless menu of options, put your potty mouth to good use. Some IVR's are programmed to listen for naughty words and speed you along to human help when they hear them. Adam gave this trick a try and dropping the F bomb did indeed zap him right through to a human. We suggest using this trick when you're not within earshot of your co-workers.

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But of course you input your account number and other information and when the person finally takes your call, you have to tell it again. :D What's the point of inputting your information again?

When I was a consultant we had a solution for that. Once you entered your information into the system, when the call arrived at a human, it would pop open your account record on their computer. However, most companies are too cheap to spend the money on the system even though it would shorten the call an average of 18 seconds and save the company money in the long run.


As far as the IVR's go, most of them are not programmed very well and only understand simple one word commands. getting them to understand context is very problematic.

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What's the deal with people at a red light these days. Almost always at least one car stopped a car length or more behind the car in front of them. Pull up you idiot, they're not going to all of the sudden back up on you. :D Especially annoying when you want to take the left turn lane and cars are backed up and you're blocked from getting there cuz there's 10 feet between every car in front of you. :D


My Uncle does this, and recommended always doing it (I don't).


It comes from an accident he had. He was at a red light, pulled up right behind the front car, when in his rear view he saw a car zooming up on him from behind, either having no brakes or not paying attention that there were stopped cars. Unfortunately, because he was pulled up tight, he had no way to get out of the way, so he just had to watch someone slam into him.


Now he always leaves enough room to shoot out left or right in front of him.

Edited by AtomicCEO
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When I was a consultant we had a solution for that. Once you entered your information into the system, when the call arrived at a human, it would pop open your account record on their computer. However, most companies are too cheap to spend the money on the system even though it would shorten the call an average of 18 seconds and save the company money in the long run.

I figured this was a given. :D

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OK, time to rant. The swammette often says I should write a book called "The Swammi's rules of the Road". Here are few snippets from my upcoming novel:


1. To echo the post earlier about pulling up at a red light...perhaps one of the more frustrating things are drivers who don't pull up, and who also don't pull as far to the left as possible. I am pretty sure everyone on the planet now knows it is legal to make a right on red. It infuriates me to no end when I am stuck behind a driver making a left or going straight that stops in the middle of a wide lane. Pull up to the left, arsewipe....I need room to pull up beside you so I can make my right-turn.


2. Slowing at a green light, then speeding up as soon as it turns yellow. I don't get this at all. Why slow down when the light is green, see it turn yellow, then speed thru the intersection? It sucks when I get stuck once the light turns red because someone creeped up to the intersection, saw the light turn yellow, then gunned it.


3. I drive the interstate to work, and it backs up, even in the left lane, when there is a merge on the right at an on-ramp. But what tends to happen is that, prior to the merge, the right lane moves faster than the left lane because some people are exiting the highway and creating space in the right lane. So what pisses me off? When drivers move all the way up in the right lane, then at the last minute, cut over to the left to avoid the merging traffic. This is exactly what causes the backup in the left lane to begin with! What, is their time more important than mine that they should speed by me in the right lane, then cut in front of me after I have waited in the left lane (as I should)? Would they do this at the grocery store...if there was a long line, would they just cut in front of people, or would they wait their turn? These wink wink lover boy are mighty tough in the comfort of their vehicles.


Other life annoyances:


1. People who don't have their money/card out and ready when its their turn in line at a checkout. Let's see, they have waited for 3-4 minutes in line...now its their turn, the clerk has rung-up all their stuff, and told them the total....it now dawns on them to start digging through their purse/pockets for money? Did they think it was going to be free?


2. People who don't wash their hands after using the mens room, then grab the handle of the door to exit. Freakin' disgusting.


3. parents who let their kids run rampant in a restaurant, when I am trying my hardest to teach my four kids that it is polite to other diners to sit quietly at the table with the family.


4. Paying $5.50 for a soda at a sporting event.


I think I could go on and on, but you porbably get the correct feeling that I am a fairly miserable SOB.

Edited by i_am_the_swammi
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I think I could go on and on, but you porbably get the correct feeling that I am a fairly miserable SOB.

I don't even know you and I hate you.

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I will take a push button menu any day of the week compared to my BIGGEST pet peeve... phone menus that force you to say what you want, but then their voice recognition doesn't work and they force you to repeat yourself OVER AND OVER. Makes you sound like an idiot if you're within earshot of other people.


This happened to me recently calling Sears I think about some tires, and sounded something like this: Silence... Yes... Silence... Automotive Department... Silence... :D (sigh) AUTOMOTIVE DEPARTMENT... Silence... :D AH-TO-MO-TIVE DE-PART-MENT!!!... Silence... :wacko:OPERATOR, OPERATOR, OPERATOR GDAMNIT... GET ME A MOTHER F'ING HUMAN BEING TO TALK TO RIGHT F'N NOW!!!


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3. I drive the interstate to work, and it backs up, even in the left lane, when there is a merge on the right at an on-ramp. But what tends to happen is that, prior to the merge, the right lane moves faster than the left lane because some people are exiting the highway and creating space in the right lane. So what pisses me off? When drivers move all the way up in the right lane, then at the last minute, cut over to the left to avoid the merging traffic. This is exactly what causes the backup in the left lane to begin with! What, is their time more important than mine that they should speed by me in the right lane, then cut in front of me after I have waited in the left lane (as I should)?


I used to take the highway to work and see this same thing, only I would get mad at the cars in the left lane for allowing people to cut back in. They'd leave huge spaces for people to be able to cut back left.


What I eventually realized is that there is no solution to this problem. You're not going to get people in the left lane to close the gaps, and you're not going to get people to stop getting into the right lane... because it's actually faster.


If you're angry that it's slowing you down, get into the faster lane... you'll get an ulcer if you fume about the same problem that you can't change every day. Your moral high ground on this is not actually making you a better person in the long run. :D Get to work a few minutes faster and scorn the people who let you get back in the left lane. Wave sarcastically at them.

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