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New Years Resolutions


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Anyone have one ? My Wife and I paid off 90% of our credit card debt in 2010. My resolution is to finish paying the rest and never use those demon pieces of plastic again. I also, as always, want to resume my fitness programs that I had success with in 2010. I took december off and ate like I was going to the chair. Anybody else have one ?

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1.) Get back to the 1000 club in one day again. (1000 pounds in combined weight in one day of unassisted squat, deadlift and bench press)

2.) expand my consulting business

3.) complete p90x

4.) Achieve my professional goals I have set

5.) Aggressively eliminate the remainder of household debt

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1. Stand up my consulting business (emergency management)

2. Bond more with my kids

3. Be happier and take life less serious

4. Lose 20lbs

5. Play hemorrhoid tickling game more

6. Find an effective stress reduction method

7. Build a vertical garden

8. Continue our green conversion this year by either installing a solar water heater or building rain barrel catchers for watering grass/plants

9. Complete 5 undergraduate class this year

10. Build my own fusion reactor

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11. Stop being hung over

12. Stop randomly texting people when I'm drinking

13. Stop stealing toilet paper from people's houses when I'm drinking

14. Stop stealing butter from other people's houses when I'm drinking

15. Stop starring at hard nipples poking through sweaters at other people's houses when I'm drinking and their husbands and kids are standing right there

16. Stop peeing in trash cans at other people's houses when I'm drinking

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1.) Get back to the 1000 club in one day again. (1000 pounds in combined weight in one day of unassisted squat, deadlift and bench press)

2.) expand my consulting business

3.) complete p90x

4.) Achieve my professional goals I have set

5.) Aggressively eliminate the remainder of household debt


1 and 3 are pretty much incompatible.

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1. Lose 13 pounds to get into 225 lb. division


2. Get a real job again


3. Be a better husband, father, and Christian


4. Learn how to better deal with effeminate and less assertive men.

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