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If you could go back in time and change 1 thing.....


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Funny stuff.... but after some thought... I'd kill Muhamed at birth. No Muhamed, no Muslims. What would the world be like now? Peaceful? Not likely, but I'd like to see how that might have worked out. A world without Islam. Few terrorists, maybe no suicide bombers. Peace in the middle east even? Yeah... that's what I'd do.


Maybe I'm biased... too many funerals to go to because of the extremists.


Imagine all the people... living....

I would guess that John Lennon would roll in his grave if he knew lyrics from that song were used in your post.

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Funny stuff.... but after some thought... I'd kill Muhamed at birth. No Muhamed, no Muslims. What would the world be like now? Peaceful? Not likely, but I'd like to see how that might have worked out. A world without Islam. Few terrorists, maybe no suicide bombers. Peace in the middle east even? Yeah... that's what I'd do.


Maybe I'm biased... too many funerals to go to because of the extremists.


Imagine all the people... living....


Very creative answer... I don't know if I could do that, but I sure wouldn't mind if you did! :wacko:

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In high school I had a guy that I considered a friend. He was a good guy and a really funny kid. We werent the type of friends that hung out all the time or called each other but whenever I saw him we would always have a good time and we did like each other. His girlfriend lived one block away from me. We were at a party one night and his girlfriend was sitting next to me at a table and we were all drinking and under the table she just grabbed my sausage and peppers. She said she was going to call me when she got home. She did . I went down to her house and we bumped uglies. It was very out of character for me because I am always loyal to my friends but I was a horny high school kid and I put that before a friendship that night and I truly was always ashamed of myself for doing that. He ended up finding out and we never spoke again. Fast forward to a year ago. I am bartending a private party and he walks in. I poured him drinks all night and he pretended he didnt know/recognize me. I dont blame him. I betrayed him

Probably the vast majority of teenage boys would find it physically impossible to turn down a nice piece that is being shoved in his face like that. Doesn't excuse what happened, but she did initiate. Does the guy know that part of it?


I poured him drinks all night

I thought for sure the next part of this sentence would be ", we talked it out, I apologized and we laughed like old times". What a lame ass he was for pretending he didn't know you. Very weak IMO. High school kids are complete idiots, and you are both now grown adults.

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There are two that are tied for me:


Number 1:


I had this bully who f*cked with me from 7th grade up to the middle of 11th grade. His name was Buddy Corbet. No idea why it started with him, just happened. The first day of 7th grade he walks up to me out of the blue and started screwing with me. That was pretty much the standard deal with him. Each day before school, during the classes we had together and any time he caught me outside of school. He wasn't too much bigger than me but had been taking some type of martial art since he was 6 and he could fight. Fast forward to 11th grade. I had my first serious girlfriend and had done a pretty good job of avoiding him when i was with her but then one day he caught up with me at lunch. Right in front of her he started f*cking with me again and my male pride finally stood up. After he said something, he turned his head to laugh back at his friends he always traveled with. On instinct I guess I just decked him right in the jaw. He recovered and we started fighting. Luckily for me, he step on some food or something on the floor and slipped so I took advantage, grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head and kept kneeing him in the head until the fight was broken up. We both got suspended for 5 days.


I returned to school and was dreading the beat down I was going to get from him. In my first class of the day I found out that Buddy hoped in the car with his sister while he was out on suspension and they were traveling down Rt. 301 heading toward Upper Marlboro to go to some day time party. His sister was driving and I think the story is that she had a seizure or something like that and drifted into the on-coming lane. They were hit head on by a truck. She lived but Buddy died. If it wasn't for the fight that I started that day, he would have been in school and still be alive today. This is a demon that I've carried with me since that day. So if I could go back in time, I would not fight him at that moment but instead wait until after school or something.


Number 2:


Back in 1997 me and my friends pretty much went out every night of the week following drink specials at all of the local bars. I had broken up with this girl I dated for 2 years (she went off to college) and had been in a 9 month slump. Went out on a couple of dates but they never went any further. Then I met up with this guy we called Tang who was a friend of a friend. His real name was Brian but for whatever reason he went by the nick name Tang. He would show up and play darts with us, drink and was just really cool to hang around. Mainly because he always brought tail with him. One of his friends was this girl named Christy. The first time I met her we both locked eyes and I had this overwhelming feeling that I knew her but didn't know from where or how. She echoed the same thing when we started talking. It was such a crazy experience and one that I remember vividly. As cheesy as this sounds, when I looked into her eyes I knew I knew her and she said the same thing to me. We spent the whole night talking. It was unreal the sensations we both had. As crazy as it sounds, I already knew what type of music she liked, her favorite drink, the kinds of things she was into and what was really weird is she knew the same about me.


We finally figured out that we had never met before (she grew up in New Mexico and came to Frostburge for college and when I met her she was finishing up one last class before graduation). The night I met her was only her second time down in the DC area. So we had no idea how we knew each other so well. She left that night before we had a chance to exchange numbers. A week or so later I ran into her and Tang up at Corner Stones in College park. It was an amazing experience to see her again. We clicked instantly. She gave me her number and I gave her mine. I told her that my Birthday was coming up and we were throwing a big party. She asked me when my Birthday was and i told her May 17th. She freaked out and called me a liar and asked if I saw her drivers license. I told her no, my Birthday was 5/17 and I had not seen her drivers license. Turns out we had the same birthday. Even weird is that I was born at 1:17PM on 5/17 and was 7lbs 4oz. She was born at 1:17PM on 5/17 (same year) but the weight was different (can't remember). -queue the twilight zone theme-


That night she gave me the best kiss I had ever. It is hard to explain but when we touched lips, everything else in the world just faded away and it was a maelstrom of both physical and emotional sensations. After the kiss she had to leave to get back to her apartment. When I got home that night I realized i lost her number. I never heard from her or saw Tang again.


If I could go back in time, I would go back to the moment she gave me her phone number and stick it in my wallet instead of my front pocket. I've always believed that she and I were suppose to be together simply from everything I've described above. But now I will never know.

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There are two that are tied for me:


Number 1:


I had this bully who f*cked with me from 7th grade up to the middle of 11th grade. His name was Buddy Corbet. No idea why it started with him, just happened. The first day of 7th grade he walks up to me out of the blue and started screwing with me. That was pretty much the standard deal with him. Each day before school, during the classes we had together and any time he caught me outside of school. He wasn't too much bigger than me but had been taking some type of martial art since he was 6 and he could fight. Fast forward to 11th grade. I had my first serious girlfriend and had done a pretty good job of avoiding him when i was with her but then one day he caught up with me at lunch. Right in front of her he started f*cking with me again and my male pride finally stood up. After he said something, he turned his head to laugh back at his friends he always traveled with. On instinct I guess I just decked him right in the jaw. He recovered and we started fighting. Luckily for me, he step on some food or something on the floor and slipped so I took advantage, grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head and kept kneeing him in the head until the fight was broken up. We both got suspended for 5 days.


I returned to school and was dreading the beat down I was going to get from him. In my first class of the day I found out that Buddy hoped in the car with his sister while he was out on suspension and they were traveling down Rt. 301 heading toward Upper Marlboro to go to some day time party. His sister was driving and I think the story is that she had a seizure or something like that and drifted into the on-coming lane. They were hit head on by a truck. She lived but Buddy died. If it wasn't for the fight that I started that day, he would have been in school and still be alive today. This is a demon that I've carried with me since that day. So if I could go back in time, I would not fight him at that moment but instead wait until after school or something.


Number 2:


Back in 1997 me and my friends pretty much went out every night of the week following drink specials at all of the local bars. I had broken up with this girl I dated for 2 years (she went off to college) and had been in a 9 month slump. Went out on a couple of dates but they never went any further. Then I met up with this guy we called Tang who was a friend of a friend. His real name was Brian but for whatever reason he went by the nick name Tang. He would show up and play darts with us, drink and was just really cool to hang around. Mainly because he always brought tail with him. One of his friends was this girl named Christy. The first time I met her we both locked eyes and I had this overwhelming feeling that I knew her but didn't know from where or how. She echoed the same thing when we started talking. It was such a crazy experience and one that I remember vividly. As cheesy as this sounds, when I looked into her eyes I knew I knew her and she said the same thing to me. We spent the whole night talking. It was unreal the sensations we both had. As crazy as it sounds, I already knew what type of music she liked, her favorite drink, the kinds of things she was into and what was really weird is she knew the same about me.


We finally figured out that we had never met before (she grew up in New Mexico and came to Frostburge for college and when I met her she was finishing up one last class before graduation). The night I met her was only her second time down in the DC area. So we had no idea how we knew each other so well. She left that night before we had a chance to exchange numbers. A week or so later I ran into her and Tang up at Corner Stones in College park. It was an amazing experience to see her again. We clicked instantly. She gave me her number and I gave her mine. I told her that my Birthday was coming up and we were throwing a big party. She asked me when my Birthday was and i told her May 17th. She freaked out and called me a liar and asked if I saw her drivers license. I told her no, my Birthday was 5/17 and I had not seen her drivers license. Turns out we had the same birthday. Even weird is that I was born at 1:17PM on 5/17 and was 7lbs 4oz. She was born at 1:17PM on 5/17 (same year) but the weight was different (can't remember). -queue the twilight zone theme-


That night she gave me the best kiss I had ever. It is hard to explain but when we touched lips, everything else in the world just faded away and it was a maelstrom of both physical and emotional sensations. After the kiss she had to leave to get back to her apartment. When I got home that night I realized i lost her number. I never heard from her or saw Tang again.


If I could go back in time, I would go back to the moment she gave me her phone number and stick it in my wallet instead of my front pocket. I've always believed that she and I were suppose to be together simply from everything I've described above. But now I will never know.



You don't remember her name? in this day and age of the computer, I bet you could find her...she's probably on Facebook for all you know.

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I would guess that John Lennon would roll in his grave if he knew lyrics from that song were used in your post.


Ya think the death of one man that might bring peace into the world we live in now, saving untold thousands, perhaps millions of lives would make Lennon upset? I'm not so sure. Islam was born at the end of a sword. How many thousands have been killed in the name of Allah? You name the hot spot... Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, the pacific rim countries... how many people are being killed, tortured, mutilated (female castration), stoned for infidelity (only the women of course) and starved to death in the name of a religion? That's exactly what Lennon was writing about. Wars and death based on religious beliefs. Pointless and crazed. The Christians BTW were nearly equally stupid when the went on the crusades. I'm weighing the scale on how many deaths can be chalked up to religious beliefs.


OK, so maybe I wouldn't have to murder him. Kidnapping might have worked just as well. Understand also that murder would sentence me to damnation based on my beliefs. I'd be willing to do that despite the fact.


I think Steve from 1050 AD might have been a kinder, gentler Ayatolla. :wacko:

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There are two that are tied for me:


Number 1:


I had this bully who f*cked with me from 7th grade up to the middle of 11th grade. His name was Buddy Corbet. No idea why it started with him, just happened. The first day of 7th grade he walks up to me out of the blue and started screwing with me. That was pretty much the standard deal with him. Each day before school, during the classes we had together and any time he caught me outside of school. He wasn't too much bigger than me but had been taking some type of martial art since he was 6 and he could fight. Fast forward to 11th grade. I had my first serious girlfriend and had done a pretty good job of avoiding him when i was with her but then one day he caught up with me at lunch. Right in front of her he started f*cking with me again and my male pride finally stood up. After he said something, he turned his head to laugh back at his friends he always traveled with. On instinct I guess I just decked him right in the jaw. He recovered and we started fighting. Luckily for me, he step on some food or something on the floor and slipped so I took advantage, grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head and kept kneeing him in the head until the fight was broken up. We both got suspended for 5 days.


I returned to school and was dreading the beat down I was going to get from him. In my first class of the day I found out that Buddy hoped in the car with his sister while he was out on suspension and they were traveling down Rt. 301 heading toward Upper Marlboro to go to some day time party. His sister was driving and I think the story is that she had a seizure or something like that and drifted into the on-coming lane. They were hit head on by a truck. She lived but Buddy died. If it wasn't for the fight that I started that day, he would have been in school and still be alive today. This is a demon that I've carried with me since that day. So if I could go back in time, I would not fight him at that moment but instead wait until after school or something.


Number 2:


Back in 1997 me and my friends pretty much went out every night of the week following drink specials at all of the local bars. I had broken up with this girl I dated for 2 years (she went off to college) and had been in a 9 month slump. Went out on a couple of dates but they never went any further. Then I met up with this guy we called Tang who was a friend of a friend. His real name was Brian but for whatever reason he went by the nick name Tang. He would show up and play darts with us, drink and was just really cool to hang around. Mainly because he always brought tail with him. One of his friends was this girl named Christy. The first time I met her we both locked eyes and I had this overwhelming feeling that I knew her but didn't know from where or how. She echoed the same thing when we started talking. It was such a crazy experience and one that I remember vividly. As cheesy as this sounds, when I looked into her eyes I knew I knew her and she said the same thing to me. We spent the whole night talking. It was unreal the sensations we both had. As crazy as it sounds, I already knew what type of music she liked, her favorite drink, the kinds of things she was into and what was really weird is she knew the same about me.


We finally figured out that we had never met before (she grew up in New Mexico and came to Frostburge for college and when I met her she was finishing up one last class before graduation). The night I met her was only her second time down in the DC area. So we had no idea how we knew each other so well. She left that night before we had a chance to exchange numbers. A week or so later I ran into her and Tang up at Corner Stones in College park. It was an amazing experience to see her again. We clicked instantly. She gave me her number and I gave her mine. I told her that my Birthday was coming up and we were throwing a big party. She asked me when my Birthday was and i told her May 17th. She freaked out and called me a liar and asked if I saw her drivers license. I told her no, my Birthday was 5/17 and I had not seen her drivers license. Turns out we had the same birthday. Even weird is that I was born at 1:17PM on 5/17 and was 7lbs 4oz. She was born at 1:17PM on 5/17 (same year) but the weight was different (can't remember). -queue the twilight zone theme-


That night she gave me the best kiss I had ever. It is hard to explain but when we touched lips, everything else in the world just faded away and it was a maelstrom of both physical and emotional sensations. After the kiss she had to leave to get back to her apartment. When I got home that night I realized i lost her number. I never heard from her or saw Tang again.


If I could go back in time, I would go back to the moment she gave me her phone number and stick it in my wallet instead of my front pocket. I've always believed that she and I were suppose to be together simply from everything I've described above. But now I will never know.


OK.... might want to make sure yer wife doesn't have access to the Huddle anytime soon. :wacko:

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Probably the day I smoked my first reefer. Cost me a scholarship to UW and a beautiful blonde. Went from a 4.0 student-athlete to academically ineligible in the span of a semester. Been pretty much downhill ever since.

Edited by Seahawks21
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You don't remember her name? in this day and age of the computer, I bet you could find her...she's probably on Facebook for all you know.


No, i don't know if I ever knew her last name. Ultimately it is irrelevant now and I would not want to seek her out on FB or any other outlet.


OK.... might want to make sure yer wife doesn't have access to the Huddle anytime soon. :wacko:


She knows all about this. My wife and I have been friends since 1988. We didn't start dating each other until 2000. She knew all about this when it happened.

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There are two that are tied for me:


Number 1:


I had this bully who f*cked with me from 7th grade up to the middle of 11th grade. His name was Buddy Corbet. No idea why it started with him, just happened. The first day of 7th grade he walks up to me out of the blue and started screwing with me. That was pretty much the standard deal with him. Each day before school, during the classes we had together and any time he caught me outside of school. He wasn't too much bigger than me but had been taking some type of martial art since he was 6 and he could fight. Fast forward to 11th grade. I had my first serious girlfriend and had done a pretty good job of avoiding him when i was with her but then one day he caught up with me at lunch. Right in front of her he started f*cking with me again and my male pride finally stood up. After he said something, he turned his head to laugh back at his friends he always traveled with. On instinct I guess I just decked him right in the jaw. He recovered and we started fighting. Luckily for me, he step on some food or something on the floor and slipped so I took advantage, grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head and kept kneeing him in the head until the fight was broken up. We both got suspended for 5 days.


I returned to school and was dreading the beat down I was going to get from him. In my first class of the day I found out that Buddy hoped in the car with his sister while he was out on suspension and they were traveling down Rt. 301 heading toward Upper Marlboro to go to some day time party. His sister was driving and I think the story is that she had a seizure or something like that and drifted into the on-coming lane. They were hit head on by a truck. She lived but Buddy died. If it wasn't for the fight that I started that day, he would have been in school and still be alive today. This is a demon that I've carried with me since that day. So if I could go back in time, I would not fight him at that moment but instead wait until after school or something.


Number 2:


Back in 1997 me and my friends pretty much went out every night of the week following drink specials at all of the local bars. I had broken up with this girl I dated for 2 years (she went off to college) and had been in a 9 month slump. Went out on a couple of dates but they never went any further. Then I met up with this guy we called Tang who was a friend of a friend. His real name was Brian but for whatever reason he went by the nick name Tang. He would show up and play darts with us, drink and was just really cool to hang around. Mainly because he always brought tail with him. One of his friends was this girl named Christy. The first time I met her we both locked eyes and I had this overwhelming feeling that I knew her but didn't know from where or how. She echoed the same thing when we started talking. It was such a crazy experience and one that I remember vividly. As cheesy as this sounds, when I looked into her eyes I knew I knew her and she said the same thing to me. We spent the whole night talking. It was unreal the sensations we both had. As crazy as it sounds, I already knew what type of music she liked, her favorite drink, the kinds of things she was into and what was really weird is she knew the same about me.


We finally figured out that we had never met before (she grew up in New Mexico and came to Frostburge for college and when I met her she was finishing up one last class before graduation). The night I met her was only her second time down in the DC area. So we had no idea how we knew each other so well. She left that night before we had a chance to exchange numbers. A week or so later I ran into her and Tang up at Corner Stones in College park. It was an amazing experience to see her again. We clicked instantly. She gave me her number and I gave her mine. I told her that my Birthday was coming up and we were throwing a big party. She asked me when my Birthday was and i told her May 17th. She freaked out and called me a liar and asked if I saw her drivers license. I told her no, my Birthday was 5/17 and I had not seen her drivers license. Turns out we had the same birthday. Even weird is that I was born at 1:17PM on 5/17 and was 7lbs 4oz. She was born at 1:17PM on 5/17 (same year) but the weight was different (can't remember). -queue the twilight zone theme-


That night she gave me the best kiss I had ever. It is hard to explain but when we touched lips, everything else in the world just faded away and it was a maelstrom of both physical and emotional sensations. After the kiss she had to leave to get back to her apartment. When I got home that night I realized i lost her number. I never heard from her or saw Tang again.


If I could go back in time, I would go back to the moment she gave me her phone number and stick it in my wallet instead of my front pocket. I've always believed that she and I were suppose to be together simply from everything I've described above. But now I will never know.


I don't think you should beat yourself up over the first one. IMO you did the right thing in standing up for yourself and he could have gotten into a car accident at any time. That was in no way your fault IMO.


I feel for you on the 2nd one, though. I think a lot of us can relate, maybe not in the exact details of how well you clicked and had such an uncanny amount in common, but I can definitely relate to the fact that I would like to go back in time and do something different with the one who got away so she was no longer "the one who got away".

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I don't think you should beat yourself up over the first one. IMO you did the right thing in standing up for yourself and he could have gotten into a car accident at any time. That was in no way your fault IMO.


I feel for you on the 2nd one, though. I think a lot of us can relate, maybe not in the exact details of how well you clicked and had such an uncanny amount in common, but I can definitely relate to the fact that I would like to go back in time and do something different with the one who got away so she was no longer "the one who got away".


While not quite so etherial, I had the one girl who slipped away as well. The connection was unreal. She had gone out with one guy all through HS and after... she felt like she was backed into a life, a decision that everyone else had made for her. I met her shortly after she had broken up with the HS sweetheart. She was not ready to get tied down again. I pushed too hard, and she was gone.


A year later, she reached out in of all places, a newspaper sweetheart ad on Valentine's day. I had now gotten involved with my future wife (now ex) and did not respond. I think of her to this day. i do believe we might have missed out on one of those once in a lifetime chances. she was for sure the best match I had ever found. My life i'm sure would have been very different if I had contacted her again.It just wasn't to be.

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while i can live with the decisions i've made..... i would go back in time and not go for that run the day i injured my back. changed my life in a very bad way.



14 years old - heading on my bike to turn in my papers for HS athletic sports. Worst bike accident of my life and I damn near died. Screwed up my hearing in my right ear due to the head fracture and has been a nuisance ever since.


On a lighter note - probably act on the 2 chances I had to join the mile high club, one was with a flight attendant too.

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While not quite so etherial, I had the one girl who slipped away as well. The connection was unreal. She had gone out with one guy all through HS and after... she felt like she was backed into a life, a decision that everyone else had made for her. I met her shortly after she had broken up with the HS sweetheart. She was not ready to get tied down again. I pushed too hard, and she was gone.


A year later, she reached out in of all places, a newspaper sweetheart ad on Valentine's day. I had now gotten involved with my future wife (now ex) and did not respond. I think of her to this day. i do believe we might have missed out on one of those once in a lifetime chances. she was for sure the best match I had ever found. My life i'm sure would have been very different if I had contacted her again.It just wasn't to be.

look her up now

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I think Steve from 1050 AD might have been a kinder, gentler Ayatolla. :wacko:


Steve would have been cooler and more laid back, for sure. It's the people who claim they know and understand Steve long after Steve is gone that are the problem.


Same goes for Jesus, Mohamed, John Lennon, or Steve Jobs*.


* Not to be confused with 10th Century/Alternate Universe Steve

Edited by godtomsatan
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14 years old - heading on my bike to turn in my papers for HS athletic sports. Worst bike accident of my life and I damn near died. Screwed up my hearing in my right ear due to the head fracture and has been a nuisance ever since.


On a lighter note - probably act on the 2 chances I had to join the mile high club, one was with a flight attendant too.



I too did not take advantage of my shot at the mile high club with a flight attendant. Had the flight attendant been female I may have gone for it.

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