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Is my family a bunch of douchebags or...

I Like Soup

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So I just got married this past Saturday. It was a "destination" wedding up in Sedona, AZ (I live in the Phoenix area) and not exactly traditional with just a best man and matron of honor, no mother/father dance, etc. since it is Joanna and I's second marriage.


My Dad is a retired pilot and flies standby. My Dad, stepmom, and Grandad were flying standby and planned on coming in Friday, and leaving Sunday, I think. Anyway, the loads were such that they had to fly in Thursday morning. They arrived at 10am Thursday morning and asked if they could come by the house to see all the work we've done. Well, we planned on leaving the area at around noon (packed three kids and all their crap for a four day trip) so I told them it wasn't good timing as we wanted to get out of town and in to Sedona to take care of things leading up to the wedding.


So, he reminded me that we were family and he was paying $1300 to come to the wedding and since it didn't seem they would get to spend much time with us on Thursday, they were staying in Phoenix that evening to hang with my brother. I told him that two months ago I told everyone that I was taking the following Mon/Tues off to visit with people who stayed in town, and also reminded him that Sunday we had a planned brunch and Pink Jeep Tour. Not to mention going out for drinks/dinner Saturday night (afternoon wedding). I also told him other people were flying in and spending money so...


Anyway, I end up paying for our rehearsalish dinner (just my best man and his wife, and Joanna's matron of honor and her husband), and my Dad, stepmom, and Grandad all leave half way through the reception to catch their flights...on Saturday. My brother who is a retarded 24 year old who still hasn't gotten laid and is clueless, didn't do his own reservation and instead relies on our Dad and he split a room with our Grandad, also drove home since he didn't have a place to stay. Even after we got him two other options for lodging that evening with friends.


On top of all that, none of my family so much as got Joanna and I a congratulations card, let alone gifts.


I won't even tell you everything that Joanna's family did for us because they are just saints and make anyone look bad methinks...


So...am I overreacting because I'm really pissed off at them or can I expect at the least a card to tell me to fu/bck off at least?

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No, definitely seems like you were dealt a hand of sh*t in the family department. That happens, sucks, what can ya do? Not even a card or a little token gift? Sheesh. Congrats on getting hitched. Focus on that, it's most important in your life now.


My wife's family is a mixed bag to say the least. I'm not sad that we moved 700+ miles away.

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First of all.....Big Congrats, Soupster!! :lol:


Second, I'm sorry your family sort of took some of the fun out of your celebration. :tup:


Sometimes flying standby just isn't going to cut it when there's a tight schedule. It's hard enough to plan a wedding, harder still to plan a destination wedding. It was a bit presumptuous for them to ask to "drop by" without any notice when they know you guys are probably rushing around and maybe a little frazzled trying to get out of town and make sure your GUESTS are taken care of at the destination.


They were being pills.....probably for some underlying reason you aren't aware of....yet. :wacko:

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even though it was a "small" wedding, i think it is unreasonable for them to expect you to take care of them. you can only do so much for everyone. their leaving- did they leave in a huff of was it just poor planning? they just might be a little dense. this isn't on you.

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Everyone has a certain level of expectation that is almost never met when it comes to family. Not so much the immediate family, but with my mother and father, this is a hugh burden that's been with Mimi and I since the marriage. It's normal. Don't sweat it, and better yet, don't hold a grudge. They think you weren't flexible enough to their need, and you feel they didn't accomodate your needs. It happens.


Saw the pics on FB, congrats!

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to be fair, you seem like kind of dick too.



Leave Rajn out of this



Congrats Soup :wacko: Sorry the family dampened things a tad but it sounds like you have a great woman and that is the main thing. All the best bro

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