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So i'm on vacation in S Florida.


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Some of you know I am on a long vacation in South Florida. Really needed a break from the insanity that is New Orleans. I have been working on getting myself relocated however my original plan of moving to South Carolina has been put on hold indefinately. With that being the case I really didn't have a destination in mind. The idea of staying in New Orleans just does not appeal to me. I have a great job there and a few really close friends but that city is just not for me anymore.


So here I am in Ft Lauderdale just kicking back and recharging the batteries so to speak. Last weekend a friend of the family comes by and we get to talking about what I am doing and what my plans are. She tells me that while i'm here her husband would like to take me on a tour of the boats he is currently working on. He owns what is called a refit business. Basically what they do is when someone buys a Yacht and wants to personalize it to there liking he contracts out all the work. Everything from engine work to interior woodwork. Changing out furniture and electronics. Even painting and decorating. He runs the whole show.


Many of his clients wind up staying with him for the maintenance end of things. For those of you with boats you know there is a lot of maintenance involved. Now imagine that on a 130 foot yacht. :wacko:


So anyhow.... He starts me off on a 57 foot boat that he is working on and I am blown away by the size of this thing. Check out the engine room and then do an interior tour. All the comforts of home on a pleasure craft. We leave that boat and head off to a 70 footer. I like the engine room more on this one and start asking a bunch of questions. It had twin 8 cylinder diesel engines. So I spend quite a bit of time below deck and we take a quick tour up top. Now I am getting very interested in the "How it works".

Finally we head off to the last boat. A 117 foot floating mansion. This boat is owned by a Russian dude who owns an actual gold mine in Russia. :D He paid 2 mil for the boat and has 3 mil invested in the refit. They completely gutted this boat and redid everything the way he wants it. So about halfway through the tour Steve asks me what my plans are as far as relocation. I tell him everything is up in the air right now. So he says, " Let me make it easy on ya. You interested in working for me?" This really took me by surprise. I came down here on vaca and had no thoughts what so ever of moving down here. We go over the idea. What kind of money I can expect and other particulars. I decide to sleep on the idea.


I spent the last 2 days trying to come up with even one reason not to do this. I can't find one so I have accepted the job and will be going back to New Orleans to wrap up all the loose ends and hope to be a South Florida resident by mid october at the latest. Best part of all of this is that my boss up there is really cool about the whole idea. He told me last night on the phone that if it doesn't work out down here I always have my job up there to go back to.


Many of you know that the last 4 years have been filled with what seemed like insurmountable challenges for me. Somehow I made it through all of that and finally I feel like I have caught a break. I'm sorry this is so long but after all the crap that this community has helped me through the last 4 years I just wanted to share some great news for a change!

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Great news Tbimm! go for it - change is good and it sounds like you are more than ready for a big time change


worse places to be than S Florida working on yachts and when you do relo having a gig waiting for you is the way to go

Edited by wildcat2334
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That is awesome :wacko: Life is stange that way. When you least expect it sometimes good things just happen. It sounds exciting and I am very happy for you. Enjoy it bro :D

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I just sent BEM a PM with a link to this thread, so he could come and congratulate you. :D


Congrats TBimm, awesome news, all the best on your new venture! :D

I am sure he will be along shortly. I think he likes the way I roll my eyes at him. :wacko:

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Some of you know I am on a long vacation in South Florida. Really needed a break from the insanity that is New Orleans. I have been working on getting myself relocated however my original plan of moving to South Carolina has been put on hold indefinately. With that being the case I really didn't have a destination in mind. The idea of staying in New Orleans just does not appeal to me. I have a great job there and a few really close friends but that city is just not for me anymore.


So here I am in Ft Lauderdale just kicking back and recharging the batteries so to speak. Last weekend a friend of the family comes by and we get to talking about what I am doing and what my plans are. She tells me that while i'm here her husband would like to take me on a tour of the boats he is currently working on. He owns what is called a refit business. Basically what they do is when someone buys a Yacht and wants to personalize it to there liking he contracts out all the work. Everything from engine work to interior woodwork. Changing out furniture and electronics. Even painting and decorating. He runs the whole show.


Many of his clients wind up staying with him for the maintenance end of things. For those of you with boats you know there is a lot of maintenance involved. Now imagine that on a 130 foot yacht. :wacko:


So anyhow.... He starts me off on a 57 foot boat that he is working on and I am blown away by the size of this thing. Check out the engine room and then do an interior tour. All the comforts of home on a pleasure craft. We leave that boat and head off to a 70 footer. I like the engine room more on this one and start asking a bunch of questions. It had twin 8 cylinder diesel engines. So I spend quite a bit of time below deck and we take a quick tour up top. Now I am getting very interested in the "How it works".

Finally we head off to the last boat. A 117 foot floating mansion. This boat is owned by a Russian dude who owns an actual gold mine in Russia. :D He paid 2 mil for the boat and has 3 mil invested in the refit. They completely gutted this boat and redid everything the way he wants it. So about halfway through the tour Steve asks me what my plans are as far as relocation. I tell him everything is up in the air right now. So he says, " Let me make it easy on ya. You interested in working for me?" This really took me by surprise. I came down here on vaca and had no thoughts what so ever of moving down here. We go over the idea. What kind of money I can expect and other particulars. I decide to sleep on the idea.


I spent the last 2 days trying to come up with even one reason not to do this. I can't find one so I have accepted the job and will be going back to New Orleans to wrap up all the loose ends and hope to be a South Florida resident by mid october at the latest. Best part of all of this is that my boss up there is really cool about the whole idea. He told me last night on the phone that if it doesn't work out down here I always have my job up there to go back to.


Many of you know that the last 4 years have been filled with what seemed like insurmountable challenges for me. Somehow I made it through all of that and finally I feel like I have caught a break. I'm sorry this is so long but after all the crap that this community has helped me through the last 4 years I just wanted to share some great news for a change!


If you PM me when you get settled in, I'm certain that The Egg could provide you with a steak dinner.

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Absolutely Great news buddy. :wacko: Life has a funny way of playing out and the Good guys always seem to fall on their feet in the end.

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