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A Huddler in need


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Clubfoothead's thread


I know Club isn't asking, but I thought that maybe we could all get together and help him out whatever way we can. I know how comforting it can be just to know you have friends thinking about you and praying for you. But if we could do just a bit more & maybe help him pay some of his doctors bills or a mortgage payment it would be great.


Club, I really don't know what to say to you other than that I am praying for you & your family. I can only hope that will be enough to give you some comfort. In the meantime I'd like to help you keep that 401k where it is...you'll need it when they go to college. :D



Alchico has been kind enough to lend his Paypal address to anyone who would like to lend a hand to Club. Thank you to Al & Big John as well who helped me get this started.


Paypal addy:


Edited by rajncajn
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I am having problems with paypal right now ..can rajn or alchico PM an address and name I can send a check to and then eiither the check goes to club or can be added to the pot ( via the paypal donations ) ..I want to help for sure ...sorry for any extra work but like I said I definitely want to do my part .thanks

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Just got done with my BOTH Faultline draft. Will have an update by morning. Anyone who wants my address to mail a check just pm me.

As i did with the Katrina fund, those that paypal will get a confirmation from me that i got it. I'll just reply to the email that paypal sends me.

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It's been a finalcially rough year for many of us, but i had some extra to give and so should you :D

Agreed, I can't give as much as I'd like, but this is certainly worth what I can give.


Kudos to rajn, BJ, alchico, and others for getting this rolling.

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Just got done with my BOTH Faultline draft. Will have an update by morning. Anyone who wants my address to mail a check just pm me.

As i did with the Katrina fund, those that paypal will get a confirmation from me that i got it. I'll just reply to the email that paypal sends me.


Al sent check by "snail mail" this AM.

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Wish I could say that I'm at a loss for words but most of you know that is rarely the case with me.


I didn't meant to get anything like this going. I'm not a religous guy but lately the 7 deadly sins have been on my mind. I never understood how pride made the list. It is starting to sink in I think. I guess it can be a fine line beentween a positive character trait and one that makes a person's family go hungry (I mean that metaphorically (sp?)).


Yesterday or the day before, we met with my wife's doctor, went over everything and decided since we were going to have the baby even if it had Downs, there was no reason to have the procedure. It was something we decided we had to do. Since we would love this baby no matter what and the test wouldn't change anything it wasn't needed. I had hoped to come here and say I had found another person more in need or more deserving than me and since the test wasn't necessary, to ask that we send the money to them.


Her doctor called today and now wants us to meet with the doctor that will perform the test to discuss the decsion with him. Not because anything would change but "just to make sure we know everythign we are dealing with". So they are going to get us in with this doctor tomorrow or Friday. I still hold out hope we won't need anything and we can find a better cause to get the money to but I honestly not in a position to refuse the help, either. I'm not asking for anything, we would find the money on our own if that's what it takes. We just got this information at 3:30 central so I'm all over the place mentally right now.


I honestly don't know how to thank everyone for the kind words and help. Again, I'm not asking anyone for anything but you all are such great people, you deserve an update. I'm going to go put the wife to bed to rest and cook dinner for the 3 of us. I'll let everyone know what is up after we meet with the specalist.


You are the coolest people ever.



Edited by Clubfoothead
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