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Things are working out


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As most of you know, our company started bleeding money and basically laid off most of the staff just keeping senior management around to tie up the loose ends and try to right the sinking ship. The iceberg was hit long ago and water had been leaking in for awhile. It came as no surprise when we were let go on 9/15/11 with 9 months of full severance. I can't say too many bad things about how they treated their employees under the circumstances. Business is business. Being an accountant there for it's full 13-year run, I saw it all coming. I feel bad for those in other parts of the operations that weren't as tied to Finance and was (hopefully not) somewhat blindsided.


This company was formed from the remnants of the bank that was bought out in 1998. So, I here I am with this big mortgage, no job, 9% unemployment out there and making the high end of my profession. I do have a good chunk in savings, but not a good time at all. Many sleepless nights as my mind re-wired itself to a new reality. You hear the stories on the news and you really understand the fear the unemployed are going through.


I decided to apply for companies that I wanted to work at instead of just getting any old job since I had time with the severance package. Today, I got the job today at a non-profit company :party:. It's a new position they formed as General Accountant to assist the Controller. There was one or two better jobs out there where I applied, but haven't heard anything yet. I did get turned down right out of the gate for one job...at least they sent a letter instead of just ignoring me :tup:. I interviewed with the President and Controller yesterday...which was my first interview since I was 22 years old...and I guess I did well. There is no month-end crush and no nights and weekends. They said it was late if the lights were still on at 5:15. There are no SEC filings and press releases and other stuff. They own their own building in a nice office park across town. I really wanted a job without the stress and this looks like it could be it. I took about a 25% paycut, but I won't be working anywhere near the hours. A couple of the other jobs I applied for pay better, but it'll be the same hassle. We'll see where it goes.


She even posted at her State job and took a job back downtown instead of out here in the sticks in preparation for the move.


We've put the house up for sale and have a few showings. I got this e-mail from the Real Estate agent. It'd be great if the house sold the same week as finding the new job. The person is from Vermont and their Mother lives a few miles away.

She said: I spoke with the buyers agent this afternoon. The buyers loved your house. They have their house on the market in another state. The listing agent said that she THINKS they are going to put an offer on your house contingent upon the sell of their house. They were talking about reducing their house to make it sell quicker. It would be cash deal once they sell their house. WE just have to wait and see what happens. This is just what the listing agent thinks. We can discuss it if it happens.


Fingers crossed there. The new job is over where I grew up and most of my family is still. We're looking at houses over there right now. I'm going to dump most of my savings into the house and get as small a mortgage as possible. I know this goes against what alot of people think, but I crave that $400 mortgage payment and feel I am working for myself instead of the mortgage company. My goal with this layoff is to downsize my life and stress as much as possible. We wanna go to Vegas every year with the Huddlers for what my old mortgage payment used to be. :lol:


This is the latest house she has fallen in love with. It's in a great neighborhood and I'd finally be close enough to town to host poker games.


I hadn't been around much in the past month but had talked to several of you on the phone and appreciate being there while I figured things out. It was really a life-changing event...but one that will be for the better when we get all the way there. :wacko:

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:wacko: whether or not anyone agrees or disagrees with the methods you are employing, the bottom line is it is making you live a much more stress-free life, which you can't put a price on. Sounds like you will be happy in your new digs, won't worry one iota about meeting the monthly nut, and will be able to rebuild those savings in no time. Hard to argue with a plan like that :tup:

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Always nice to hear a story that looks like it is turning out well and that you were not adamant about pretending you could easily keep all elements in your life the same. Hope it all continues on the good path... :wacko:

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:wacko: whether or not anyone agrees or disagrees with the methods you are employing, the bottom line is it is making you live a much more stress-free life, which you can't put a price on. Sounds like you will be happy in your new digs, won't worry one iota about meeting the monthly nut, and will be able to rebuild those savings in no time. Hard to argue with a plan like that :tup:



Most excellent news.

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