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Curious question


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While delivering the mail on the business portion of my route, I see more and more bums. I've seen them pick up cigarette butts when people are done smoking. They ask me for money, although I've never used(but am tempted to) the Diceman line "whatcha gonna do with a quarter, open up a f'kin business?" This one guy has his dog with him. I've given his dog biscuits before. I wonder how many of those biscuits he ate himself? Thsi other bum rides around on a kids bike and takes whore baths using a hose next to this one building.

Now here's the curious part. Now if you were to become a bum and could take only one possesion from what you have now, what would it be? It must be something that's bought and paid for. Me? I'd probably keep my truck, although before I became a bum I'd have to buy a topper for it. Some of you may keep your laptops. I don't own one. No family involved here. Just you. Was thinking about this today as I watched them walk/ride around while I was eating lunch today. What a life. No bills to worry about. Hell, I'd probably be bored to death in less than a week. And looking for a place to crash would probably suck too. Then there's the fleas, the crabs, etc.

So if you were to become a bum, what possesion would you keep and take along for the rest of your freeloading life?

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While delivering the mail on the business portion of my route, I see more and more bums. I've seen them pick up cigarette butts when people are done smoking. They ask me for money, although I've never used(but am tempted to) the Diceman line "whatcha gonna do with a quarter, open up a f'kin business?" This one guy has his dog with him. I've given his dog biscuits before. I wonder how many of those biscuits he ate himself? Thsi other bum rides around on a kids bike and takes whore baths using a hose next to this one building.

Now here's the curious part. Now if you were to become a bum and could take only one possesion from what you have now, what would it be? It must be something that's bought and paid for. Me? I'd probably keep my truck, although before I became a bum I'd have to buy a topper for it. Some of you may keep your laptops. I don't own one. No family involved here. Just you. Was thinking about this today as I watched them walk/ride around while I was eating lunch today. What a life. No bills to worry about. Hell, I'd probably be bored to death in less than a week. And looking for a place to crash would probably suck too. Then there's the fleas, the crabs, etc.

So if you were to become a bum, what possesion would you keep and take along for the rest of your freeloading life?


What would I keep that I have now?


My sanity.


Most people on the street are some version of mentally unstable ... which is the biggest reason they're still on the street. By keeping my sanity, I have a ready out ... even if it means being a greeter at WMT or stacking shelves at Home Depot or Krogers first ... I have a way out.

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