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Just dropped our dog off at the vet


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Thank you for everyone's kind words, but, after things started looking up, the results, unfortunately, are not good. They are 80% sure that he has a large tumor in the right ventrical of his heart. They are going to do a scan tomorrow morning to be sure, but, if that is the case, they said that he will only survive 2 weeks at the most. I can't even begin to say how awful I am feeling right now. This dog meant so much to me, and the thought of losing him has me in so much pain. Once again, thanks for your kind words and well wishes, they meant a lot.


Praying for peace for Bettis and your family. Really sorry. :wacko:

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I was afraid it was something like that Marc. The anemia, lethargy and fainting sounded too close to my boxer's symptoms years ago. Her's was a splenic tumor that had a small tear and she was slowly bleeding internally. Inoperable.


She also had spurts of "looking like a new dog".....it's a jolt of adrenaline kicking in from stressful situations.


I am so, so sorry you are going through this. Keep Bettis comfortable and love on him as much as you can for the next few weeks. You'll know when it's time. Such a hard thing to do. But you'll have time with him which will help you and your family prepare yourselves a little. He's been very lucky to have your family all these years.


All my thoughts.

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We got to go visit Bettis for 10 minutes tonight. You wouldn't even know he was sick. He was so excited, bouncing between my wife and I, giving us kisses. We will find out for certain his prognosis tomorrow. If it is cancer, they will let him come home with us with medication to fight the pain, and he can be with us for as long as he has left. I'm still hoping for a miracle and continue to appreciate everyone's support.

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Damn. So sorry to hear Menudo.


This hits really close to home, as I know it does for others here. Two years ago I had to put down two dogs within 3 months of each other. Those dogs helped me through some really dark times that I will never be able to repay.


And that's the funny thing about dogs. All they ask of you is food, shelter, and companionship. What they give is much more than that. They don't care about your mood. They don't care if you just had a bad day. They don't care that you are sad, or happy, or depressed, or mellow.


They care about you. No matter what. They represent the only true meaning of unconditional love. And when it's time for them to leave us, we hurt. Badly. But your dog knows that you are there for them. They know that you are fighting for them. And they know that YOU will guide them and love them to their final breath.


Because that's what our dogs do. Peace to you and your family, brother.

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Didn't post before because I didn't want to make this about me, but I'm going through the same thing with my old dog right now (please don't offer sympathy, I've had plenty of time to come to peace with this and this is Menudo's thread) but take comfort in what you said in your OP. You've given him a good life. This is what I try to remember. So many animals are not so fortunate, so try to take joy in the life that you gave him. It definitely helps to view it that way...


I know it's not easy, but keep your eye on the ball right now and make sure he's as comfortable as possible until it's his time. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Bettis. Just remember that you're not alone. It's a tough situation all of us dog-lovers have to go through, but worth every bit of the pain when you look back on it.

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Didn't post before because I didn't want to make this about me, but I'm going through the same thing with my old dog right now (please don't offer sympathy, I've had plenty of time to come to peace with this and this is Menudo's thread) but take comfort in what you said in your OP. You've given him a good life. This is what I try to remember. So many animals are not so fortunate, so try to take joy in the life that you gave him. It definitely helps to view it that way...


I know it's not easy, but keep your eye on the ball right now and make sure he's as comfortable as possible until it's his time. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Bettis. Just remember that you're not alone. It's a tough situation all of us dog-lovers have to go through, but worth every bit of the pain when you look back on it.

I was going to say the same - I know its painful right now but remember the good times and the fact that he was fortunate to have been given a great life full of lots of love and affection - lots of animals never even know what that feels like

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Never a fun time and so sorry to hear about his problems. Our dog is 10 now and starting to slow down and I am not looking forward to the inevitable. While the pain may paint the present, the joy of knowing Bettis is far larger and forever.

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Man Marc, that's rough....I have been through a couple tough times with losing a pet, and the community here has been remarkable for support. There are plenty of us here that know what you are going through, and are here for whatever help we can provide.


Still keeping Bettis in our thoughts, and hoping for the best....

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While the pain may paint the present, the joy of knowing Bettis is far larger and forever.




Hoping for the best Menudo.


My male Weimarener is 11 years old, his back legs are starting to give out on him. I've had this dog since I've been married, he's been my buddy for a long time.

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Another thing, Menudo.


This is a great opportunity for you to really parent your son. Trials offer a very rich teaching environment for lessons you want him to understand. And, yes, I know he's a little kid. Doesn't mean you can't have some real conversations about loss, grieving, thankfulness, joy, courage, etc. with him...


Good luck to you, sir.

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Bettis Update: Well, there is bad news and some possible good news. The bad news is that it was confirmed that he has a tumor in the atrium of his heart. Unfortunately, there isn't really anything they can do to remove it. However, the possible good news is that she said it was caught early, so, it hasn't spread anywhere yet. She said that there are obviously no guarantees, but, Bettis could be with us for anywhere from two weeks to over a year. She said it just depends on how quickly it spreads and how he handles it. She said if it were her dog, she would take him home and enjoy the time we have left with him. She said that he will have moments where he is himself, but, will also have lots of moments where he appears tired and weak. She said he will probably bounce back and fourth for a while. She promised that he is not in pain, and is not suffering at all. She said she is intrigued with how energetic he has been. She said that if he starts suffering, he will let us know, and Erin and I will not hold onto him out of selfishness. When he lets us know it is time to go, we will make the right decision for Bettis. We can go pick him up in an hour. Whether he is with us for 2 weeks or a year, I can't wait to have my dog home where he belongs. I'd like to thank everybody so much for their kind words and support. They mean the world to me.

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Man Marc, that's rough....I have been through a couple tough times with losing a pet, and the community here has been remarkable for support. There are plenty of us here that know what you are going through, and are here for whatever help we can provide.


Still keeping Bettis in our thoughts, and hoping for the best....


When I was going through this with Bootsie and Chalkie, someone here told me that your dog takes care of you for the first 99% of it's life and just asks that you take care of him for the last 1%...or something like that. It really helped me. I think about my old black labs several times everyday even now over a year later. I'll never forget them. It was the hardest thing in the world to put them down but I wouldn't trade a minute with them either. All my best, Menudo.

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Bettis Update: Well, there is bad news and some possible good news. The bad news is that it was confirmed that he has a tumor in the atrium of his heart. Unfortunately, there isn't really anything they can do to remove it. However, the possible good news is that she said it was caught early, so, it hasn't spread anywhere yet. She said that there are obviously no guarantees, but, Bettis could be with us for anywhere from two weeks to over a year. She said it just depends on how quickly it spreads and how he handles it. She said if it were her dog, she would take him home and enjoy the time we have left with him. She said that he will have moments where he is himself, but, will also have lots of moments where he appears tired and weak. She said he will probably bounce back and fourth for a while. She promised that he is not in pain, and is not suffering at all. She said she is intrigued with how energetic he has been. She said that if he starts suffering, he will let us know, and Erin and I will not hold onto him out of selfishness. When he lets us know it is time to go, we will make the right decision for Bettis. We can go pick him up in an hour. Whether he is with us for 2 weeks or a year, I can't wait to have my dog home where he belongs. I'd like to thank everybody so much for their kind words and support. They mean the world to me.


:wacko: Good news given the situation. So glad to hear he's not in pain. Enjoy every minute with him.

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