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You know you're getting old


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When you deliver a baby from someone you delivered as a baby.



WOW!! That sucks! :wacko:

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It seems like the older I get the less time it takes me to find out that a woman is married. I moved into a new office building this week. It's one of those places where they rent out individual offices to several companies. So as I've been seeing other tenants there throughout the week I've been introducing myself. It seems like every time I introduced myself to a woman, by her third sentence she was somehow bringing her husband into the conversation.


I don't remember this happening when I was younger. In fact I remember one time in my early 20's I met this woman at a club. We talked and danced all night. Afterwards we went back to her place and I noticed a picture of her and some dude on the wall. I asked her who that was and she casually said, "Oh, that's my husband". :wacko: She had somehow left out that small detail about her life when she was telling me about herself earlier.


Nowadays I can't even ask a woman "What time is it?", without her response being something like, "Oh my husband doesn't like to wear a watch either".

Edited by SayItAintSoJoe
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When you can't get up without making a grunt or some similar noise.


When you only watch re-runs of TV shows, most of which are at least 15-20 yrs old, because the crap coming out now is, well, crap.


When you don't even listen to the radio because it's so pathetic.


When you don't even care about having a sports car even if it's no big financially.





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When you can't get up without making a grunt or some similar noise.


When you only watch re-runs of TV shows, most of which are at least 15-20 yrs old, because the crap coming out now is, well, crap.


When you don't even listen to the radio because it's so pathetic.


When you don't even care about having a sports car even if it's no big financially.






Oy, this is me too! :wacko:

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When, more often than not, you open a thread/topic that catches your eye, only to realize that you already read the entire thing... usually, only a day or two before. :tup:


When you can't decide which is more difficult... seeing your toenails clearly enough to be able to cut them, or just being able to reach them. :wacko:

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When you can't decide which is more difficult... seeing your toenails clearly enough to be able to cut them, or just being able to reach them. :wacko:


I go to the Podiatrist for that! :tup:

Let him deal w/ my feet!

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