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WCOFF Attendees

Big Country

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As I am apparently going to be able to lock in an outrageously low airfare if I book now, I am probably going to be flying in on Thursday the 4th, landing around 9pm or so, and plan to stay until Monday the 8th, leaving at either noon or 3pm (wife would prefer noon, well, she would prefer coming home Sunday, I prefer the idea of late check out and really sleeping in)


So, for any of you that have started looking, what are your travel schedules shaping up to be. Just trying to get a feel for who will be in town when.

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As I am apparently going to be able to lock in an outrageously low airfare if I book now, I am probably going to be flying in on Thursday the 4th, landing around 9pm or so, and plan to stay until Monday the 8th, leaving at either noon or 3pm (wife would prefer noon, well, she would prefer coming home Sunday, I prefer the idea of late check out and really sleeping in)


So, for any of you that have started looking, what are your travel schedules shaping up to be. Just trying to get a feel for who will be in town when.

I almost 100% certain I'll be arriving Thursday and leaving Monday. The flights I have looked at put me in Vegas either at 9am or around noon on Thursday.


Either way, I'll be nice and toasty by 9pm.

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I will probably get there early AM on Thursday and leave early monday morning. Twiley and I can get a jump start on you guys as my plane will probably get there around 8:30 or so thursday morning. :wacko:



That's trouble right there.

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I have a problem........ :brew:

I have a wedding....a VERY important friend's daughter's wedding on the 5th of Sept.. I cannot/ will not miss it! She is like my 3rd daughter (her sister is like my 2nd daughter, who got married in Mexico and I couldn't attend!) for cry sake. It's also in WI, so we have to do an overnight. I will be looking into a flight out on Sat. the 6th (prolly a red-eye) and staying till Tuesday the 9th, but I'm still unsure. Bunzy, Alchico, Tbone, Skippy, Chargerz, Big John, Bier, Atomic, and several other's replies will encourage me to come if we can meet on Sunday somewhere for the games and maybe a nice dinner Sunday night. Anyone staying longer than Monday am?? :wacko: I could stay till Wednesday.

Damn....I missed last year because of my stoopid blownout shoulder!!! :D

Encourage me...............I hate red-eyes, I'm getting old and don't travel well, and I'm not looking forward to a turnaround like that. :D

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I have a problem........ :brew:

I have a wedding....a VERY important friend's daughter's wedding on the 5th of Sept.. I cannot/ will not miss it! She is like my 3rd daughter (her sister is like my 2nd daughter, who got married in Mexico and I couldn't attend!) for cry sake. It's also in WI, so we have to do an overnight. I will be looking into a flight out on Sat. the 6th (prolly a red-eye) and staying till Tuesday the 9th, but I'm still unsure. Bunzy, Alchico, Tbone, Skippy, Chargerz, Big John, Bier, Atomic, and several other's replies will encourage me to come if we can meet on Sunday somewhere for the games and maybe a nice dinner Sunday night. Anyone staying longer than Monday am?? :wacko: I could stay till Wednesday.

Damn....I missed last year because of my stoopid blownout shoulder!!! :D

Encourage me...............I hate red-eyes, I'm getting old and don't travel well, and I'm not looking forward to a turnaround like that. :D



get your ass to vegas so we can watch games.

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I have a problem........ :brew:

I have a wedding....a VERY important friend's daughter's wedding on the 5th of Sept.. I cannot/ will not miss it! She is like my 3rd daughter (her sister is like my 2nd daughter, who got married in Mexico and I couldn't attend!) for cry sake. It's also in WI, so we have to do an overnight. I will be looking into a flight out on Sat. the 6th (prolly a red-eye) and staying till Tuesday the 9th, but I'm still unsure. Bunzy, Alchico, Tbone, Skippy, Chargerz, Big John, Bier, Atomic, and several other's replies will encourage me to come if we can meet on Sunday somewhere for the games and maybe a nice dinner Sunday night. Anyone staying longer than Monday am?? :wacko: I could stay till Wednesday.

Damn....I missed last year because of my stoopid blownout shoulder!!! :D

Encourage me...............I hate red-eyes, I'm getting old and don't travel well, and I'm not looking forward to a turnaround like that. :D

You'd think someone yer age wouldn't be such a whiny little bitch. :D


We'll all be there on Sunday watching the games. Be there.

Edited by twiley
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I have a problem........ :wacko:

Didn't the anal wart creame work?


For real here. You know it is hard for me to predict what my work schedule will be like that far ahead. In fact it is hard to predict in July. Having said that, I will likely sacrifice the Thursday for longer time to hang out down there. No matter what I can't see myself there past Tues afternoon at best but I will sure aim for being there over night Sunday. Now if we all agree to put the Steeler game on all the screens...


I will try RR. No matter what you need to get down there as you know we will have enough fun.

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I'm not sure yet...I'm seeing how the 2008 H8Tank Love Boat Cruise fills out...:wacko:


I'll probably do a Thursday through Monday thing like the last two years. If I have a chick in tow (the one I'm thinking of would be game for the H8Tank Cruise), I may get in to town a day or two sooner.


And BC...$140...I wouldn't pay that much! :D

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I have a problem........ :D

I have a wedding....a VERY important friend's daughter's wedding on the 5th of Sept.. I cannot/ will not miss it! She is like my 3rd daughter (her sister is like my 2nd daughter, who got married in Mexico and I couldn't attend!) for cry sake. It's also in WI, so we have to do an overnight. I will be looking into a flight out on Sat. the 6th (prolly a red-eye) and staying till Tuesday the 9th, but I'm still unsure. Bunzy, Alchico, Tbone, Skippy, Chargerz, Big John, Bier, Atomic, and several other's replies will encourage me to come if we can meet on Sunday somewhere for the games and maybe a nice dinner Sunday night. Anyone staying longer than Monday am?? :D I could stay till Wednesday.

Damn....I missed last year because of my stoopid blownout shoulder!!! :brew:

Encourage me...............I hate red-eyes, I'm getting old and don't travel well, and I'm not looking forward to a turnaround like that. :D





Go f yerself old timer. :D

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