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Tebow stinks.

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How about making this a simple question. Let's have a show of hands of people who think Tebow can be a viable starting quarterback in the NFL.


Personally, being a Gators fan, I thought he was great in college. I think the guy has more heart and will to play the game than the vast majority of the players coming into the league. He obviously also has a ton of athletic ability. Unfortunately I just don't think his game translates well enough to the NFL to make the Broncos a winning franchise... and by winning I mean going to the playoffs and winning in the playoffs. I really would love nothing better than to see him develop more as a passer and prove everyone wrong, but I just don't see it happening.


I'd give him a 10% chance at being a viable NFL QB.


The thing that really gets me is how BB (and the few other Tebow supporters) act as if Tebow has won those games all by himself. That he picked off Sanchez to get them back in the game after the offense could only score a FG for 2+ quarters. (BB does eventually one time say that he has been winning with a lot of help.)



The other basic question that has been posed is "is Tebow a good passing QB, and can he develop into one?". The majority appear to say no.


And BB's bet is a joke, wanting to win money for a 10% improvement in his terrible stats so far. I like the other option, a bet on him winning even 50% of the remaining games (after all he is a winner).

Edited by stevegrab
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I'd give him a 10% chance at being a viable NFL QB.


The thing that really gets me is how BB (and the few other Tebow supporters) act as if Tebow has won those games all by himself. That he picked off Sanchez to get them back in the game after the offense could only score a FG for 2+ quarters. (BB does eventually one time say that he has been winning with a lot of help.)



The other basic question that has been posed is "is Tebow a good passing QB, and can he develop into one?". The majority appear to say no.


And BB's bet is a joke, wanting to win money for a 10% improvement in his terrible stats so far. I like the other option, a bet on him winning even 50% of the remaining games (after all he is a winner).


How about a bet as to whether or not he is Denver's starting QB in week 1 in 2012?

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How about a bet as to whether or not he is Denver's starting QB in week 1 in 2012?


I'll take that bet. Who is it gonna be? Orton//// Laughably no...a draft pick? Laughably no. So who will be the starter in 2012? Tebow..no doubt about it. what ya wanna wage on that?

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If he keeps winning, Elway will hang if he doesn't give him the job next year. If they level out soon, I could see him losing his job to just about anybody with a pulse. Elway does not want to pin his career as a GM on Tim Tebow's shoulders and will get out from under him the first possible second that he can do so without losing his entire fan base.

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I'll take that bet. Who is it gonna be? Orton//// Laughably no...a draft pick? Laughably no. So who will be the starter in 2012? Tebow..no doubt about it. what ya wanna wage on that?

Agreed the experiment will wage into 2012 no doubt there is no other option at the present time and he sells tickets!! WINNING!! I think I just popped a Teboner of Bronco proportions!! :tup:






Edited by Sunday Couch Potatoe
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The thing that really gets me is how BB (and the few other Tebow supporters) act as if Tebow has won those games all by himself. That he picked off Sanchez to get them back in the game after the offense could only score a FG for 2+ quarters. (BB does eventually one time say that he has been winning with a lot of help.)


You know, the problem with this site is that it is a message board - which means when you make rash statements - and there have been a whole bunch of them in this thread, most of them by people reaching way overboard to diminish either Tebow or those who see any kind of potential in Tebow - someone is going to call you on it.


So, why don't you find us some responses and quote them where anyone has made the claim that Tebow is winning these games by himself? Support your claim above, because I think it is flat out false.


As far as the bet being a joke? Well, I'll give the people running their mouths about Tebow having zero chance of improvement a little credit - they may be saying incredibly stupid things, but when it's time to have an opportunity to act on it and back it up they realize just how stupid their statements are and refuse to step into a pretty simple bet that would be a lock for them if they actually believed what they posted.


Of course, that doesn't stop them from trying to get around getting called on it and backpeddling by making more foolish statements to provide cover for their backpeddling.

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You know, the problem with this site is that it is a message board - which means when you make rash statements - and there have been a whole bunch of them in this thread, most of them by people reaching way overboard to diminish either Tebow or those who see any kind of potential in Tebow - someone is going to call you on it.


So, why don't you find us some responses and quote them where anyone has made the claim that Tebow is winning these games by himself? Support your claim above, because I think it is flat out false.


As far as the bet being a joke? Well, I'll give the people running their mouths about Tebow having zero chance of improvement a little credit - they may be saying incredibly stupid things, but when it's time to have an opportunity to act on it and back it up they realize just how stupid their statements are and refuse to step into a pretty simple bet that would be a lock for them if they actually believed what they posted.


Of course, that doesn't stop them from trying to get around getting called on it and backpeddling by making more foolish statements to provide cover for their backpeddling.



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You know, the problem with this site is that it is a message board - which means when you make rash statements - and there have been a whole bunch of them in this thread, most of them by people reaching way overboard to diminish either Tebow or those who see any kind of potential in Tebow - someone is going to call you on it.


So, why don't you find us some responses and quote them where anyone has made the claim that Tebow is winning these games by himself? Support your claim above, because I think it is flat out false.


As far as the bet being a joke? Well, I'll give the people running their mouths about Tebow having zero chance of improvement a little credit - they may be saying incredibly stupid things, but when it's time to have an opportunity to act on it and back it up they realize just how stupid their statements are and refuse to step into a pretty simple bet that would be a lock for them if they actually believed what they posted.


Of course, that doesn't stop them from trying to get around getting called on it and backpeddling by making more foolish statements to provide cover for their backpeddling.

Hey Gomer....please show us where anyone said he has zero chance to IMPROVE? Noone said that. Honestly, you may be the most stubborn person I have ever dealt with. Dozens of people here try to clarify their posts and you continue to twist what they say becuase you refuse to admit that you are most likely wrong. Believe me, when Taz is the only guy on your side...you know you are wrong.

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What is fascinating is that EVERYONE seems to want Tebow to continue as the Broncos starting QB.


The Broncos fans want him to continue because they believe he will end up making the difference in providing more victories to their franchise in the long run (they believe in him). Everyone else wants him to continue because they think he will end up making the difference in providing more losses to their franchise in the long run (they don't beleive in him).


Pretty fun to watch actually. :wacko:

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My work appears to be done here.
Reminds me of the DL that celebrates a sack with a cute little dance when their team is down by 3 TDs in the 4th quarter.

I sense your work will never be done. Someone, somewhere, is likely saying something negative about Tim Tebow.


Must keep you pretty damn busy. :wacko:

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You know, the problem with this site is that it is a message board - which means when you make rash statements - and there have been a whole bunch of them in this thread, most of them by people reaching way overboard to diminish either Tebow or those who see any kind of potential in Tebow - someone is going to call you on it.


So, why don't you find us some responses and quote them where anyone has made the claim that Tebow is winning these games by himself? Support your claim above, because I think it is flat out false.


As far as the bet being a joke? Well, I'll give the people running their mouths about Tebow having zero chance of improvement a little credit - they may be saying incredibly stupid things, but when it's time to have an opportunity to act on it and back it up they realize just how stupid their statements are and refuse to step into a pretty simple bet that would be a lock for them if they actually believed what they posted.


Of course, that doesn't stop them from trying to get around getting called on it and backpeddling by making more foolish statements to provide cover for their backpeddling.


You've repeatedly talked about Orton 1-4, Tebow 4-1 and only once that I saw (just recently) admitted that he's doing it with a lot of help. So up until that time it sounds to me like you believe it is all Tebow. There's also been statements like "its the only thing that has changed." as if they played the same 5 teams in the exact same conditions.


As far as finding specific references to you saying that, some of us have other things to do than spend all day discussing Tebow.


As Caddyman stated you keep talking about people who give him zero chance to improve, but you I don't see you quoting specific posters who said that, so I'll assume that nobody did and your point is invalid (since that's what you're dong to me).


And the bet, yep you really got all the Tebow detractors there, you showed us. The guy will improve by 10%, in 2 of 3 categories from some really horrible stats to some slightly less horrible stats.


I watched the Believing in Tebow segment and was disappointed to see Marshall and Mooch believing because I respect them. While the shouting moron Irvin goes so far as to say "Yes the defense is playing better because of Tebow". He even said that Tebow could take them to a SB (Sapp proceeded to reach for something as if to make a note of that ridiculous prediction).


Yes your work is done, you've polarized an entire message board of people who believe that Tebow is playing terribly as a QB. You've tried to convince everybody that you're right, and they're just all haters if they don't agree. That people want him to fail because of his religion or popularity. That when he doesn't succeed it is not his fault. And that when the team wins (despite him still being horrible throwing the ball for most or all of the game) that he will succeed (or has at best a slightly less than 50% chance to succeeed).



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Did anybody else see this bit? What I found funny was the one person who did NOT "believe"... was none other than fellow Bible thumper Kurt Warner.


Actually he said he believes in him, 10% of the time. If his team (defense, running) can keep him in the game for 50+ minutes then he believes in him down the stretch. But he CANNIOT believe in his full body of work.


Irvin they were giving up 26.5 points a game, and now with Tebow they're only giving up 16 points a game. And he gives Tebow credit (or the defense for believing and playing inspired ball because of Tebow.


Marshall echoed some of that, saying that he played harder when seeing how tough Warner played.


Mooch talked about how he is finding a way to win some games "within that scheme". His team must play good defense for Tebow to win. He doesn't think Tebow can win having to throw in catch-up mode.


Sapp No, as a defensive player I cannot believe. If the defense does its job, there's no way Tebow should succeed with this optino offense




I think most of this echoes what many here believe. (Not sure I can buy into the defense playing that much better because Tebow is now the offensive leader.) Its a gimmick, and it will not last. They'll play teams witha better offense, or who have figured out how to stop this offense, and the Broncos (not Tebow) will lose games.


They also said something about a players only discussion later (yes I rewound it to listen to the comments again and paraphrase some of it)

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Maybe you dont understand.


Observations of his QB fundamentals is as objective as it gets. It doesnt take into account his religion, his school, or his win/loss record. It is an observation of his skills as a PASSING QB. Those passing skills are around the level of a backup QB in the CFL right now (and that might be generous).


It has nothing to do with your inane "haters gotta hate" comment. If you know football at all, then there is no way you can objectively state that his passing fundamentals are sound.

Who Tebow is off the field has nothing to do with your supposed point. Comparing Elway's first 8 games vs. Tebow's is relevant. Tebow is over-hyped... I get that, but claiming a W-L record isn't valid is ridonkulous.



1st 8 Career Starts

Elway Tebow

W-L 3-5 5-3

Pass yds 1,041 1,281

TD-Int 3-10 10-4

Rush yds 92 550

Rush TD 1 5

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