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Irvin is Incredibly Stupid


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Skipping down here, can we at least agree that men are superior athletically and intellectually? :D


My 2 daughters may not agree though :D




Women have brains 2/3rds the size of men. It's fact. You can't argue with science.

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First, this is a great thread, and I hope no one comes around and is an idiot and gets the thing locked. Cowbyz1, great stuff. I don't neccessarily agree with all you've written, but at least I can see where you are comming from. The back and forth between you and Rovers is great.


I went to a high school where about 30% of the student make up was black, 20% was hispanic, and almost 50% was white. Of my 5 best friends, 2 were black. Of the two black guys one was fairly well of where the other was what would be labled severely economically challenged. We did all kinds of things together. Black guys can swim. I had a 5'-8" 270 lbs nose takle riding my jest ski most of the summer between our junior and senior years. Black guys can also turn green when they drink too much and swallow some Copenhagen. I have been threatened by black people, and defended by black people. I remember one time that me, my girlfriend and one other couple were the only white peope at a party of about 50 people. One guy came up and got up in my face and started pushing me and such, and my friend went into his house and came out with a shot gun and said anyone that messes with the crackers is going find themselves a bit drafty. I've also been jumped by 6 black guys for no apparent reason. I've stared bar fights and been getting my as kicked unitl my black friends jumped in and saved me. I've seen the best and the worst of black people.


The fact of the matter is just like there some bad white guys, there are some bad black guys. I don't consider my self racist though I've been known to use the N word, in a derrogatory way, just as I'd call a white guy white trash or dumb red neck. I don't have a problem with black people, and I appreciate thier food, thier music (excluding rap), and their loyalty. I do have a problem with some of the so called black leaders, such as Sharpton and Jackson, who I believe only wish to deepen the racial divide. Of the black people I've known, those that have done well for themselves are those that do not consider themselves victims, and don't feel that anyone owes them a thing. The same can be said for for white people.

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I do have a problem with some of the so called black leaders, such as Sharpton and Jackson, who I believe only wish to deepen the racial divide.


I think Jackson is a SOB and he's a liar and he's in it for the money!


The world Black and White would be a better place if just crawled in a hole and stayed there.


Sharpton, well what can be said about this turd... I think he's in if for the fame!



Go Condi...

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First, this is a great thread, and I hope no one comes around and is an idiot and gets the thing locked. Cowbyz1, great stuff. I don't neccessarily agree with all you've written, but at least I can see where you are comming from. The back and forth between you and Rovers is great.




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First, this is a great thread, and I hope no one comes around and is an idiot and gets the thing locked. Cowbyz1, great stuff. I don't neccessarily agree with all you've written, but at least I can see where you are comming from. The back and forth between you and Rovers is great.


I went to a high school where about 30% of the student make up was black, 20% was hispanic, and almost 50% was white. Of my 5 best friends, 2 were black. Of the two black guys one was fairly well of where the other was what would be labled severely economically challenged. We did all kinds of things together. Black guys can swim. I had a 5'-8" 270 lbs nose takle riding my jest ski most of the summer between our junior and senior years. Black guys can also turn green when they drink too much and swallow some Copenhagen. I have been threatened by black people, and defended by black people. I remember one time that me, my girlfriend and one other couple were the only white peope at a party of about 50 people. One guy came up and got up in my face and started pushing me and such, and my friend went into his house and came out with a shot gun and said anyone that messes with the crackers is going find themselves a bit drafty. I've also been jumped by 6 black guys for no apparent reason. I've stared bar fights and been getting my as kicked unitl my black friends jumped in and saved me. I've seen the best and the worst of black people.


The fact of the matter is just like there some bad white guys, there are some bad black guys. I don't consider my self racist though I've been known to use the N word, in a derrogatory way, just as I'd call a white guy white trash or dumb red neck. I don't have a problem with black people, and I appreciate thier food, thier music (excluding rap), and their loyalty. I do have a problem with some of the so called black leaders, such as Sharpton and Jackson, who I believe only wish to deepen the racial divide. Of the black people I've known, those that have done well for themselves are those that do not consider themselves victims, and don't feel that anyone owes them a thing. The same can be said for for white people.




Thanks, I really like having dialog that makes people think. I believe racism is all about the lack of understanding between races of people and the more we talk among eachother the better. Your not going to change everyone but it's the fence sitters that I like to go after. I always believe that "Bad things happen when Good people stand by and do nothing".

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I'd also like to add... the largest slave traders in history and currently were/are darkies...



Wrong, the slave trade was taken to another level when the Europeans got involved. Maybe if they had taught the natives some of those good Christian values they had back then, maybe they would have thought twice about trading gold and spices for humans. Nice to see your ancestors had the moral fiber to steer clear of that sort of behaivor and set the example for the world to see!

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Wrong, the slave trade was taken to another level when the Europeans got involved. Maybe if they had taught the natives some of those good Christian values they had back then, maybe they would have thought twice about trading gold and spices for humans. Nice to see your ancestors had the moral fiber to steer clear of that sort of behaivor and set the example for the world to see!




Now that the Europeans aren't involved anymore, is it back down to acceptable levels for you? :D

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I have yet to see Tony Romo jump, and until I see him dunk the football over the goalpost I will NOT believe he has a black ancestor.



Also, I think Byron Leftwich has some white ancestors, because he sure can't run, juke, or jump. He probably can't even dance! Maybe Bledsoe is his brother.

Edited by CD6405
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not sure if this was posted anywhere in this thread but ESPN made a statement regarding this issue



ESPN Issues Statement on Michael Irvin's Tony Romo Comments

Posted Nov 27th 2006 7:51AM by Michael David Smith

Filed under: Cowboys, NFC East, NFL Media Watch


ESPN spokesman Josh Krulewitz e-mailed me the following statement on the Michael Irvin-Tony Romo controversy:


"Generalizations about heritage are inappropriate and what Michael said even in jest was wrong. We have spoken to Michael about it."


That's the official ESPN statement on the matter, which is also quoted in this USA Today story, in which Irvin says, "It's clear I was joking around. But I understand my comments were inappropriate. I apologize for those comments."


So is the whole thing over? I think it probably is. When ESPN doesn't report on a sports story, it's hard for that story to gain traction, and ESPN has made it perfectly clear it won't report on this story. Irvin will be back on Dan Patrick's show today, and unless he says something unbelievably stupid, he's put this behind him.

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My prediction: Irvin will issue an apology which he doesn't really mean, and then absolutely nothing else will come of it. Why, because nobody in a position of power in the entertainment industry is interested in a minority who is a racist... they simply don't care.


Raise all the stink you want... start a grass-roots internet campaign to have him fired... it doesn't matter... nothing will come of this.




not sure if this was posted anywhere in this thread but ESPN made a statement regarding this issue

ESPN Issues Statement on Michael Irvin's Tony Romo Comments

Posted Nov 27th 2006 7:51AM by Michael David Smith

Filed under: Cowboys, NFC East, NFL Media Watch


ESPN spokesman Josh Krulewitz e-mailed me the following statement on the Michael Irvin-Tony Romo controversy:


"Generalizations about heritage are inappropriate and what Michael said even in jest was wrong. We have spoken to Michael about it."


That's the official ESPN statement on the matter, which is also quoted in this USA Today story, in which Irvin says, "It's clear I was joking around. But I understand my comments were inappropriate. I apologize for those comments."


So is the whole thing over? I think it probably is. When ESPN doesn't report on a sports story, it's hard for that story to gain traction, and ESPN has made it perfectly clear it won't report on this story. Irvin will be back on Dan Patrick's show today, and unless he says something unbelievably stupid, he's put this behind him.




:D:D Told ya.

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But if Jimmy the Greek , Al Campannis and Rush Limbaugh are repremanded and/or fired then Irvin should get the same treatment.




It certainly contained a racial component, and IMO was thoroughly incorrect, but didn't touch on racial ability.

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For example, OJ is guilty as hell, and Black people know it. This is sick what I'm about to say, but it's the truth. Black people wanted him to be found innocent, not because they believe he was, but because for once, they wanted to see the system break in our favor. Simple as that. Sad as it is, that is the truth. We watch white criminals get light sentences for ironically coined "white collar crimes" or better stated, crimes against other people with money.


I don't think this is any secret. And to a degree, it's certainly understandable.


Of course, the OTHER side of this that many black people seem to live in blissful ignorance of is that they'd rally around a low-life Uncle Tom (if anyone fits that bill, it's OJ) rather than see justice done. OJ wasn't a Huey Newton, Malcolm X, or an MLK, who whatever faults they may have had wanted to BETTER the black community. OJ was a self-centered pr*ck who left it all behind faster than you can say "Heisman Trophy."

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Can anyone seriously think that Irvin's comment was worse than Limbaugh's? Limbaugh was making a statement doubting a person's ability and said he was only made out to be good because he was black. The media wanted a black QB to succeed.


Irvin's on the other hand is just a stupid comment saying, hey he may be part black because he can move around fast and stuff. I don't see that as racist, just as a weird thing to say.


Also....if someone researches Tony Romo's family history and finds a black ancestor, does everyone still get pissed?

Edited by CD6405
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Thanks, I really like having dialog that makes people think. I believe racism is all about the lack of understanding between races of people and the more we talk among eachother the better. Your not going to change everyone but it's the fence sitters that I like to go after. I always believe that "Bad things happen when Good people stand by and do nothing".



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How do black people do early pregnancy tests??? pm me for the answer.



ummm :D


Urine Collection and Storage


Please read these instructions fully


(1) First morning urine typically contains the highest concentration of hCG and is therefore the best sample for performing the urine test. However, any urine specimen may be used.


(2) Collect the urine specimen in a clean glass or plastic container. Do not use preservatives.


(3) If the specimen is not used immediately following collection, but is to be used within 48 hours it should be refrigerated (2 to 8 degrees C), and brought back to room temperature (l5 to 30 degrees C) before testing. If specimen is not going to be used for more than 48 hours, it should be frozen at -20 degrees C. A frozen specimen should not be used if stored longer than 2 weeks. Prior to testing, the frozen specimen must be completely thawed, thoroughly mixed, and brought to room temperature.


Test Procedure


1. Remove the test strip from its foil pouch.


2. Holding the strip vertically, carefully dip it into the specimen. Do not immerse the strip past the maximum line (Figure 1).


3. The strip can be left in the specimen or can be removed from the specimen when red-dye begins to migrate through the Result Window. Interpret test results at 3 to 5 minutes. Do not interpret test results after 5 minutes.




Interpretation of Results (Figure 2)


(1) NEGATIVE: If there is only one purple color band in the result window, this indicates that the specimen does not contain a detectable level of hCG and should be interpreted as a negative result


(2) POSITIVE: If there are two purple color bands in the result window, this indicates that the specimen contains hCG and should be interpreted as positive result


(3) INVALID: If there is no purple color bands in the result window, the test result is invalid. The control band will not appear if an insufficient volume of specimen is added into the test kit. Proper procedures may not have been followed in performing the test or deterioration of the test kit may have occurred. Repeat the test procedure using a new test kit.


Note: The instructions provided must be strictly followed in order to achieve optimal test reactivity with the urine specimens.



Do I win? :D

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ummm :D


Urine Collection and Storage


Please read these instructions fully


(1) First morning urine typically contains the highest concentration of hCG and is therefore the best sample for performing the urine test. However, any urine specimen may be used.


(2) Collect the urine specimen in a clean glass or plastic container. Do not use preservatives.


(3) If the specimen is not used immediately following collection, but is to be used within 48 hours it should be refrigerated (2 to 8 degrees C), and brought back to room temperature (l5 to 30 degrees C) before testing. If specimen is not going to be used for more than 48 hours, it should be frozen at -20 degrees C. A frozen specimen should not be used if stored longer than 2 weeks. Prior to testing, the frozen specimen must be completely thawed, thoroughly mixed, and brought to room temperature.


Test Procedure


1. Remove the test strip from its foil pouch.


2. Holding the strip vertically, carefully dip it into the specimen. Do not immerse the strip past the maximum line (Figure 1).


3. The strip can be left in the specimen or can be removed from the specimen when red-dye begins to migrate through the Result Window. Interpret test results at 3 to 5 minutes. Do not interpret test results after 5 minutes.




Interpretation of Results (Figure 2)


(1) NEGATIVE: If there is only one purple color band in the result window, this indicates that the specimen does not contain a detectable level of hCG and should be interpreted as a negative result


(2) POSITIVE: If there are two purple color bands in the result window, this indicates that the specimen contains hCG and should be interpreted as positive result


(3) INVALID: If there is no purple color bands in the result window, the test result is invalid. The control band will not appear if an insufficient volume of specimen is added into the test kit. Proper procedures may not have been followed in performing the test or deterioration of the test kit may have occurred. Repeat the test procedure using a new test kit.


Note: The instructions provided must be strictly followed in order to achieve optimal test reactivity with the urine specimens.

Do I win? :D




We have a Winnaaaaaaa!

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Can anyone seriously think that Irvin's comment was worse than Limbaugh's? Limbaugh was making a statement doubting a person's ability and said he was only made out to be good because he was black. The media wanted a black QB to succeed.


Irvin's on the other hand is just a stupid comment saying, hey he may be part black because he can move around fast and stuff. I don't see that as racist, just as a weird thing to say.


Also....if someone researches Tony Romo's family history and finds a black ancestor, does everyone still get pissed?

Let me preface this by saying that I think Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot... However, if the way you have paraphrased both Limbaugh and Irvin's comments is correct, then Irvin's comments are worse. Limbaugh doubted McNabb's ability on an individual basis that had nothing to do with race (i.e. Limbaugh didn't say that McNabb wasn't a good QB because he was black). Whereas Irvin's comments specifically said that Romo was good because of some racial component that he might have had.
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You know this thread starting me to thinking a lot about history and it dawned on me. What kind of life did people die for?


Take the Indians of America or the Africans in Africa. Before Europeans and Spaniards got involved a typical day for the "Savages" went something like this.


Wake up whenever, stoke the fire and gather wood for breakfast. Get the boys up and get the horses ready to go for a ride to see if there are any deer on the other side of the mountain. Get the few younger boys to calm down as this is their first time riding by themselves. Mom preps breakfast and packs jerky for the trip and prays for safe and successful journey. Then the men and boys take off for the day hunting and might stop off at the stream to teach the new boys how to catch some fish or swim to cool off. Mom and the woman gather wood and groom each other talking all day about how their men are lazy and would rather hunt then fix the teepee. The Grandmothers teach the young girls how to sew, tend the gardens and become strong heads of families. The men spend the day catching fish, swimming in the lakes and streams along the way while stalking game with a bow and axe. Every once in a while having to fend off rival gangs by kicking ass and showing acts of bravery to protect the tribe.


The men get home with fish and wild game. They all sit around the campfire taking about the trip and how little iron fist pissed his pants when a bear spooked him as he was drawing back to fire on a deer. They clean the game and teach their young how to prepare food and respect the land their ancestors walked. Once everyone is full and laughed out, the children are sent to bed and the men stay up by the fire talking and smokin $hit. Then they retire, to have sex with their wife’s or girlfriends then stare at the stars to fall asleep, just to wake up and do the same thing again the next day.


Enter the Europeans, Spaniards and early Americans with their new and "civilized" nature. First they round up the natives and chain them up. They tell the Indians that they need to hunt for gold and wake up every morning to amass wealth and build crap so that you can travel to new places and work harder to build more stuff there. After many years you will have what is called an Empire where you can live out the rest of your days worrying how to keep the crap you stole or earned. You need to put that bow and arrow away and get rid of that tent and build a new house that you will have to stay in, which will eventually need bars on the windows to keep the riff raff out that are starving because you killed all the animals to sell the hides to pay for the house. Also you need to quit teaching your boys how to hunt, fish, live off the land and respect mother nature and the girls how to sew, cook and mother a strong family in order to teach them how to read and write and balance a check book, build dams, bridges, factories, farms, and such. They came to show the "Natives" the grand vision of concrete jungles, cell phones and cars where the average man will wake up early to put on a suit and tie drive 2 hours in bumper to bumper traffic just to arrive at a cubical to spend 8 to 10 hours trying to sell crap, so that you can spend time with your kid hunting and fishing on Saturday and Sunday. Or better yet, get up at the crack of dawn to toil under some general contractor yelling a screaming that he’s behind schedule, while half the crew is high on meth trying to make it through until beer thirty. Then when he finally gets to go home to his wife who just got home from her second shift just to find out the kid has been kicked out of school for cutting class to drink beer with his buddies in the woods.


The “Great American dream” they call it. Don’t get me wrong, we have saved lives with new technology, created the best defenses in the world, traveled farther then imaginable, and invented great things because of it. However, had we of listened and learned rather then enslave Native cultures, we may not have had to join the rat race trying to preserve the very things we killed off and to afford to go hunting and fishing on the weekends. I love my Plasma, my freedom and security, my car and home but I personally would much rather hunt and fish all day and have to travel to the “Reservation” to watch the game! You ask me, the Indians had is right and had we been more respectful to their ideals and culture, we may be doing a lot more hunting and fishing and a lot less rushing and a$$ kissing. I just find it Ironic that we killed off the Indians, enslaved the Africans, then treat people of color with disrespect and prejudice, while all the while trying to save enough money to travel for tans and do exactly what the Natives have been doing for centuries, camping under the stars while hunting and fishing for what was once plentiful but are now Endangered Species. What we now call or designate; National Forests, Game Reserves, Mountain Resorts, and Habitat restorations the Natives called Home, Ironic indeed.

Edited by Cowboyz1
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