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Here Seahawks..........


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This game should have been over by the fourth quarter. This was the most ridiculous game I have ever witnessed. Worse then Washington. Hey Bledsoe you know everyone in the world watching knows you have no time outs and the out route is the only pass you can throw and you throw it anyway. The rain must have seaped into your ears and mushed your brain. Cortez bye. Petiti hell your a rookie what can I expect. Defense you are for real..................right up until the 2 minute warning of every game.


Collapse of monumental proportions even after 2 gifts inside the 20. I wanna hurt everybody :D:D:D


I'm with you Parcells I needed to punch someone also. Someone's gettin there A$$ woopt in the locker room today. If I were Cortez, Bledsoe,Pettiti, or A. Glenn I would take a cab straight to the Arizona desert and hope I or Bill don't see them.


To lose like that is the worst, I'd rather have each of my nuts tied to rope with two race horses running in opposite directions full speed! Man what a loss.



Bone make sure my sig line states how stupid I am, that I could believe that we could win with Cortez kicking for us. I was suckered by last weeks game winner. :D:D:D:D


You also have to agree that Alexander and your Seahawks were beat down for 58 minutes. Too bad the game is 60. Sooner or later my boys are going to have to come realize that games are 4 quarters 15 minutes long. Every week!


Unbelievable loss. I'm sick.

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This game should have been over by the fourth quarter. This was the most ridiculous game I have ever witnessed. Worse then Washington. Hey Bledsoe you know everyone in the world watching knows you have no time outs and the out route is the only pass you can throw and you throw it anyway. The rain must have seaped into your ears and mushed your brain. Cortez bye. Petiti hell your a rookie what can I expect. Defense you are for real..................right up until the 2 minute warning of every game.


Collapse of monumental proportions even after 2 gifts inside the 20. I wanna hurt everybody :D  :D  :D


I'm with you Parcells I needed to punch someone also. Someone's gettin there A$$ woopt in the locker room today. If I were Cortez, Bledsoe,Pettiti, or A. Glenn I would take a cab straight to the Arizona desert and hope I or Bill don't see them.


To lose like that is the worst, I'd rather have each of my nuts tied to rope with two race horses running in opposite directions full speed! Man what a loss.

Bone make sure my sig line states how stupid I am, that I could believe that we could win with Cortez kicking for us. I was suckered by last weeks game winner. :D  :D  :D  :D


You also have to agree that Alexander and your Seahawks were beat down for 58 minutes. Too bad the game is 60. Sooner or later my boys are going to have to come realize that games are 4 quarters 15 minutes long. Every week!


Unbelievable loss. I'm sick.







What happened? :D:D :violin: :violin: :D:D:D:yay:

Edited by bushwacked
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No seriously...what happened?  My power went out and just came back on.






Seahawks drives for the tying TD.


There are a few seconds left, so DAL is trying to drive into FG position. Bledsoe then throws an INT, and the SEA DB runs in to far FG range with 5 seconds left. Then Brown kicks a 50-51 yd FG to win.

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Seahawks drives for the tying TD.


There are a few seconds left, so DAL is trying to drive into FG position.  Bledsoe then throws an INT, and the SEA DB runs in to far FG range with 5 seconds left.  Then Brown kicks a 50-51 yd FG to win.







What a sweet victory...its about time we pull the trigger in the last seconds of the 4th. Dang I hope that will help us turn the corner on this season and never look back. We needed a win like that to bind this team together...lots of players on D played hard today...it was a definate win for the D and for Josh in the end. Could not be happier for Him!!!!!! :D

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Seahawks drives for the tying TD.


There are a few seconds left, so DAL is trying to drive into FG position.  Bledsoe then throws an INT, and the SEA DB runs in to far FG range with 5 seconds left.  Then Brown kicks a 50-51 yd FG to win.







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Cowboyz4-3, you kill me! Your lack of respect for the Seahawks & your overinflated sense of exactly how good the Cowboys are the exact traits that will have you sporting my sigline for the next two weeks!


Well I will tell it like it was. That was one heckuva game, with 2 very good teams slugging it out in a messy, loud environment. Every single yard gained by both teams was like pulling teeth, Every defensive stop was huge. That was one tremendous smashmouth defensive battle, and it fully lived up to it's Game of the week hype.


What's more, I got to hoist one with fellow Huddlers Skylive5, Dr. Bob, Jojothewebtoedboy & Down goes Frazia. Efren Herrera even raised the 12th man flag to thunderous applause to kick off the game! Truly an awesome day!


Driving home, I even saw the lights of the Goodyear Blimp.


And it read "Bonehand's a Pimp".

Edited by Bonehand
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Did I say our defense was gonna hit hard for Ken Hamlin today? Yes. Cowboys are a joke because they choke! One of the best games ive ever been too. I swear I thought we lost once we fumbled the punt return. GUESS AGAIN! Cowboys CHOKED! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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Cowboys CHOKED!



That is an understatement. That is a game they will have a very hard time overcoming. I gotta hand it to the Seahawks though they fought and pull one out of their colon. Making those 55 and 50 yarders was clutch. Wish we had a kicker like that. Sin of Cortez, just makes me :D

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Cortez misising a 29 yard FG was the final nail in his coffin IMO.Parcells will not tolerate this kind of performance from a kicker.Boys were lucky to beat the Giants in OT with Cortezs' performance in that game.Not a Cowboy fan but I could even feel your pain when Brown's kick went through for the W.

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Making those 55 and 50 yarders was clutch. Wish we had a kicker like that. Sin of Cortez, just makes me


Any team who relies on a kicker to win their games has no offense. If the 'girls had an strong offense, then a kicker wouldn't be needed to win the game. Need evidence look @ AZ and BALT.

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Any team who relies on a kicker to win their games has no offense. If the 'girls had an strong offense, then a kicker wouldn't be needed to win the game.  Need evidence look @ AZ and BALT.








Your right. Steve Young quoted it best "the more field goals you kick the closer you are to losing". We should have punched at least on of those gift turnovers in for 7. Young team, I guess I've gotta live with em and take my lumps.


Come on Bone do your worst, however your sig line can't hurt any worse then watching Bledsoe give you that game or every time Cortez trots out on the field(which I will assume will never happen again). :D


By the way when's the last time you've seen a player fall down and grab a reciever (whitten) and the ref pick up the flag and say it was not his fault he grabbed him he was just trying to break his fall. Bullshucks.

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i have to admit, today was FILLED w/ what football is all about. SEA pulling that win outta THIN AIR, NYG doing the same thing, PHI doing THE SAME EXACT THING. it was pure magic today.


not to mention i was rooting that way, because i hate the cowboys. no other reason. I just wanted all the NFC east teams to win but DAL. But that aside, football was in the air today.

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Your right. Steve Young quoted it best "the more field goals you kick the closer you are to losing". We should have punched at least on of those gift turnovers in for 7. Young team, I guess I've gotta live with em and take my lumps.


Come on Bone do your worst, however your sig line can't hurt any worse then watching Bledsoe give you that game or every time Cortez trots out on the field(which I will assume will never happen again). :D


By the way when's the last time you've seen a player fall down and grab a reciever (whitten) and the ref pick up the flag and say it was not his fault he grabbed him he was just trying to break his fall. Bullshucks.







Nice sig. :D

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As bad as I've felt after losing a game (in any sport) I've never felt bad enough to tie my nuts to a race horse.......I haven't laughed so hard since I don't know when.  Sorry about them Cowboys but you made my nite.  :D








Good at least someone's night was made. But seriously watching this game was just like that. As soon as Bledsoe threw that out route the slack in the rope was gone! :D


By the way the Holy Roller is why I hate the Raiders today. San Diego pulled the same crap by giving a blocked kick for a touch against Philly.

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