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Are You a Racist?

Jumpin Johnies

Do You Discriminate Against Any Race?  

75 members have voted

  1. 1. Do You Discriminate Against Any Race?

    • Yes I am Racist
    • No I'm not Racist

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Sigh. I have debated this topic until my throat went sore. This is not a fishing expedition, but I believe that everyone, in one way or another is "racist". Now, it will really come down to how you define the term. By the wording of your poll ("closet racist"), I will take it to mean you think the term "racist" means nothing short of being in the KKK or something. When, in fact, the term doesn't have to go to that kind of extreme. Many will argue that it simply means you favor one race over another, for one reason or another.


Here's my stance, in the form of a question and answer. Say your house is burning to the ground. Would you want the BEST firefighters (regardless of sex, race, etc.) ready on call to save your house? Or would you want the most ethnically-diverse? My answer: the best firefighters. Heck, if it's an all-black crew that is top-notch, great. But that's gonna be rare and y'all know that.


Do I get nervous if I'm the only white guy driving through the ghetto? Not really, but maybe a little bit. Why? Those feelings COULD be construed as racist.


Would I go ape-chit if my daughter (I don't have kids, I'm just saying) dated a black guy, or a Mexican, or Asian? No, not at all. Would I prefer her to date a white guy? Probably. Why? I don't know, maybe because I'd identify with him easier. Does that make me a racist? To some, they'll say no... that's just normal. But to others (and to me, taking the literal meaning of the word), it is to some degree.


Listen, I have friends of every color, creed and background. I don't discriminate or hate. But you have to be objective in your view of the world and realize people are different. I think we should all be treated on an equal level. And that's just not possible, unfortunately.


Edit: Oh, I'm the lone "yes" vote at this point. Does that mean I'm gonna go out on a lynching after work? God no. I'm just a realist.

Edited by darin3
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I pretty much hate all members of the human race--I suppose that makes me a racist.






Exactly. There are white people that drive me insane too.


Chris Rock said it best in one of his "Bring the Pain" stand-up routines. Talking about your normal, every-day "black people" vs. "n*****s". Same thing goes for whiteys, or any other race. :D

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Just my guess, but most racists probably don't realize they are racists. Especially because ingnorance is considered the biggest cause of racism. Personally I just hate stupid people, black, white, yellow, purple...makes no difference to me.

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Just my guess, but most racists probably don't realize they are racists. Especially because ingnorance is considered the biggest cause of racism. Personally I just hate stupid people, black, white, yellow, purple...makes no difference to me.









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Just my guess, but most racists probably don't realize they are racists. Especially because ingnorance is considered the biggest cause of racism. Personally I just hate stupid people, black, white, yellow, purple...makes no difference to me.







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i believe we all have prejudices.... not all of us have them based on race.






Exactly my point.


People have prejudices based on sex, color, sexual orientation.... etc.


If you favor one race over another, are you racist?


If you favor a male employee over a female one, are you sexist?


It all boils down to a case-by-case basis. But some would argue if you do favor one over the other - regardless of the situation - you are racist/sexist/etc. To a degree, I agree...

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I have a plaque on my wall... and I used to have it's saying as a sigline here:


I love mankind.....

It's people that I can't stand!!!



I must admit that I do have a list for people I can't stand. The french are at the top and.... well the french are the only ones on it, but there are spaces for others to be added. Don't really look at that as being a racist... the whole world has a problem with the french... not just me.


Other than that.... all individuals are just that... individuals. You take them one at a time.

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I have a plaque on my wall... and I used to have it's saying as a sigline here:


I love mankind.....

It's people that I can't stand!!!









My take on that saying is that I have no pre-conceived prejudices. However, it doesn't preclude me from disliking individuals, regardless of their race, creed, etc.

And I do not consider myself a racist.

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I've been delivering pizza for the past few months a few nights a week for extra cash and some of the neighborhoods I work in are less than stellar to be polite-I get all kinds from really nice homes to ghetto dumps...


I'll say this- I have never- NOT ONCE- been stiffed on a tip by a white customer- the blacks that I deliver to tip maybe 30% of the time- many even wait for their .12 cents change, while other say "keep the change" when its like .22 cents


Not that this alone has anything to do with my personal feelings towards any one particular race- but it's things like this that make you go hmmmmm :D


Cracks me up how people can order $11 worth of food and pay with change, etc. and then don't tip the delivery guy.If you are so bad off that you can't give a friggin' $1 tip then take your $11-go to the grocery store and buy pasta to feed your family for the next week.



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