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well its a hospital visit and stay


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Well , as most may have seen via a different thread I posted , I recently had surgery to repair a rupturedf achille's tendon


Was doing well aftet the surgery but over last 48 hrs I began to get severe pains in my calf ..this morning was the worst...call dr and he told me to meet him at hospitale ...


went to hospital today and after checking and running tests , they found a blood clot in back of my knee


Looks like I will be in hospital a few days on blood thinners and anti coagulants


Hate not being home at night with wife and kids ...but am glad they caught this and its being treated


So I sit here in a gown and watch tv with an iv drip


Thank goodness for blackberry and internet access ... And maybe a nice sponge bath tomorrow :wacko:

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Wow, that really sucks Isy. However, it's a great thing that they caught it and are taking care of it versus it creating a bigger problem. Good luck with everything there and try and keep your spirits high. I know it sucks to be away from your family but hopefully it won't be for too long. Keep your chin up, pal.

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Damn. Feel better bro. My wife had a blood clot in her leg. Thank God they found yours. She was on that Coumadin for a while and she never had a reoccurance..Good luck

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lol atomic as I probably post too much already as it is ( nobody answer that )


Thanks boys ...it is pretty quiet in here ..just got a shot of morphine :wacko:


Looks like coumadin for me as well whomp

But so far so good as I watch the nba skills competition


Used to love the dunk contests from 80's with jordan and dominique ...I have no idea who is even competing this year

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lol atomic as I probably post too much already as it is ( nobody answer that )


Thanks boys ...it is pretty quiet in here ..just got a shot of morphine :wacko:


Looks like coumadin for me as well whomp

But so far so good as I watch the nba skills competition


Used to love the dunk contests from 80's with jordan and dominique ...I have no idea who is even competing this year



I challenge you to a dunk contest right now

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