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Huddler Fistfight #8

Jumpin Johnies

Who would win this fight?  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would win this fight?

    • Grits
    • Lawdawg

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Finally! Finally! Finally! We finally have a battle royale with participants who wont be a complete and utter embarrasment when they square off in the ring. So far we have had Fatties and French and Faq's and Child Molesters and Metro-sexuals and Sissies and Drunks and Jailbaiters and Greasers and WOP's and Genie's and Hillbillies and Gay Figure Skaters and 1 really really really pissed off dude with a girl's name. But we have yet to see anybody with any knowledge of, or aptitude for, fighting. But all that changes with this fight! We now we have 2 very polished and experienced pugilists with strength and cunning and skill and training. Two worthy combatants who know how to use their hands and feet and who have the potential to inflict some serious bodily damage on any opponent. But there is just one thing missing from this Clash of the Titans. Something isnt quite right. One very important ingredient to make this a compelling event is just not there. I sensed it all day yesterday as I thought about these 2 guys squaring off in the ring. I think most of you sensed something was amiss as well. But I just couldnt quite put my finger on it. Until now.


Every great story needs a protaganist and an antagonist. A hero and a villian. A good guy and a bad guy. Somebody to root for and somebody to root against. Sure, the hero can have his flaws and certainly doesnt need to be perfect. But there has to be a person that the audience can get behind and cheer for. That is what we are lacking in this matchup. Nobody likes these 2 guys. We will be watching in hopes that they both get seriously disfigured or even killed. Its like we have put Hitler and Mussolini in a cage match. You simply cant root for either guy. So, we are reduced to cheering against two loathsome turds as they try to drown each other in their toilet of piss and vomit.


First lets take a look at the dispicable SeattleLawDog. He went to law school and wants everybody to know it. Puts it right there in his name, LawDog! Boy is he proud. Like we give a sh1t for one. And secondly, that wont endear you to anyone else on the planet except for all the other jack asses that went to Law School. The rest of us simply dont care and we dont like you. Your reputation as the most vile and dishonest creatures that ever slithered across the earth is well earned. The first day of law school they told you that they were going to "teach you to think like a lawyer". What that actually meant was that they were going to "teach you to think like a liar". Any wonder the movie "Liar Liar" involved a lawyer? You are parasites on the underbelly of America who do nothing to add to the economy but simply try to tear down what others of built. You are the hired guns of con men, phonies, and people trying to get rich quick off of someone else. Vile, leacherous, disgusting, and hated the world over. Its just not a "profession" that people like or respect. Who hasnt been screwed over by a barrister at least once in your life? So, we simply hope that you are mortally wounded by some former client that you ripped off as you enter the ring.


Unforunately, Blitz may even be worse if that is possible. The man demands order. So much so that his Obcessive Compulsive Disorder is a running joke at the huddle. Always spoiling for a fight, but notice, he chooses only to pick on the lame newbies who inadvertantly post their threads in the wrong forum. Blitz's military upbringing simply wont allow for anything to be out of place, so he tries to get those soldiers in line. And they better show respect to a superior officer or he will court martial them off to "ignore land". Blitz is all about right and wrong. Everything is either black or white with no shades of gray. You are for us or against us. He is the George W Bush of the Huddle. For Christ sakes you pathetic arrogant jack ass! This is a f'n message board! If you want people to shine their boonies and salute you, go harrass your own kids some more if they havent run away yet or called Childrens services on you. Blitz most reminds me of the military dad in that movie American Beauty. He hates drugs, and queers, and anything that is not perfect. Well, in the end he tries to kiss Kevin Spacey and then kills himself. It think it pretty obvious that Blitz is a latent homosexual just screaming to get out. We all saw the picture of him surrounding himself with very effiminant black men. To each his own I guess, but having sex with a bunch of sissy black dudes and a carnival midget is just weird.


The problem with Blitz is basically he could never quite measure up to what his strict military father wanted him to be. His father demanded perfection, something Blitz always strived for, but could never quite attain. Deep down, down where he would never let anybody see, until he tries to kiss Kevin Spacey of course, Blitz knows he simply isnt good enough. He went to Texas A&M because he knew he wasnt good enough to go to UT. The Aggie jokes he shrugs off but knows deep down that there is alot of truth to them. He demands so much out of others because condescending to them is the only thing that makes him feel good about himself. But his insecurities are what make him such a complete ass. Nobody will be cheering for this arrrogant jackbooted nazi to win.


So, who would win: the lying dispicable lawyer or the Obcessive/Compulsive latent homosexual? There has been alot of posturing by both parties over the last couple weeks, both claiming to be Billy Bad Ass. Quite frankly, I believe one of them is scared, and the other is glad of it. Blitz has lots and lots of training. But SLD has been in actual cage matches. Playing "break this board" on a gym mat with the local boy scout troop is one thing. Getting into a ring fighting some other gorilla until someone taps out or is knocked out is quite another. I am going with SeattleLawDog to win a very competitive fight that ends in a broken bone or two.

Edited by spain
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Quite frankly, I believe one of them is scared, and the other is glad of it.  Blitz has lots and lots of training.  But SLD has been in actual cage matches.  Playing "break this board" on a gym mat with the local boy scout troop is one thing.  Getting into a ring fighting some other gorilla until someone taps out or is knocked out is quite another.







i have to admit, blitz' descriptions about how his incredible power is too much for his dojo-mates to handle conured a few images of cosmo kramer :D

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Finally!  Finally!  Finally!  We finally have a battle royale with participants who wont be a complete and utter embarrasment when they square off in the ring.  So far we have had Fatties and French and Faq's and Child Molesters and Metro-sexuals and Sissies and Drunks and Jailbaiters and Greasers and WOP's and Genie's and Hillbillies and Gay Figure Skaters and 1 really really really pissed off dude with a girl's name. But we have yet to see anybody with any knowledge of, or aptitude for, fighting.  But all that changes with this fight!  We now we have 2 very polished and experienced pugilists with strength and cunning and skill and training.  Two worthy combatants who know how to use their hands and feet and who have the potential to inflict some serious bodily damage on any opponent.  But there is just one thing missing from this Clash of the Titans.  Something isnt quite right.  One very important ingredient to make this a compelling event is just not there.  I sensed it all day yesterday as I thought about these 2 guys squaring off in the ring.  I think most of you sensed something was amiss as well.  But I just couldnt quite put my finger on it.  Until now.


Every great story needs a protaganist and an antagonist.  A hero and a villian.  A good guy and a bad guy.  Somebody to root for and somebody to root against.  Sure, the hero can have his flaws and certainly doesnt need to be perfect.  But there has to be a person that the audience can get behind and cheer for.  That is what we are lacking in this matchup.  Nobody likes these 2 guys.  We will be watching in hopes that they both get seriously disfigured or even killed.  Its like we have put Hitler and Mussolini in a cage match.  You simply cant root for either guy.  So, we are reduced to cheering against two loathsome turds as they try to drown each other in their toilet of piss and vomit.


First lets take a look at the dispicable SeattleLawDog.  He went to law school and wants everybody to know it.  Puts it right there in his name, LawDog!  Boy is he proud.  Like we give a sh1t for one.  And secondly, that wont endear you to anyone else on the planet except for all the other jack asses that went to Law School.  The rest of us simply dont care and we dont like you.  Your reputation as the most vile and dishonest creatures that ever slithered across the earth is well earned.  The first day of law school they told you that they were going to "teach you to think like a lawyer".  What that actually meant was that they were going to "teach you to think like a liar".  Any wonder the movie "Liar Liar" involved a lawyer?  You are parasites on the underbelly of America who do nothing to add to the economy but simply try to tear down what others of built.  You are the hired guns of con men, phonies, and people trying to get rich quick off of someone else.  Vile, leacherous, disgusting, and hated the world over.  Its just not a "profession" that people like or respect.  Who hasnt been screwed over by a barrister at least once in your life?  So, we simply hope that you are mortally wounded by some former client that you ripped off as you enter the ring.


Unforunately, Blitz may even be worse if that is possible.  The man demands order.  So much so that his Obcessive Compulsive Disorder is a running joke at the huddle.  Always spoiling for a fight, but notice, he chooses only to pick on the lame newbies who inadvertantly post their threads in the wrong forum.  Blitz's military upbringing simply wont allow for anything to be out of place, so he tries to get those soldiers in line.  And they better show respect to a superior officer or he will court martial them off to "ignore land".  Blitz is all about right and wrong.  Everything is either black or white with no shades of gray.  You are for us or against us.  He is the George W Bush of the Huddle.  For Christ sakes you pathetic arrogant jack ass!  This is a f'n message board!  If you want people to shine their boonies and salute you, go harrass your own kids some more if they havent run away yet or called Childrens services on you.  Blitz most reminds me of the military dad in that movie American Beauty.  He hates drugs, and queers, and anything that is not perfect.  Well, in the end he tries to kiss Kevin Spacey and then kills himself.  It think it pretty obvious that Blitz is a latent homosexual just screaming to get out.  We all saw the picture of him surrounding himself with very effiminant black men.  To each his own I guess, but having sex with a bunch of sissy black dudes and a carnival midget is just weird.


The problem with Blitz is basically he could never quite measure up to what his strict military father wanted him to be.  His father demanded perfection, something Blitz always strived for, but could never quite attain.  Deep down, down where he would never let anybody see, until he tries to kiss Kevin Spacey of course, Blitz knows he simply isnt good enough.  He went to Texas A&M because he knew he wasnt good enough to go to UT.  The Aggie jokes he shrugs off but knows deep down that there is alot of truth to them.  He demands so much out of others because condescending to them is the only thing that makes him feel good about himself.  But his insecurities are what make him such a complete ass.  Nobody will be cheering for this arrrogant jackbooted nazi to win. 


So, who would win: the lying dispicable lawyer or the Obcessive/Compulsive latent homosexual?  There has been alot of posturing by both parties over the last couple weeks, both claiming to be Billy Bad Ass.  Quite frankly, I believe one of them is scared, and the other is glad of it.  Blitz has lots and lots of training.  But SLD has been in actual cage matches.  Playing "break this board" on a gym mat with the local boy scout troop is one thing.  Getting into a ring fighting some other gorilla until someone taps out or is knocked out is quite another.  I am going with SeattleLawDog to win a very competitive fight that ends in a broken bone or two.









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Finally!  Finally!  Finally!  We finally have a battle royale with participants who wont be a complete and utter embarrasment when they square off in the ring.  So far we have had Fatties and French and Faq's and Child Molesters and Metro-sexuals and Sissies and Drunks and Jailbaiters and Greasers and WOP's and Genie's and Hillbillies and Gay Figure Skaters and 1 really really really pissed off dude with a girl's name. But we have yet to see anybody with any knowledge of, or aptitude for, fighting.  But all that changes with this fight!  We now we have 2 very polished and experienced pugilists with strength and cunning and skill and training.  Two worthy combatants who know how to use their hands and feet and who have the potential to inflict some serious bodily damage on any opponent.  But there is just one thing missing from this Clash of the Titans.  Something isnt quite right.  One very important ingredient to make this a compelling event is just not there.  I sensed it all day yesterday as I thought about these 2 guys squaring off in the ring.  I think most of you sensed something was amiss as well.  But I just couldnt quite put my finger on it.  Until now.


Every great story needs a protaganist and an antagonist.  A hero and a villian.  A good guy and a bad guy.  Somebody to root for and somebody to root against.  Sure, the hero can have his flaws and certainly doesnt need to be perfect.  But there has to be a person that the audience can get behind and cheer for.  That is what we are lacking in this matchup.  Nobody likes these 2 guys.  We will be watching in hopes that they both get seriously disfigured or even killed.  Its like we have put Hitler and Mussolini in a cage match.  You simply cant root for either guy.  So, we are reduced to cheering against two loathsome turds as they try to drown each other in their toilet of piss and vomit.


First lets take a look at the dispicable SeattleLawDog.  He went to law school and wants everybody to know it.  Puts it right there in his name, LawDog!  Boy is he proud.  Like we give a sh1t for one.  And secondly, that wont endear you to anyone else on the planet except for all the other jack asses that went to Law School.  The rest of us simply dont care and we dont like you.  Your reputation as the most vile and dishonest creatures that ever slithered across the earth is well earned.  The first day of law school they told you that they were going to "teach you to think like a lawyer".  What that actually meant was that they were going to "teach you to think like a liar".  Any wonder the movie "Liar Liar" involved a lawyer?  You are parasites on the underbelly of America who do nothing to add to the economy but simply try to tear down what others of built.  You are the hired guns of con men, phonies, and people trying to get rich quick off of someone else.  Vile, leacherous, disgusting, and hated the world over.  Its just not a "profession" that people like or respect.  Who hasnt been screwed over by a barrister at least once in your life?  So, we simply hope that you are mortally wounded by some former client that you ripped off as you enter the ring.


Unforunately, Blitz may even be worse if that is possible.  The man demands order.  So much so that his Obcessive Compulsive Disorder is a running joke at the huddle.  Always spoiling for a fight, but notice, he chooses only to pick on the lame newbies who inadvertantly post their threads in the wrong forum.  Blitz's military upbringing simply wont allow for anything to be out of place, so he tries to get those soldiers in line.  And they better show respect to a superior officer or he will court martial them off to "ignore land".  Blitz is all about right and wrong.  Everything is either black or white with no shades of gray.  You are for us or against us.  He is the George W Bush of the Huddle.  For Christ sakes you pathetic arrogant jack ass!  This is a f'n message board!  If you want people to shine their boonies and salute you, go harrass your own kids some more if they havent run away yet or called Childrens services on you.  Blitz most reminds me of the military dad in that movie American Beauty.  He hates drugs, and queers, and anything that is not perfect.  Well, in the end he tries to kiss Kevin Spacey and then kills himself.  It think it pretty obvious that Blitz is a latent homosexual just screaming to get out.  We all saw the picture of him surrounding himself with very effiminant black men.  To each his own I guess, but having sex with a bunch of sissy black dudes and a carnival midget is just weird.


The problem with Blitz is basically he could never quite measure up to what his strict military father wanted him to be.  His father demanded perfection, something Blitz always strived for, but could never quite attain.  Deep down, down where he would never let anybody see, until he tries to kiss Kevin Spacey of course, Blitz knows he simply isnt good enough.  He went to Texas A&M because he knew he wasnt good enough to go to UT.  The Aggie jokes he shrugs off but knows deep down that there is alot of truth to them.  He demands so much out of others because condescending to them is the only thing that makes him feel good about himself.  But his insecurities are what make him such a complete ass.  Nobody will be cheering for this arrrogant jackbooted nazi to win. 


So, who would win: the lying dispicable lawyer or the Obcessive/Compulsive latent homosexual?  There has been alot of posturing by both parties over the last couple weeks, both claiming to be Billy Bad Ass.  Quite frankly, I believe one of them is scared, and the other is glad of it.  Blitz has lots and lots of training.  But SLD has been in actual cage matches.  Playing "break this board" on a gym mat with the local boy scout troop is one thing.  Getting into a ring fighting some other gorilla until someone taps out or is knocked out is quite another.  I am going with SeattleLawDog to win a very competitive fight that ends in a broken bone or two.







:D ... I knew you'd blast me ... especially after my feeble attempt to break down your fight.

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