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Just dropped our dog off at the vet


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Dog lovers will understand what I'm about to write, others might think it is a bit dramatic. Today, our 10 year old Golden Retriever, Bettis :wacko: was taken to the vet. This morning, he fell over and wouldn't get up. He wasn't responding to me, so, I carried him into the car and we took him to the vet. At the Vet's office, he went through moments where he seemed better, walking and wagging his tail, then others where he seemed lethargic, laying on the ground. The vet came in, and his temperature was normal, but, she was concerned that his gums were pale. She did x-rays on him, and no tumors were found, which is a good thing. She said his liver looked slightly enlarged, but, she didn't seem too concerned about that. She then told us that something was wrong with the dog, and she recommended that we keep him in the hospital for a couple of days. They will do blood work, an ekg for his heart, and other tests. She said that he is an older dog, and that we should prepare for the worst, but, hope for the best. She told us to say goodbye to him, just in case, as she knows that something is wrong with him.


This dog has meant everything to me. As many of you know, I have had a tough last 6 years, losing my Dad, my Grandfather & Grandmother. I've also had issues with panic attacks and anxiety. Bettis was more comfort to me than I can ever express. He honestly was the perfect dog. Saying my "just in case" goodbye to him today was one of the hardest things I've ever done. My wife is a mess, but, seeing my 4.5 year old son crying and saying good-bye to his buddy was gut-wrenching to say the least. When they tried to take him from us, he pulled so hard that two of the dr.'s couldn't get him to leave my side. I had to walk alongside them so that he would go. Now, we are home, and we are trying our best to do what the Vet told us to do. We are preparing ourselves for the worst and hoping for the best. I never knew it was possible to love a dog as much as I do this one. I'm praying that he comes home to us in two days and that we can enjoy more time with him. If not, I will take comfort in the fact that we gave that dog a wonderful life. He was well taken care of and treated as part of our family.


As always, thanks for giving me a place to vent my feelings. I'm not afraid to admit that I am an extremely emotional guy, and this morning has been very tough. I will keep everyone posted.

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Man, that really stinks.


If it's his time, it's his time ... and in time, you'll find another dog to fill your live and your hearts.


If it's not his time, cherish the moments you all will have together.


Good luck parenting your son through this stressfull time for both of you!

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Good vibes to your doggie. My pug is 15 and and a half. She has trouble walking without falling. I've had a few time where she couldn't get up and I remember how scared I was, but luckily she kept going. Again, good vibes to your doggie.

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