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2005 Mystery Huddler #9

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A few us should apologize to Superballa too.  We thought we had him in our sights for a while there.








Well... when you think about it, it's Superballa's fault for obviously having enough tendencies similar to a gay elf for us to consider him being said gay elf.


Hey.. where there's smoke, there's fire.....

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Excellent job Thews! To dig up that dark time in your life and share it with us can only mean one thing. You need help in a big way.


Hopefully you got a chance to nail Chewbacca because whatever they paid you to model wasn't enough.

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Don’t hate me because I like syrup on my spaghetti and Al Davis pulled my beloved Raiders from LA (Jim Plunkett era fan) and ruined my childhood allegiance to a pro team. I admit it… tis I. About 8 years ago I was asked to model some Halloween costumes. They paid me, and I thought it would be a good chance to hook up with one of females during the day. This place is a distributor of costumes, and while some are low-end, most of them are high-end and sell for over $200. I figured I’d be a vampire, warlock, or some other cool costume. Let’s just say you don’t get to pick which ones you get to don, and some of them were on the gay side… it doesn’t get any gayer than “Male Elf”. Either way the purpose of the pictures was to go in the catalog and on the front display in the packaged costumes.


Two Halloweens ago, I mentioned this little skeleton in the closet (pun intended) to a friend at work. He thought it would be great fun to find the pics, which had since made their way to the internet unbeknownst to me, and send them out to our mutual friends at work. I was not amused initially, as people I didn’t know were chuckling as I passed them in the hallways. I did this for two years so there are more than a few out there, and I’m thanking fate for the absence of a wizard hat and robe pic. It took a good month before the passing hallway jabs subsided, but it all eventually went away.


When I first read about MH, the first thought that hit me was the portal directly into hell I’d be opening if the shredders ever got a hold of the skeleton buried deepest in the closet… male elf. A side note to something you can’t see is the chick I’m in this picture with. She had a nice body, but also had the hairiest arms of any woman I’d even seen, and if you wanted to run a DNA scan for missing link data it would have been warranted. Check out my avatar for another pic and check the arm hair on both of us.


They told me to bring some brown and black shoes with me to take these pics, and I brought cowboy boots. I actually took a picture in a ninja costume wearing black cowboy boots, so if you’re in your friendly neighborhood mall next Halloween when the outlet costume store opens, and there’s a ninja costume wearing cowboy boots, you’ll know there’s an elf behind that mask. So Capt”n and Whomper, when does the next MH support group meet?






:slowlybacksoutofroom: :D
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A few us should apologize to Superballa too.  We thought we had him in our sights for a while there.






I apologize to SuperBalla for thinking it was him. :D


(It's just that everything fit...elfen, gay, tattoo, no team!!! :D )

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After inadvertently wreaking havoc on the elf community due to his ungainly size, a man raised as an elf at the North Pole is sent to the U.S. in search of his true identity.








That movie's been done.

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Pretty funny...when Thews got interested in doing this he wasn't too sure about it due to the nature of the photo. After he decided though, he figured with enough of the right clues everybody would assume it was Superballa...d'mn if he wasn't right! Good job... :D

Edited by ABearWithFurniture
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Bushwacked gets the tube socks, post #51... well done... :D







hmmm...seems the postal worker in my neighborhood has just recently been sporting what look to be new tube socks that look exactly like the ones I've been stuffing into the mailbox... :D


has anybody got theirs yet?

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Controller is the chick elf.  Thews is the male.  :D


Good job, Thews.  Classic pic.  :D







Note to self: Add Timmayy and Az to "the list".


BTW, Timmayy - you are wasting valuable lawyer-website-hacking time on these Mystery Homo parades.

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