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Water Closet Ettiquette


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Work bathroom. No stalls, just a regular bathroom with the addition of a urinal. Soap, running water, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. Additionally, work provides can of either Glade or Lysol, etc.


Here's the question. You go to the throne and in doing so, feel that it's appropriate to apply the Glade/Lysol. After finishing on the throne, do you first wash your hand and THEN spray (possibly touching a dirty can of spray) or do you first spray (possibly applying germs to the spray can) and THEN wash your hands.


I would never go to say, to finish doing business, wash hands, use spray, wash hands again.


I've gotten conflicted and sometimes sprayed first and sometimes washed first.


I don't know. The more I think about it, the more I get annoyed about it.

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I do my business, wash then spray. I know that one other employee does the same, and there are a number that don't wash.


In all reality, I should spray then wash seeing that I know that a few don't wash at all.

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Do your business


Leave toll roll long enough to drag on the floor


Knock can of Lysol on the floor


Pee on the seat


Don't flush


Wash hands (optional)


You forgot:


Throw crap filled toilet paper in trash can....Pretend you're in Mexico for a moment...its fun!!

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I don't have a bathroom situation like that but if I did I'd go: throne>spray>wash


It's a bathroom and that can of spray lives in there. Washing should always be the last thing you do, imo. Washing is a courtesy to others who you come in contact throughout the day, why should the spray can get the benefit of clean hands?

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+1. Maybe drop one bomb a year at the office and only because there is no way on God's green earth I can make it home.


Hate passing guys leaving the stall, nodding and walking past the sinks and out the door.


I never, ever pooped at work until I got into the spam industry. Bathrooms are cleaned like half a dozen times a day

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The handle on the toilet, stall door & even the sink have all been touched after poop & before wash. Often people don't wash at all and use the door. With that in mind I spray, wash & use the towel I dried with to turn off the water & open the door.

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Pooping on the company dime is a pure pleasure.


Me, I wash up. We have paper towels for drying off. I use those to dry off, then use them to push the button on the lysol, and then to open the door. I then toss the paper towel in the trash can and drag the door closed with my foot on the way out. (The office one does not have a self closing door like the public one out in the hall.)

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With that in mind I spray, wash & use the towel I dried with to turn off the water & open the door.




I don't think there is any other sanitary way to go :wacko: What purpose does it serve to wash, then to troll around the bathroom spraying and touching things that had previously been touched by unwashed hands?

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This is indeed an interesting situation. To be clear, is this a men only toilet or is it shared by both men and women?



Assuming it is a men only:


Glade is a spray to cover up scent and Lysol is for disinfecting surfaces


If you go to the toilet and have a bowel movement and it is a men only toilet then there should be no reason to use either of the sprays unless the toilet is located near a high traffic hallway or break room


If you decide to use the spray then you should wash your hands first and use a paper towel to hold the cans and spray them


Personally, a match works 10 times better than any scented spray


Do not know why you would need Lysol unless you are under some type of digestive distress and you have an accident

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I am a big proponent of the home field advantage. Dropping the kids off in a public water closet is only an emergency option....


True, but when playing on the home court, I tend to be rather conservative, ensuring not to damage what is mine. Play not to lose.


But on the road, I can open up the offense a little....some hovering, using the walls for leverage, no-holds-barred explosions...that sorta thing.

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