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Goodbye Jade


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Today we said goodbye to our boxer of almost 7 years. She had a rare form of cancer that started affecting her breathing, it became hard for her to go to the bathroom because of the huge mass on her back leg, and she could barely walk on it. Lost all muscle in that leg. This was my first time actually having to put a dog down, and it was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Holding her while she took her last breath will be the hardest memory to let go of. I loved her so much and will miss everything about her.


Rest in peace little pup. Go chase some squirrels.

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Aww peep...I'm so sorry. I loved my boxers too. And yes....it was hard. Each only lived about 8 years.


Boxer owners have to go in realizing their dogs won't have that 13-15 yr life span so many other dogs enjoy.

But I like to think they are such great dogs, we take that hard part on because they seem to give us twice the joy.


RIP Jade. You had a wonderful family!

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Heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. Thank goodness for the wonderful memories you'll always cherish. It doesn't make it easier right now, but they'll bring smiles and laughter down the road. "Remember when Jade did this...." She sounds like she was a wonderful pup.

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