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Work Restroom Etiquette Part 3

Big Country

Which Stall?  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Which One?

    • Left
    • Middle
    • Right

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SO.. which stall would you choose given the below situation:


There are 3 Stalls.


The stall on the left and the middle stalls are small, the one on the right is a large "handicap" style stall.


The left stall someone has left some used TP floating in it.


The middle stall appears clean.


The right stall has someone just about to leave, so, you would have to wait for them to leave and then sit right after they were in there.

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What if I said it also had a butt hair on the seat?

Nothing a little tidying up can't fix. I always run some clean TP over the seat before I sit down anyways, even if it is sparkling clean. This tactic also makes sure I am not stuck in a sitting position without TP.

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umm, i can't believe some of you homos. WAIT to sit on a piece of plastic warmed by someone else's ass? pass. the middle? pass. flush to freshen the bowl behind door #1 and you're good to go.


I agree. When it's coming out I ain't waiting. Flush and go.

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Plus, by taking the left stall, you're showing you understand basic bathroom courtesy ... one stall gap between you and your poopmate...even if they are getting ready to leave (you're never really sure you're done until you actually get out the door).

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Plus, by taking the left stall, you're showing you understand basic bathroom courtesy ... one stall gap between you and your poopmate...even if they are getting ready to leave (you're never really sure you're done until you actually get out the door).



this is correct. i don't like people to know it's me in there taking a dump, so i'm not waiting. i would automatically go to the farthest stall from the guy who's in there, and if i leave that stall because of some TP in the bowl, i risk someone coming in and seeing me changing stalls. so i flush and go.

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